• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

What health issues does the "erb help u with?


Well-Known Member
I was just wondering what health issues some of you folks have that 'erb helps you with vs. synthetic drugs that can damage many organs in the long term.
I for one had that stupid gastric bypass surgery in 04', I had no problems until this past July. I started throwing up everything I ate I was down to 110 pounds not good for me. Come to find out I had an ulcer at the opening to my stomach which had became inflamed and closed hence not letting any food pass. Needless to say I live so far in the boonies you can't find any decent Dr.'s I have been threw hell. I am now gaining weight and keeping it on, the end result is I produce too much acid, and I have 5 ulcers in my tiny stomach, and even with high doses of the good meds. nexium and protinix they won't heal. So the pain is really unbearable at times alot of the time. 'erb keeps me calm I don't get upset as easily, I have an appetatite, now. I also have psoriasis, with that come arthritis, and it doesn't care that I am only 31 with 2 kids that need me to be active! 'erb is what keeps the pain at least in check. I haven't taken prescription pain medication in 6 months & they had me on morphine....Hummmm what does that tell you, tells me they want to keep me as a customer, and the best way to do that is get me hooked they are no better than crack dealers in my book.
Well anyways I was just curious.:hug: to all!!!


Active Member
Hey, well.... for some reason I was always getting sick a lot as a kid, and it sucked. I was always small and frail. The herb helps my appetite and keeps me from feeling nauseated all the time. Motion sickness is no longer a problem.


Well-Known Member
Marijuana is one of the most beneficial and therapeutically active substances known to man. Due to the prohibition of marijuana however; it’s use as a medicine is restricted. However, recent Canadian government legislation have made it more available to patients. Patients are now able to apply for personal possession and even a limited cultivation license.

Few herbs offer a wide variety of therapeutic applications like these:

· Relief of muscle spasms
· Relief of chronic pain
· Reduction in interlobular pressure inside the eye
· Suppression of nausea
· Weight loss – increase and restore metabolism

Marijuana can treat these conditions:

· AIDS - Marijuana can reduce the nausea, loss of appetite, vomiting from the condition itself and the medications as well.

· Glaucoma - Marijuana relieves the internal eye pressure of glaucoma, and therefore relieving the pain and slowing or even stopping the condition.

· Cancer- Many side effects of the medication to stop cancer can be relieve with Marijuana, some studies suggest that Marijuana tends to slow down the progress of some types of cancer.

· Multiple Sclerosis - Muscle pain, spasticity, tremors and unsteadiness are some of the effects caused by the disease that can be relieved by Marijuana.

· Epilepsy - in some patients, epileptic seizures can be prevented with Marijuana use.

· Chronic pain - Marijuana helps to alleviate the pain caused from many types of injuries and disorders.

· Anxiety, Depression or Obsession - Even though mild anxiety is a common side effect in some users, cannabis can elevate your mood and expand the mind

"With the expansiveness that occurs with marijuana, the subject may begin to notice infinite possibilities to raise the quality of his/her life that would otherwise have remained hidden from normal, defensive consciousness. And feelings of health and happiness naturally lead to hope, which of itself can be curative."- Joan Bello

Many obsessions or quick fixes to psychological problems can be eleviated by Marijuana as well. Many people eat because they're depressed. If the depression is treated, the obsession to eat should be gone as well.

Any of these phycological conditions can be treated by a psychiatrist; marijuana should be an alternative therapy, used in conjunction with psychiatric therapy.

· Physical Addictions- There have been testimonies from opiate users that report an easing of addiction cravings. Some cannabinoids in cannabis are believed to have similar effects as ibogaine, a medication used to treat heroin addiction.

The cannabinoids in Marijuana mimic the healing effects of a naturally occurring chemical in the brain called Anandimide. However, this naturally occurring cannabinoid also produces the negative effects that one would experience from high concentrations of cannabinoids in marijuana.

Medical marijuana can also benefit you psychologically and spiritually.

Marijuana can be used to enhance personal Spirituality. The herb tends to reveal your true self. It uncovers inner confusion and reveals your true direction - if you let it. Marijuana offers an effect that is both energizing and relaxing at the same time. This balanced effect will help some to think more clearly and more efficiently afterwards.

