what hight to start bloom?


Well-Known Member
closet grow 4 foot square 1000w hps cool tube a.c. prune pots 3 gal have only 63" to light growing g13-haze how high? topped and lollypoped. Thanks apreciate any input! first indoor grow 62yo hippy. jack:leaf:


Well-Known Member
plants are now 12/14 inches with 8-10 tops each looking good and growing like a weed! Please if you have grown this strain let me know what size growth to expect after starting flower 12/12......and how close to the cool tube can you get? has almost no heat output with 400cfm fan cooling it. I can put my hand on it and keep it there right under the 1000w hps. Thanks to all in advance!!! newbie to indoor growing allways grew outside with no consideration for size!!


Well-Known Member
Have decided after moving light as high as possible that my max plant height is 60" so maybe next week will go to 12/12.....width?? May be rough but it will be a learning curve for sure! Next pic's of the clones to replace for next grow..Clone/seed cabinet w/14 T5's 3 fan's intake-exhaust+oscillating charcoal filter on intake.!owl's shawdow3 033.jpgowl's shawdow3 045.jpgowl's shawdow3 026.jpgowl's shawdow3 046.jpgowl's shawdow3 012.jpgowl's shawdow3 030.jpgowl's shawdow3 006.jpgowl's shawdow3 007.jpg


Well-Known Member
Looking good, Jack. I've grown G13-Haze, and she can stretch quite a bit in flower. I ScrOGed them under a 250w-- the screen was set to 10", and the colas reached a solid foot after filling the screen. It looks like you have a bit of extra floor space, so if you are concerned about height, consider training them to shorten them a bit. You need not tie them down like mad, just buy yourself 6" or so.

In terms of light distance, I have no direct experience, but what I have read indicates that you need at least 8" from the 1000w bulb.

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
depends on the phenos of the haze cross you got... they look mostly indica phenos so they shouldnt stretch too bad... if you have a total of 60 inches you'll have to account for that you are going to have to give them 10-20 inches of leeway from that 1000watter so the tops dont burn... that is unless you can keep that bulb cooled off enough... ;)


Well-Known Member
NITEGAZER: Thanks for the input my cooltube is! you can keep your hand on the glass right below the light it's bathwater warm.. Thanks again! Thought by the color mostly indica..but have suprised outside before!!(Looked indica ended at 13 feet and was sideway's due to weight!) jack