What is the street LB price in Cali and Colo?

MMJ Dreaming 99

Well-Known Member
Not dispensary prices. I know prices are low in CO during winter and get better in summer. I heard the price erosion in Cali is down to $1200?? Any good web sites out there that track pricing? The few sites I have sound and not very good.
I know people from Cali who are well connected who were talking about 650-800 during the flooded part of the season. 1000 When its not so flooded.
Colorado 1200-1300 When flooded. 1600-2000 When drier.

If you have an increased plant count -- there are dispensaries selling decent looking pounds in denver for 750.
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I continue to get $4800 lb, same price for nearly 20 years. In not-legal state. People just can't find this kind of quality- they can and some do pay less to others but it's just not the same. Want the best, you'll have to pay for it. Or not........
That'll unfortunately change eventually. I new a guy getting the same numbers in an illegal state then someone started flooding the market with 15-1800 each and he now can't get anymore then 2800 each and is very greatful to get that. Still way above what everyone else is, but no where near what he use to. No one's gonna pay 4800/lb regardless of quality if they can get decent quality for 15-18 each. Enjoy those numbers while you can :)
Well, as an example- N.J. Sells in their dispensaries their best at $480 an oz, after taxes. I do a lot of business out of New Jersey. Lol

Either way, I offer a 100% organic product, free delivery, 1 month dating, etc..things you can't get normally here on the east coast.

I should add if I could could buy it cheap enough, I would stop growing immediately and just sell others stuff but there's a lot of bunk out there- everyone thinks theirs is the best, which it's not.