What do you want to know?

I would like to know where that nifty little button on Facebook went where you could send your friends gifts on their birthday. 'Member? It was like "Today is Josiah's birthday! Send him a gift." And send him a gift was underlined...and then you could just buy something through that and it would take care of the rest...it would get his address for you and send it off and all that...where did that go?? I need that!
I drink these all the time.

my favorite! great with turkey sammiches and for the drank mix 1 part vodka, 1/2 part sprite, 1/2 part arizona watermelon, 1 shot parrot bay coconut rum. theeeee shit
Isn't watermelon itself like 90% water? I think that's why most things are just watermelon flavored lol.
ok i wanna know..

the winning numbers for next weeks superlotto and mega millions
why the fuck wendys thinks they can raise their prices to almost $9 for a fn combo and the food got shittier
how to do a backflip
how to cook a wellington so ramsey loves it the first time
how to not be too lazy to learn how to fix cars
what a few riu ladies look like butt nekkid
where the fuck that malaysia plane went
all the shit in the ocean we we dont know about

think thats it
I want to know why if I put up a picture with the HINT of a nip, it gets taken down within 1 minute.

But a sock puppet account can put up overwheight, naked, she-male shit-eating porn pictures and it doesn't get taken down.

Instead the thread gets locked. And the fun is ruined for everyone.

My question is, who is locking these threads? And why are they playing to the whims of a sock puppet?

Any guesses would be great - because I'm stumped...
I want to know why if I put up a picture with the HINT of a nip, it gets taken down within 1 minute.

But a sock puppet account can put up overwheight, naked, she-male shit-eating porn pictures and it doesn't get taken down.

Instead the thread gets locked. And the fun is ruined for everyone.

My question is, who is locking these threads? And why are they playing to the whims of a sock puppet?

Any guesses would be great - because I'm stumped...
I wanna know two things.
# 1. Why they stopped making the flinstones? That show was entertaining for kids and grownups.
# 2. Why has the flow of dirty pictures to my pm box slowed down ;)
I wanna know why I woke up all early and busted ass to get sod laid and the veggie planting finished before the rain and now its not even fucking raining. Now I gotta get up and go water. It better rain soon cause I'm fucking done for. 65 hour work week with my own yard work and side jobs in between. I'm dead.