Well the bible says GOD made adam and eva (I know that's not spelled rite) but if we where made to screw the same sex GOD would have said adam and steve.JMO But I don't see how 2 men or 2 ladys could show there face in publick with out shame and I also belive that THE GAYs ARE GOING STRAIT TO HELL AT THE END OF TIME.jmo and that's how I was raised.and I will go to my grave beliving that.If every one was gay there would be no new kids born and man would just die out.Gays jmo are sick people in the head.TELL ME Why would 2 men wount shit on there dicks??Iam dun with this sick post..ky
We live in a world where we are running out of resources because our world is massively populated. It would take a lot more than 3% of gay people to make a dent in the population... besides gay people can adopt children that would otherwise sit in homeless shelters.
Everything in this world has a purpose...
Also we have a separation of church and state for a reason. People cannot push their morals or beliefs on someone else. Just because you believe they are going to hell, doesn't mean that being gay is wrong. Gay people have a purpose: adopting children and reducing the over-population. Straight people, however, continue to hurt the earth by increasing the population. Maybe we could use some more gays....
IF god said that being gay is wrong, that was in another time (sodom and gomorrah).
Since then a lot has changed.
Marriage before god is another issue that I don't care to discuss. Personally, I think it should be up to the religious official who does the marriage. There will always be the few hardcore believers who see gay's as blasphemous. Just find a minister willing to marry gays. But I think churches should be treated like businesses, they should not be able to refuse service to anyone (my opinion).
I don't normally contribute to discussing beliefs in a public matter, however I feel that KY Man was a little harsh due his own ignorance. I just wanted to contribute my 2 cents.... If you disagree with me then its no big deal!!