What do you think of the free-for-all at the border?

The infant mortality rate is figured differently from country to county. Some don't count stillborns, some don't even count babies under a certain age, Therefore, that particular statistic isn't accurate.
But we certainly aren't the leader are we?
There was no one here before what we call native Americans. If there were, there is no record of it.

Well the Mayan`s made it down to South America/Central America as early as 2,000yrs. BC. You might be right about that ... but there`s always a chance any recordings got destroyed by Nature or War.

Anyway, that`s outta my league.

He's not smart, a C student
And that's after buying his way into school
Beady eyes, and he's kinda dyslexic
Can he read? No one's really quite sure
He signs stuff and he executes people
Maybe that's why, he doesn't have any friends
Cocaine and a little drunk driving
Doesn't matter, when you're the Commander in Chief.

Idiot son of an asshole
He's the idiot son of an asshole
Idiot son of an asshole
He's the idiot son of an asshole

*Put on some make-up, turn on the 8-Track,
I'm putting a week back on the shelf,
Suddenly I'm the President, of the United States,
But they I woke up, and realized I'm still me.

He's too dumb, to eat pretzels,
apparently smart enough to fix an election.
Moved boldly into the White House,
though most people voted against him.
He likes naps, He's good at naptime,
A couple of naps and then a nap and then he's ready for bed,
He may be from Bush decent, He's always gonna, gonna be the un-president

Idiot son of an asshole
He's the idiot son of an asshole
Idiot son of an asshole
He's the idiot son of an asshole
Idiot son of an asshole
He's the idiot son of an asshole

He's was our president!
Red can't seem to comprehend that being the leader in infant mortality statistics actually means youve the lowest rate of infant mortality.

Its kinda sad (yet telling) that he thinks kids dying makes you a winner...
Half empty half full, depends on how you mean. Both are correct.

I often hear that Mississippi is the leader in obesity. And they sure don't mean the most fit people physically.
The Mexican border probably wouldn't be so messy if Eric "Watermelon head" Holder would quit selling guns to the Cartel.
I see this free for all as a way to evaluate or re-evaluate a nationalism for Americans. There is a hypocrisy built into this country's existence in terms of ownership, citezinship, and history. I can't see any way to ignore the fact that I am a first generation American. The free for all of Europeans that came after ww2 are no different, they had a dream of a freedom that was simply impossible. This is very important to understand before making any irrational and ignorant claims. America is a stolen land and just because time has passed it does not change that. There is a neglect to respect a national conscience that is not patriotic but just ugly and hateful.
A handful of white christian Americans...

funny how you blame us all for taking necessary steps to greatness.

Yet you excuse the failures of black americans, and other non white americans for some reason.

self loathing.
You sound like a nazi. Give it a rest man. Remember the Civil War? The Union won. That was greatness and more than a handful paid the price. Race is just inflammatory and you are using it to piss people off for some reason. You are not elite nor are non-white people any less important.
What do you suggest the "president" do, build a giant wall?

or better still, bring our troops home from around the world, and make the US/Mexico border a giant military reservation and live fire range.
next time we have to go to sandland our boys could be well prepared training in the desert southwest, and as a side benefit, sneaking across the border would become very difficult, since military reservations are not subject to posse comitatus rules, and the military can secure them without even involving themselves in the impotent civil and criminal systems.

mexico has militarized it's border with guatemala (with exactly the same arguments the OP made, (ignorant uneducated non-assimilating foreigners driving down wages and violating their laws) and theres not a peep from the "international community"

we should do the same.