What has Trump done to this country?

Watching from the UK at the USA implodescunder the leadership of a fucking wanker.

Been coming a long time and waiting until the nationals of the state finally fuck him off.

All well and good protesting but he still calls ALL the shots while the nationals get frustrated even more and risk death by Covid, HE wins all the time and will always until you make a proper move.

Shout all you want but he's still there in full charge and the citizens put him there so take him down.

All too little too late in my opinion but here we are with the USA providing yet another comedy show BUT this shit now is serious and we, the world, are fed up of the constant US fucking A Trumpster comedy show.

No good bolting the stable door after the horse has bolted us Englishmen say and also, if you're going to do a job, do it right and shouting does fuck all.

Get a move on I'd say.
That sounds remarkably like that POS British fucking Empire that subjugated most of the World for 400 fucking years, until the Americans, the Irish & Indians kicked they're sorry asses back too that Shithole called England. :)

Ah really

Whilst you lot looked like cavemen before us lot arrived to try to teach you English but some just never get it.

Still to this very day even. Look at them perform ffs.
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Cant we all agree we are all fucked? Well, the Canadians seem to be doing pretty good comparatively. Fuckin Canucks always seem to be winning, the bastards. I wish I was one.

I want to live where Mohana lives and I'll be content. For the meantime a split between the UK and Asia is fine but planes need to get flying first.
You've had our back, like always?
If it wasn't for the USA, you'd be speaking fucking German.
Get real

Get facts correct please and don't preach what you think is history to me.

You lot came in last and good you did because we got rid of most of them before you came. You joined the winning team as sub late in the game pal and saved fuck all.

Get facts my boy before your great nation stories from uncle Joe.
Don't know because it don't matter to me. It's individual circumstances and that has no issue to me at all. It's a free world for an Englishman and if you spare a second to worry about brexit and being a dope smoker
You must have fucked it up somewhere.

Give up with the USA vs the UK dick is bigger.

I as an English dope smoking citizen have fuck all to worry about and your concern should be more nearby if say. You and your fellow countrymen have a lot to put right if you have the balls instead of just mouth.
Buggah got all 'is teeth, wot?