what is this


Well-Known Member
Does anyone know what this is? Its little white balls. I'm not sure if its salt build up, calcium or something else. Please only reply If you know for sure, I can make guesses but I need to know for sure...thanks guys rock.jpg
rock 2.jpg


Well-Known Member
weird. doesnt look like salt build up, its usually more scally in appearance. my first thought was eggs, bugs.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I was thinking root aphid. Just eating away on those roots
The plants are in net pots. I took them out and looked through my 40 times glass and didn't see any aphids. Roots are bright white no bugs! Root aphid eggs are not white like the ones on my hydroton....


New Member
Looks/sounds like scale type insects(white'slow moving,sucking the life out of them)if it is, scale scrape them(almost impossible to rid them)


Active Member
Is that the new stuff the the company just replaced with recently?? If it is, they need to get back to the other one.
disclaimer: provided this is actually fairly new hydroton to you


New Member
I still assume its some type fungus/Mildew "powdery mold" use hygrozyme, can't do nothing but good. If it is fungus, I would put a fan on the hydroton... Could always just take it out and replace too..


Well-Known Member
Ya it could be a mold, this is my first run with hydroton. I have hygrozyme, but didn't use it this run. It seems to make my Rez slimy and shit. I'm pretty pissed I might add! People kept saying ” dude, use hydroton” not impressed so far! My plant roots are already embedded in the rocks..what the hell do I do????


New Member
Get too scraping haha. It would be unwise to damage the roots at this point? (don't know where your at in the grow)
Scrape all of what you see, and don't look at it. Harvest as soon as possible and forget the hydroton. If I were hydro I'd do a ebb n flow with rockwool. But that's me. I'm a soil guy... Fuck hydroton


New Member
But atleast your learning, and when all those hydroton heads say "hey man you switch from hydroton? WTF!?"
Point, laugh, and say yeah, cause I actually know what I'm Doing


Well-Known Member
The verdict is in! I took it to my hydro shop, its mold! Not sure how or why. I got SNS244, that will fix it. Not happy with the hydroton!