"Marijuana will not tolerate repression. Tranquillizers and depressants relax the body and release tension, but the state of mind associated with these drugs is "unconsciousness" whereby we escape rather than resolve our dilemmas. Alcoholism is an extreme need of both the body and personality sometimes to release the nervousness that has accumulated and continues to build up to an unbearable degree. It serves the same function for the collective personality for the society, as well A culture in which alcohol and tranquillizers are the prevalent form of release prefers not to witness internal confusion and actually choose to act without conscious participation, maintaining a semi-numb condition." - Joan Bello

"Marijuana can act as the loosening agent, so that whatever has been banned from consciousness may come cascading forth. To uncover our deceptions without our usual rationalizations can be unpleasant, an experience that has turned many psychologically fragile individuals away from marijuana despite its therapeutic catharsis."- Joan Bello


Well-Known Member
I was just wondering what health issues some of you folks have that 'erb helps you with vs. synthetic drugs that can damage many organs in the long term.
I for one had that stupid gastric bypass surgery in 04', I had no problems until this past July. I started throwing up everything I ate I was down to 110 pounds not good for me. Come to find out I had an ulcer at the opening to my stomach which had became inflamed and closed hence not letting any food pass. Needless to say I live so far in the boonies you can't find any decent Dr.'s I have been threw hell. I am now gaining weight and keeping it on, the end result is I produce too much acid, and I have 5 ulcers in my tiny stomach, and even with high doses of the good meds. nexium and protinix they won't heal. So the pain is really unbearable at times alot of the time. 'erb keeps me calm I don't get upset as easily, I have an appetatite, now. I also have psoriasis, with that come arthritis, and it doesn't care that I am only 31 with 2 kids that need me to be active! 'erb is what keeps the pain at least in check. I haven't taken prescription pain medication in 6 months & they had me on morphine....Hummmm what does that tell you, tells me they want to keep me as a customer, and the best way to do that is get me hooked they are no better than crack dealers in my book.
Well anyways I was just curious.:hug: to all!!!

Sucks wanting to be like Anna, doesn't it? And then they got you addicted to morphine. I don't think they are crack dealers, I think they were trying to alleviate your pain. Just one question, Was your surgery volenteery?


Well-Known Member
Ive got a non-eating disorder ,I guess you could say. I can go for like 2 weeks not wanting to eat ANYTHING. Versus, sometime I eat everything that doesnt eat me first.(heh)This leave me shaky,sometimes babbling,and usually with an out of whack blood sugar.
Anyways...its gives me appetite.
I also have ADD, but I have not noticed any signifigant change when I smoke...but then again, I may be too high to notice..........


Well-Known Member
i have ADHD. I find the good 'erb helps me to relax and concentrate better than prescribed shit like 'ritilan'. It also helps my insomnia.


Active Member
I have MS...was smoking before the diagnosis but It helps, it really does...the muscle spasms fucking suck and my body always hurts, smoking helps so much, also keeps me clam so I don't stress and cause a relapse. Any one else have MS? I found out a few months ago and have questions if anyone else feels liek sharing


Well-Known Member
Yes, Sheskunk it was voluntary, but I had my doctors screaming your gonna die within the next 10 years, now my job was physically challenging b4 I had my kids when I was thin Sheskunk, when I had kids, and then my thryroid went, I blew up, plus the steroids for the chronic bronchitis I had I ended up at 336 give or take a few. So they had me scared, and there were more positives than negatives at the time, and more alot more positive comments about it, than bad ones and yes I read and listened to the bad ones....too.

Sheskunk I worked in the medical field there were better ways to go about relieving my pain, then when I was addicted they acted like I was street trash! THEY gave me no other options, and YES Sheskunk I did ask about other options acupuncture was one, and the other was a topical I could use to ease the pain at the incision site, but oh no, drugs,drugs,drugs, they keep the pharmacy and the drug companies in business than the Dr's get their little rewards....UUUUMMM I could list those rewards for ya Sheskunk...but I don't think I'm gonna have to, and no I DO NOT want to look like Anna Nichole I would rather have some junk in the trunk that is why I'm smokin 'erb........can't people read around here, damn this site is full of all kinds.... ...don't blame me b/c most Dr's are controlling people with a type A personality, maybe you can figure it out from here.....:confused:


Well-Known Member
can't people read around here, damn this site is full of all kinds.... ...don't blame me b/c most Dr's are controlling people with a type A personality, maybe you can figure it out from here.....:confused:
First of all do not say this site is full of kids like it is always a bad thing. It is a marijuana web site, of course it's going to be full of kids. I am probably conisdered a kid in my 20's now, but I was very interested in what you were saying. Don't let 1 ignorant comment make this site less reputable to you. There are people in their 30's on this site who are bigger and more ignorant pricks then some of the younger crowds here. I am glad that smoking marijuana has helped you and hope it continues to. I for one to do trust doctors and won't even take shots anymore.


