What is the best reflective survice to use in your growroom

The reason I was told long time ago was that mirrors take or eat light so you are defeating the purpose. How can a mirror cause hot spots?
So where else can this panda plastic be purchased beside grow stores. Because to my knowledge there is no such thing in my area?
soooooooooooooooooooo youre sayin mylar needs to be totally flat. why not have imperfections this will rediredt light in many different ways some maybe not good but if you have a "mirror" wont it have hot spots???
You want to scatter the light, and a mirror reflects in straight lines. Matte white is actually the best surface for light dispersion , and gets light to more of the plants leaves without causing hot spots.
So just out of curiosity after my first post I decided to google "hydroponics stores'' on the map section. To my shock and disbelief I found seven within 30 miles! So for all of you who havent really checked and havent seen one doesnt mean they arent there.....give it a try....It was like heaven compared to home depot and they had the mylar!.....Best of luck
white is the best for any kind of plants. if mylar kinks or gets creased it can burn you plants from making a light reflection on one part of the plant. I recommend White or Getting Bubble foil from home depot because that cant crease easily.
IMO if you have a fan running, it will cause most mylar films to 'flutter', resulting in less hot spots.
After much debate I have finally come to a decision. I found some Panda film on e-bay at a great price and it will be here in a couple of days.
Pollish tinfoil with Lemon juice and vineger and you have a a substatute for 200$ per 5 ft. reflectants sold at N.A.S.A from the U.S Government
Dont use mirrors. I know its hard to believe but the actually eat the light. They do not reflect it and it gets lost in the reflective process. I use to know the link for this I will try to find it.