Yeah! Just try using the shity search feature to find a topic. IT DON'T WORK!!!!! AND YOU SHOULD HELP YOU ARROGANT FUCK ASS BITCH.....
It does work, learn to use the search options. Such is in post, or just title, by user, or by tag etc. Yeah it may be a bitch to sort through it....but you will find the answer if you keep looking.
Like I said though, you dont have to use the search feature here. Use google, or any other search engine for all I care. The answers are out there.
I went out and collected as many old High Times mags as I could back in the day. Read the grow articles in them whenever I had the chance. Then I went and bought books, like the Indoor/Outdoor Medical Growers Bible and DJ Shorts book on breeding.
I am not only registered here, I am on a few other grow forums (in the background mostly) also.
If you TRULY have the desire to grow, you will do whatever it takes to find the info required at the time. If people decide to not answer your questions on one forum...try another. Use search engines, buy a some grow mags....but for crying out loud stop the:
Smoke a:

