What do you think is an appropriate raise for someone working minimum wage?

And yet all of your outrage seems to be directed at the workers.

I am not outraged at anyone. I am simply explaining that being more valuable to your employer makes you worth more. I am speaking about personal empowerment.

A star NFL quarterback is not on the team because he deserves a living wage, he is on the team because he is the best at what he does. He gets paid accordingly. The same is true for any company, it is what the employee can produce that drives the wages and profits. If you take a company that has a break even point at a payroll of 75,000 dollars and you say that they need to pay 100,000 to make a living wage then the company has to raise prices if possible or go out of business. It is economics, not philosoply.
Yeah, you're right but you have it completely ass backwards

Less regulations and less oversight gives businesses and corporations more leverage over government

You can tell by the way they spend billions in lobbyists every year in an attempt to bribe politicians for less regulations. Have you ever seen lobbyist argue for more government control?

LOL!!! Yeah, that is why 1000 page bills are written and passsed every day... Legislators write legislation, the
That's the game, get the middle class to hate the poor, so instead of the poor and middle class who are both being collectively fucked over by the rich joining the same team and effecting change, divide and conquer. Lots of interesting books on this subject. Check out Richard Wolff's youtube channel, he gives pretty good talks about once a month, lately they've been extremely relevant considering the economic situation in Europe at the moment


I dont envy anyone and I certainly dont hate anyone. You are the one that talks about the enemy, not me.

When I wanted to make more money I started several businesses and made more money. When I decided to change course I sold a business and I made money. I am going to expand the other business while I work on the other side to make more money.

Nobody is stopping you from making a higher wage but yourself.

So, who is angry again?
I am not outraged at anyone. I am simply explaining that being more valuable to your employer makes you worth more. I am speaking about personal empowerment.

A star NFL quarterback is not on the team because he deserves a living wage, he is on the team because he is the best at what he does. He gets paid accordingly. The same is true for any company, it is what the employee can produce that drives the wages and profits. If you take a company that has a break even point at a payroll of 75,000 dollars and you say that they need to pay 100,000 to make a living wage then the company has to raise prices if possible or go out of business. It is economics, not philosoply.

Makes sense to me. (Credit to whoever posted this first)
Makes sense to me.

Should every player on a football team get paid the same amount regardless of position and/or performance?

How about the movies? Seems fair that they all should get paid millions rather than the star getting 20 - 40 million right?

Lets have a little fun with this re-distribution!!
I am not outraged at anyone. I am simply explaining that being more valuable to your employer makes you worth more. I am speaking about personal empowerment.

A star NFL quarterback is not on the team because he deserves a living wage, he is on the team because he is the best at what he does. He gets paid accordingly. The same is true for any company, it is what the employee can produce that drives the wages and profits. If you take a company that has a break even point at a payroll of 75,000 dollars and you say that they need to pay 100,000 to make a living wage then the company has to raise prices if possible or go out of business. It is economics, not philosoply.
Avg. CEO pay increase since 1975 - 325%
Avg. min. wage employee pay increase since 1975 - 6%

It's very clear to anyone reading those numbers they're not fair, moral, or economically viable

You say businesses will have to raise prices, I say CEO's, execs and board members will have to take less

You don't like that, so you blame the employees

And that's the bottom line because Stone Cold said so
Should every player on a football team get paid the same amount regardless of position and/or performance?

How about the movies? Seems fair that they all should get paid millions rather than the star getting 20 - 40 million right?

Lets have a little fun with this re-distribution!!
Who said anything about everyone being paid the same? But please argue the fact that their all paid FAIRLY. None of them are going home and deciding whether to fill their prescription or eat dinner. Not the same thing.
Avg. CEO pay increase since 1975 - 325%
Avg. min. wage employee pay increase since 1975 - 6%

It's very clear to anyone reading those numbers they're not fair, moral, or economically viable

You say businesses will have to raise prices, I say CEO's, execs and board members will have to take less

You don't like that, so you blame the employees

And that's the bottom line because Stone Cold said so

Employees are not slaves. They are not bought and sold and they are not chattle that have to serve one master. Bringing slavery into a minimum wage conversation is 'Hitlering' it.