Well-Known Member
First of all do not say this site is full of kids like it is always a bad thing. It is a marijuana web site, of course it's going to be full of kids. I am probably conisdered a kid in my 20's now, but I was very interested in what you were saying. Don't let 1 ignorant comment make this site less reputable to you. There are people in their 30's on this site who are bigger and more ignorant pricks then some of the younger crowds here. I am glad that smoking marijuana has helped you and hope it continues to. I for one to do trust doctors and won't even take shots anymore.

i think they said KINDS. like, damn, this site is full of all kinds of misunderstandings.:mrgreen: :joint:


Active Member
Lets get bak on topic here ppl ;) I my self use cannabis because of many a problems. For one,i survived wat i some would call an "alcoholocaust". I used herb to wean my self off the booze and i havent had a drink for a little over two years now!(IM so pround of me:) Some arse holes have told me u gave up one vice for another, but my drinking was completely out of hand and quite frankly its a miricle I graduated high school.Well i did not survive the alcoholocaust untuched, to say the least. My three year non stop bender left me with a god damn Hernia in my fukin stomach. At first i thought it was alcohol poisening, because i was throwing up pretty much anything i put down my throat, including water, antacids, 7 up, white bread and more vodka.i can remember the morning i woke up with the unbearable pain, i thought my body was aching for booze since i had drank quite a bit the night b4 some thing like a 5th of chopan vodka so i just drank more thinkin it would calm my nerves but nope barf o rama. And i used to be known for haveing a notoriously strong stomach(been a hot sauce FREAK since i was a little kid).
Well i was pretty much bed ridden for a month before i could force my self to try and go back to schoo. I went to multiple doctors and they ran alot of blood work, and i Hate needles! They suspected giardia wich is a parasite which lives in ur deiatry tract, but the shit test came back negative . The only thing they could think of that was causing all the pain was excess acid so they perscibed me prilosec. Well after about a year of living with every day pain i finaly told my mom enough of this bs take me to a hospital, so we did. They gave me an endoscope whice is a camera on a cable which they shove down ur throat to look at ur diatery tract. They determined i had a hiated hernia, which is basicly when part of ur stomach get caught in the sheet muscle of ur rib cage.
Great, just great. Sooo, they perscribed me another medication to take along with my prilosec, sulcarafate which does work to some extent but i cant even get the cock suckers down my throat theyre so damn big! Horse pills the deffinition of horse pills, and i have trouble swolowing advil. Well its now been aboutu 7 or 8 months since the endoscope and iv been switched to more powerful nexium(and expensive). I have no appetite wat so ever due to the pain in my stomach, i just recently visited my general doctor and he has officaly delcaired me anorexic! Im 6'2 and i weigh about 137, i dont sleep much either due to the fact im in pain and the beds here in my dorms really reallly reallly suck hairy sweaty gorilla balls. When i smoke the appropreate meds( not a big fan of the sativas) i can willingly go get somthing to eat at the abysmal cafeteria, i mean its god fukin awfull, Id rather live on alfalfa or edble flowers or ANYTHING!
But yea if it werent for pot i probably wouldnt be sitting here typing this, id be on an iv getting pumped with nutrient fluids. I really have to try n get my weight up, some mornings i wake up shaking from the malnutrition. So im trying to aquire my Oregon Card, but im having truble deciding how to go about bringing it up to my doctor, he seems a bit conservitave. My parents are backing me up on this, cause they see the benifits outweighing the negatives. I was wondering if i were to get my card could i smoke im a dormatory? Does any one know any thing about that? And if not could i just step out side and treat it like i was smoking a cigarete?


Well-Known Member
it sure stops the pain of my cyatica and hernia pain that i got while being in the military. wish i could afford to live in ca and get a medical card for bud. here in fl they will give you 30 days in jail for a roach. its sad but true. can't seem to get the va docs to recommend mj lol.


Well-Known Member
my g/f has chronic kidney failure and is on Dialysis. Some of the symptoms of Dialysis include a bad increase in anxiety, restless legs, and nausia. Bed time would be miserable for that poor sweet girl if I couldn't get her some MJ. So that's how it helps us. Don't have a card though. Think she'd qualify if we lived in the right state? I can't believe its still completely illegal in GA...


Active Member
i got my card for anxiety... of course my anxiety was due to the fact that pot was illegal and i didn't want to get in trouble with the law... so now with my medical card... i feel no angst at all... it also helps with pain in my leg