Well-Known Member
What ferts did you use for your plants when
you were a wee lil one? The days before Fox Farm,
Advanced, Dyna Gro etc...
Chicken & pigeon poop
was the shit back then as well as
fish emulsion, blood & bone meal
for my plants. I would also
unleash some earthworms for the
castings and to help aerate the soil.
What ferts did you use back in the day?
you were a wee lil one? The days before Fox Farm,
Advanced, Dyna Gro etc...
Chicken & pigeon poop
was the shit back then as well as
fish emulsion, blood & bone meal
for my plants. I would also
unleash some earthworms for the
castings and to help aerate the soil.
What ferts did you use back in the day?