What is the best reflective survice to use in your growroom

all is good iv used panda wrap/mylar/white paint /tin foil dont use tin foil lol had soem troubles but i think the paint was the best for my self easy to paint the walls easy to re paint if gets dirty or enything
I use mylar. You can find it at Lowes. I know some people who have even used those emergency camping blankets and they worked well too. I guess second best would be to paint your walls flat white. I don't worry about the floor because the plants will block out all the light anyway. I would not use aluminum foil. It may cause hot spots.

What section at Lowes is the mylar in ?
Panda Film is the easiest to put up and keep clean. I also made a curtain out of extra to divide the room, works great. It is very bright when the light is on. I found it way easier than a couple of layers of white paint. A staple gun and your through in no time.
Mirrors eat light, not sure exactly how the process works and not sure if it a old wives tale or what. I like I said use panda film. Surprised no one answered you yet usually have guys screaming DON"T USE MIRRORS!