what is minimum light time for veg??


Well-Known Member
i was running a couple of fluorocent lights on a couple babies and i just bought a 4oow mh

my question is--> the power bill was steep enough with just the two 54w fluoros on 24/7 now that i have a 400w i want to cut down the lighting as much as possible without triggering flower, how do i accomplish this???

oh and the 2 fluoros are gone so im just gonna run my 400,,


Active Member
18-6 but apparently you can go as low as 14 hours light. I've never done that before. Go for the 18-6.


Active Member
yeuah i have my timer on for 12 and a half hours light they bud as quick if nto a lil quicker caus ethe extra half hour so go 15 why does everyone always says in two hour intervals just go 159 itll work


Well-Known Member

your bill is not that high because of 2 54 watt bulbs..... 108w....... you use more than that watching tv for a half hour


Well-Known Member
18-6 but apparently you can go as low as 14 hours light. I've never done that before. Go for the 18-6.
yeuah i have my timer on for 12 and a half hours light they bud as quick if nto a lil quicker caus ethe extra half hour so go 15 why does everyone always says in two hour intervals just go 159 itll work

your bill is not that high because of 2 54 watt bulbs..... 108w....... you use more than that watching tv for a half hour

wow thanks for all the imput!!

hmmmmm 16??? anyone ever do 16on 8off or 15on 9off??


Well-Known Member
They will only flower with 12/12.
Cannabis is dioecious and requires this light cycle to trigger its hormonal response into producing male or female flowers.
All though i have not done it i don't believe that you will be able to produce proper flowers with even 13 hours of light.
The plant may produce some kind of preflowers but this will not accelerate maturity.bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
o and to save energy, UNPLUG shit when its not in use. Your washer and dryer take loads of electricity in even if there not running, so do microwaves with clocks, and etc.