What is the point of tying down plants?


Well-Known Member
Outdoors and indoors I have tied plants down and over.
The primary reason is to reduce height.
Outdoors you can tie them or train them to do some funky things.....
You can change the shape or profile of the plant so it's not readily recognizable as the dread ganja. Better stealth.

This is a pic of a plant I tied over in a window box container....I had to shorten plant to get closer to light in stadium arrangement.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Hi Wavels... can you please post the picture HERE.. I could not get into the link without regestering.. cheers

Reasons to tie down a plant...

1. Allows better light penetration (opens up the plant)
2. Keeps the plant low (below fence line, out of neighbors VIEW)
3. Disguises plant (blends with other plant)
4. Keeps branches all the same HEIGHT (allows better light penetration)

You can train the plant any way you would like. Pulling the branches away from each other and making branches grow horizontaly can significantly increase yield..



Well-Known Member
fuck fuck fuck, fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck knowmlicksballs fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.



Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
fuck fuck fuck, fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck knowmlicksballs fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.


lay off the meth :hump:



Well-Known Member
Thanks you guys!.... I never weighed this plant, as I kept all of the buds for myself.....although I know for certain that my yield was enhanced by tying this girl over to fit into the top tier of my stadium layout. If you look to the left side of the container in photo....that is a loop of panty hose holding the plant down. The cola on the left is the main stem cola ....to the right is a bottom branch which became almost as large as the main cola.
This was grown indoors under 400W HPS and 600W HPS.

The plant was a cross I made with a Northern LightsXHaze male and a freebie I received a few years back called who’s your Daddy (killer) female.
I was very happy with the offspring of this cross....sweet and sticky hashy flavored buds...good mixed high.

I am considering starting more of this as I mull over my choices for my upcoming winter indoor grow....hmmmm. Decisions, decisions.


Well-Known Member

I usually can get 15 to twenty plants in, depending on the strains I am growing. I usually like to start from seeds so I never know for sure how many plants I'll have. I use mostly standard round containers with soilless mix....I try and keep them as close to light as possible ....for me stadium layout has worked very well..


Well-Known Member
The main point in tieing is to give the grower ample room in the grow room.The plant will still grow up along side its tied down stem.But rather than tieing plants down you can gain height and width by super cropping and practice of squeezeing the stem where you want it to fold.Once the plant has folded over just put a tie wrap or string around the folded bit of the plant.This can be a little dounting to the first timer but it is a great way of stopping a leggy plant in it's tracks.Make sure that both methods are only done during vegging.