You discount the amount of damage the government has done to the cost of living due to inflation, overspending and the diminishing of the value of the dollar.

My points have been about personal empowerment but you dont want to hear that because you have no faith in yourself. So be it.

How many employees are working at Dunkin Donuts? Take his salary, multiply it times 10 and then divide by employees. How much will it improve their standard of living?

How much will their standard of living improve when Dunkin Donuts files for chapter 11?

BTW, what happens to minimum wage for part time employees and what is considered part time? Are you going to force businesses to only employ full time workers? Is that the next step comrade?
Who said anything about everyone being paid the same? But please argue the fact that their all paid FAIRLY. None of them are going home and deciding whether to fill their prescription or eat dinner. Not the same thing.

People in the work force are being paid fairly. Jobs are offered at certain wages and people voluntarily accept those jobs or not. Even if minimum wage was completely repealed tomorrow, no one would work for a job posted for 99 cents an hour.

You cannot arbitrarily say a job is worth 'X' because if it is not then that job will not be created. It cannot be created because it would not be sustainable.

From a freedom prospective, a job is worth what someone will do it for. Any other method involves reduction of choice and therefore freedom.
Do you have a problem with his salary? Do you think he's worth it?

No, I do not have a problem with his salary. I have no opinion whether he is worth it or not. Hillary Clinton probably pulled down more than him in speaking fees last year and she sure as shit isnt qualified. HOWEVER... She signed contracts with people to give her large piles of cash. She is the 1% of the 1% an I am sure she is going to change all that once she is president *giggles*

If you are of the belief that the pie grows and that someone having more does not mean that you have less then you can let go of worrying about everyone elses financial situation and focus on your own. And if you do that you will find there are many ways to either make more money or improve your situation in life. Waiting for and/or demanding that some government organization fix it is not the path to happiness.
Should every player on a football team get paid the same amount regardless of position and/or performance?

How about the movies? Seems fair that they all should get paid millions rather than the star getting 20 - 40 million right?

Lets have a little fun with this re-distribution!!
Everyone should have all they need to survive, since there is more than enough resources and wealth to go around for everyone to have this.
How many employees are working at Dunkin Donuts? Take his salary, multiply it times 10 and then divide by employees. How much will it improve their standard of living?

Even based on your arbitrary conservative estimate it would improve the average min. wage employees life tremendously

How much will their standard of living improve when Dunkin Donuts files for chapter 11?
Like Hanauer said, chicken little economics..
BTW, what happens to minimum wage for part time employees and what is considered part time? Are you going to force businesses to only employ full time workers? Is that the next step comrade?
Their wages increase to the standard living wage, part time is anything less than 40 hours. Accepting a part time job is a legitimate choice, very much unlike your belief that people won't take jobs for lower wages than they're worth when the other option is starving
Everyone should have all they need to survive, since there is more than enough resources and wealth to go around for everyone to have this.

There is talk that we might have solved faster than light travel. Discovering a new power source (cold fusion or some other one) could put us easily into the realm of having plenty.

We have more raw materials than will be needed for thousands of years just out in the asteroid belt.

Why limit yourself to the planet?
There is talk that we might have solved faster than light travel. Discovering a new power source (cold fusion or some other one) could put us easily into the realm of having plenty.

We have more raw materials than will be needed for thousands of years just out in the asteroid belt.

Why limit yourself to the planet?
Why deflect from the fact that just destroyed your entire hateful worldview of scarcity and poverty?
This means that independence for everyone is a crazy pipe dream. No matter what, there will never be enough jobs to go around, but there is far more than enough wealth and resources for everyone on earth to live well.

So you want to eat your neighbors grass because it is greener. Pass the pipe.
If you are of the belief that the pie grows and that someone having more does not mean that you have less then you can let go of worrying about everyone elses financial situation and focus on your own.

The pie is growing, but the only ones benefiting are those at the top. Padawan showed you this in the increases in CEO salaries now verses 1975. I'm still waiting for you to explain that. And I'm not worried about my financial situation, I'm fine. But I'm smart enough to know that a rising tide raises ALL boats. I just hate to see people struggling when they shouldn't have to.