What does an 8th go for where you live?

$25 on the street for some good purp or kush

$40-55 in the dispenseries for top shelf whatever else

i in the bay area Ca.

i sure i could get 8th of some mids for dirt cheap but who likes to smoke bullsht ?
this is correct, an 8th of top shelf from a friend or on the street is usually 25 dollars, but no more than 10 a gram if you dont know the person. At the club top shelf 8ths go up to 45 or 15 dollars for an individual gram. During the harvest season ounces of good outdoor are usually 100 dollars and 8ths are 15.
I know it can differ by where we live and supply/demand but what's a good honest price for your area? Some asshole tried to sell my roommate an 8th for $75. $60 is usually primo round here.

^ has to be a joke ... no way in hell people pay that... Come to Grand Rapids, Mi its 30 - 40... 200 an ounce but you go to the dispensaries and its 50-60... and 400 an ounce...
here in FL you can usually get it about 45 to 50 an eighth .. but if you grow your own like i do then well its quite the investment :joint:
Well I just paid £20 for a mother fucking gram in SE London and this is about the best I can get. This is a new low. I am fucking crying. I need help. Someone help me!
Well I just paid £20 for a mother fucking gram in SE London and this is about the best I can get. This is a new low. I am fucking crying. I need help. Someone help me!

I'd be more than happy to, if I weren't on the other side of the pond...that's outrageous.
I'd be more than happy to, if I weren't on the other side of the pond...that's outrageous.

I wish you could help me! Look like I'm gonna have to stick to the second rate Thai and the Jamaican Bush until I'm on the way with my grow plans. I don't mind the Jamaican so much, it's schwag for sure, but it serves a purpose and it's affordable. Only probably is to see that dude you have to meet him at 3am. But really man I don't get it. How do they get away with constantly pushing the price up and up, from month to month. Arrgghh! Sickening
Here in Scotland we are paying average £15 per gram, they sell half scores, 1/8th, usually as 3 grams so you are not even getting a full 1/8th. But it costs £45 so its still £15 a gram.

£15 = $22.93
£45 = $68.79

I know people that we avoid who sell for more expensive and the quality is very much worse than the cheaper stuff!!
i paid $35 today for some decent no-name.....40 for the real good.

a bit ridiculous considering 5 ceeds of most strains go for 45-50$

this is in illinois
$50-60 a 8th around these parts. $350-400 a oz. No one seems to want to cut me any better deals, or I would knock out my shopping once every 3-4 months. This hunting it down every week or 2 gets old. Part of the reason I am here. Lol
primo buds.. better then club topshelf.. is 50$ 8th .. 90 1/4.. 160 half. 300 a zip.. those prices are for people who im cool with.. prices that the dudes I sell it to .. they sell 8ths for 60.. quarters for 110. halfs for 200.. and fulls for 375-4... and if I decided to grow some super super hazey shit ive had Sativas that flowered for 15 -20 weeks go for 500 a oz.