What does an 8th go for where you live?

40-65 in socal. but 1/8 are about the worst size. I prefer a gram of a few different strains unless I grab an ounce. an eighth is just such a highschool weight.
I just moved out to Colorado a few months ago, but where I'm from in Queens, they don't sell 8ths. You can get "dubs" which are the baggies for $20...but in that area of NYC, they weigh it out to .8 grams in the baggie, when it really should be a full gram. Getting 3 of these dubs for $60 doesn't equal an 8th. The one or two times in a blue moon I've found 8ths, they only weighed out to about 3 grams, never 3.5. So yes, it all depends where you live, because out here in Colorado, they do 8ths for about $40.
over here in michigan ive been running a mobile dispensory with the highest quality medical for some time. and i see it on average 40-45 an eighth. 30-35 being "a hook up"(what i charge) 120-140 for halfs and i dont have problems pushing zips across for 225-240 and 850-3200 for qp and pounds cash. not a bad market around here id say but the people are getting the taste of the real goods and are realising to cancel out the noobs and chemical growers. and as soon as you hit the larger city areas the prices go up. 250-300 an ounce or so in the cities. 50-60 an eighth.
i bought a 1/8 in a dispensary in cali once and they gave me 1.2 of shakes, im like wtf ? lol $45 , eastcoast got em for $40 ! usual gdp , bubba, u know, the stuff the cali guys call the leftovers..
U.P. MI - $20 Bucks a gram, but $45,$50 - $60 is pushing it. it better be fucking good and phat, or really dry around town - OZ $400 high retail. A quarter is a Hundred and that's generally what people round here buy.
We don't sell 1/8'th in aus, the closest we have is like a nationwide price of 3 grams for $50. it's called a 3fa, as in 'threefa fifty'

It's pretty much the juiciest profit margin for small time or by the gram sellers, as it allows them to move a few grams at once for a high price.
Singles are $20, mates rates might get you 2 for 30, Q's go for 70-80 dep on quality, a 1/2 goes for 150, bags can be from 250-300, I pay about 280.
50 a qt for name brand strains (quality/potency depends more on grower than genetics in this case) in my NY hood.Somewhat inconsistent. Better delivery services have better bud but they charge about $60 for 3 grams.
From a club some top shelf is $60... but on the streets you can get nearly the same quality for 35-50... buy an O and you could get grade AAA for $240
3,5 grams is $91 - $109 where I live, and then you usually have to take what you get. Most of the time it's fucking useless hash for $91, sometimes it's better hash or some random green stuff that's closer to $109. Don't take me wrong, it's possible to get your hands on some really good buds, but you will be sorely disappointed if you want to know the strain or expect properly cured weed.
Wonder why I want to grow my own.
8ths begin at $15 and usually cap around $45 here in Colorado Springs.

No, just because it's cheap does not mean it is bunk.