What if...

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
What if "currency" as we know it never existed and "things" were earned depending on a status u worked to obtain ur entire life ( think real life rep system ) would this encourage people to be smarter and nicer in general ??
Interesting.... It would certainly knock the world of prostitution on its heels...no pun intended

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
What if I smoked waaaay less weed? I know, I know....getting a little unrealistic now arent we, but hey, it does sound kind of funny right?

jammin screw

Well-Known Member
What if "currency" as we know it never existed and "things" were earned depending on a status u worked to obtain ur entire life ( think real life rep system ) would this encourage people to be smarter and nicer in general ??
What if you were right.... N I think yeah in a way cause economy is down in money.... Dollaz, scratch, endz, benjis, millis, n the f'n rest, how would we be broke or down with no money, the economy that is... But I guess there would still probly be people with nothing or maybe fewer that have it hard


Well-Known Member
I left for like ten minutes to go smoke...
So much missed...
...what would we do before the teen years, I started play'n doctor early, but not with my buddys...with their sisters an so on....but how would you know at lets say 10? :o

....I hate to run into little Sally next door 10 years later and find out it's Joe now.
Happens in today's world anyways :lol:
Yeah, John Stossel (or however you spell his name) would do a special case study report on, the mean streats of new jack city, where if you decide to go, you better have a mean and pollished moonwalk ready...or at least a dougie
LOL LOL LOL :lol: :lol:
No idea, when the child decides maybe ?? lol but i never thought my idea out really, could result with a bunch of gender confused freaks breeding like hamsters lmfao

Ok what if all men were buff and handy and all women were sexy and amazing in the kitchen ;) Would people cheat more or less??
I think girls would still cheat just as much, but guys would cheat less :D... I don't cheat anyways though, if I can't get nothin from my girl, I don't need to cheat. I'm down to just leave. Sex is important.
what if this world we live in is actually all a cover up conspiracy for aliens, by aliens?
The Matrix?
What if I am truman from "the truman show"?

Or what if YOU are?
What if this is really a message from a fan trying to get you to realize your whole life is a tv show?
Seriously....your while life is a tv show.
Weve been watching you your whole life...i especially liked the episode where you fucked up in front of the whole class in 2nd grade....and your dad gave you an inspiring speech...that was a good one
How did you know about that?:shock:
What if "currency" as we know it never existed and "things" were earned depending on a status u worked to obtain ur entire life ( think real life rep system ) would this encourage people to be smarter and nicer in general ??
No, people like Crypt would still get rep for being dicks :D
What if politicians were generally known for being honest and showing care for the people they represented?

Now THAT would be a wacky world...stranger than having a second thumb AND a monkeys tail combined.
Like Tribes :)
No but i will now :) I enjoy 80's movies in general
Escape From New York...

Has anyone seen it?
what if all {illicit} drugs were never created?
They weren't "created"

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
What if testicles were like 10 times their size now...like grapefruit.sized? Underwear would look different... You need a scrot bra. With underwires(for support, not more nutsack clevage)

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
What if you could go back in time and be the very first person to doorbell-ditch someone.

Or call alexander gram bell and be like "is your refridgerator running?...."

Hed be like..."what the fuck? Howd you get my number?"

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
Or how about track and field...i find the picture of people with nutsacks the size of 2 grapefruits trying to do the 100 yard dash hilarious...or hurdles