What is the street LB price in Cali and Colo?

Oregon is destroying the wholesale game...

100 units of top shelf... Sour D,, Glue,, Gelato.. 1650 each + 150 per unit for the Truck Driver... same quality sells for like 22-24 in Socal.... Shit like this is gonna force people to grow alot and sell it cheap to keep up or they are going to get squeezed out
pretty whack ... If you find a true gem from seed... u should never share it with anyone ... it will be your only saving grace
I am sure there is a smaller subset of people with money in his area tht like dealing with a careful professional. If he has found that smaller niche than more power to him.
bro im not debating wether he has a list customers, what he is saying is that he demands $4800 a unit because his shit is fire and organic - what im saying is his shit could be from jupiter he come around here and organic or not hes gonna have to adjust his prices or just sit on pillows of bud
bro im not debating wether he has a list customers, what he is saying is that he demands $4800 a unit because his shit is fire and organic - what im saying is his shit could be from jupiter he come around here and organic or not hes gonna have to adjust his prices or just sit on pillows of bud
Wait a minute, you must be talking about someone besides me. As I stated $3,200 a pound.
Indoor here in South Florida top shelf...$4k and that's wholesale.
what about bho? my homie is moving there, and want to send out shatter to him.. i heard FLA went medical but there is so many restriction. that its almost impossible to get the recommendation. for ya'll to get access to it. i might be wrong.
what about bho? my homie is moving there, and want to send out shatter to him.. i heard FLA went medical but there is so many restriction. that its almost impossible to get the recommendation. for ya'll to get access to it. i might be wrong.

Yeah, from what I read you pretty much need to be terminal and in incredible pain to get a med script. Also, no flowers. Period.

FL is not really a med state; it's still medevil.
That'll unfortunately change eventually. I new a guy getting the same numbers in an illegal state then someone started flooding the market with 15-1800 each and he now can't get anymore then 2800 each and is very greatful to get that. Still way above what everyone else is, but no where near what he use to. No one's gonna pay 4800/lb regardless of quality if they can get decent quality for 15-18 each. Enjoy those numbers while you can :)[/QUOTE
I've been hearing about 1100 units from California.
indoor if its available is 15 to 16 if its a.og or anything with the white in it. but all the 1k to 12 is Greenhouse light dep
Yeah, from what I read you pretty much need to be terminal and in incredible pain to get a med script. Also, no flowers. Period.

FL is not really a med state; it's still medevil.
thats right . edibles? or can you have wax as well?
When I actually buy I shop around and try to get a feel for it about once a year
Prices have been at a steady for quality outdoor anywhere from 900 to 1700
Indoor is different but still reasonable I wouldn't pay more than 2 grand but alot of people will go up to 3 I've heard.
I live in northern California we are knda spoiled
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Well, as an example- N.J. Sells in their dispensaries their best at $480 an oz, after taxes. I do a lot of business out of New Jersey. Lol

Either way, I offer a 100% organic product, free delivery, 1 month dating, etc..things you can't get normally here on the east coast.

I should add if I could could buy it cheap enough, I would stop growing immediately and just sell others stuff but there's a lot of bunk out there- everyone thinks theirs is the best, which it's not.
I could guarantee quality most people I know can as well it's a legality problem right now with state to state transport I can't believe we still prosecute but they have been this year I guess be careful;) cuz we need people to providem REAL medicine out there in the east. My family in new York lovee3e our Cali flavor!
Saw a webcast where an analyst was claiming that when the outdoor crop comes in for cali growers this year, prices for top shelf will be around $600-$800 a pound and last seasons leftovers or mid quality crops will be hard to sell, even to extractors.

Apparently you guys have brought literally tens of thousands of acres into production in just the last year.

Unfortunately, I don't remember his name or pedigree, but he was pissed. I think it was on hash church a couple of weeks ago.
pretty whack ... If you find a true gem from seed... u should never share it with anyone ... it will be your only saving grace
Seed stock is where it's at. That's what it's all gonna be about really soon if things go our way in the government. Seeds and I mean top genetics and feminized will be all the rage. We may need to improve the categorization of our breeds as well to include a the thc production one that is more specific than as is
Saw a webcast where an analyst was claiming that when the outdoor crop comes in for cali growers this year, prices for top shelf will be around $600-$800 a pound and last seasons leftovers or mid quality crops will be hard to sell, even to extractors.

Apparently you guys have brought literally tens of thousands of acres into production in just the last year.

Unfortunately, I don't remember his name or pedigree, but he was pissed. I think it was on hash church a couple of weeks ago.
Last year's weed is hard to sell, this is why we need the nation to wake up and lt us send our pot to everyone else the USPS would get alot more business along it countless other jobs that would erupt. Take it from me man even with the innovation growing and creating product could employ MASS amounts of people