What do you think is an appropriate raise for someone working minimum wage?

bad ass enough for yah

Hell yeah, good job! Can't say I agree with the fact it's illegal, but hopefully they'll make it all legal soon enough and your worries will be gone.

That's what I'm talking about though- you busted your ass and got to what you have now. Things are possible in this country. I'm just tired of all the crybabies saying it's impossible unless someone gives them something is all.
Hell yeah, good job! Can't say I agree with the fact it's illegal, but hopefully they'll make it all legal soon enough and your worries will be gone.

That's what I'm talking about though- you busted your ass and got to what you have now. Things are possible in this country. I'm just tired of all the crybabies saying it's impossible unless someone gives them something is all.
but i am risking everything to do it because the honest work sucked so much and paid so little it was this or put a gun to my head

i been waiting for almost 3 years for them to write the damn rules ......last i heard they had 86 pages dealing with the plant but they forgot the concentrates/edibles so 2 more years before they write that up .....they are not willing to take up from US smoker( legal owners from other states) they want to write the whole thing themselves

if i do not see any movement by mid next year i am leaving for CO work out there in one of those shops apply what i get to my own here when they finally do it but i hate to lose the word of mouth i have built up if i stop making it then ppl will forget
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but i am risking everything to do it because the honest work sucked so much and paid so little it was this or put a gun to my head

i been waiting for almost 3 years for them to write the damn rules ......last i heard they had 86 pages dealing with the plant but they forgot the concentrates so 2 more years before they write that up .....they are not willing to take up from US smoker( legal owners from other states) they want to write the whole thing themselves

if i do not see any movement by mid next year i am leaving for CO work out there in one of those shops apply what i get to my own here when they finally do it but i hate to lose the word of mouth i have built up if i stop making it then ppl will forget

Yeah I don't know shit about the weed business, I just smoke it.
A better question is who is it up to to make that decision? You, your employer or the federal government?
The employer
Instead of spending your time doing all this math you could go get a roommate or a second job. Then you'd be livin' large.

Don't get in the habit of crying about problems and asking for help or handouts- get in the habit of doing, going, working and making. This is America.... No one wants to hear a sob story, they want bad asses and hard workers. It's a dog eat dog world, not a day care.
Hell yeah, good job! Can't say I agree with the fact it's illegal, but hopefully they'll make it all legal soon enough and your worries will be gone.

That's what I'm talking about though- you busted your ass and got to what you have now. Things are possible in this country. I'm just tired of all the crybabies saying it's impossible unless someone gives them something is all.
Nobody is asking for anything for free. If wages kept up with productivity, the minimum wage would be near $22/hour, because of inflation, real average minimum wages have increased by 6% since the 1970's while average CEO income has increased by more than 325%. So what's happened here is instead of businesses increasing their average employees wages over the course of the last 45 years to match productivity, that share of the income generated by the workers alone has filtered to the top of the pyramid. In other words, CEO's, top executives and corporate interests have devised a way during that time to legally steal the portion of the income that should have gone to the workers and gave it to themselves and their companies shareholders. This is why 99% of the economic gains since 2010 have gone to 1% of the population and why the gap between the poor/middle class and the wealthy class has been steadily widening during that time.



The people in charge of running the opposition to increasing wages, namely republicans in government, sell people like you this idea of everyones just asking for free shit, they just want a handout, this gimme, gimme, gimme, mentality. Everybody's just lazy and stupid and doesn't want to work for it.. When the reality is the exact opposite, there are American workers working more than 2 jobs just to make ends meet, just to pay for medical costs or student debt. $7.25 is a slave wage, you can't live anywhere in America on your own working full time making minimum wage. Demanding higher wages, wages that the poor & middle class rightfully deserve is not crying or asking for a fucking handout.

The wealthy class that make up 1% of the population of our country have stolen all the wealth, given it to themselves and their shareholders and blamed the poor for utilizing social safety net programs they wouldn't have had to if they didn't steal all the fuckin' money for themselves.




Do a little research about this. The why's and how's are much more sinister than you might think.
The employer

Nobody is asking for anything for free. If wages kept up with productivity, the minimum wage would be near $22/hour, because of inflation, real average minimum wages have increased by 6% since the 1970's while average CEO income has increased by more than 325%. So what's happened here is instead of businesses increasing their average employees wages over the course of the last 45 years to match productivity, that share of the income generated by the workers alone has filtered to the top of the pyramid. In other words, CEO's, top executives and corporate interests have devised a way during that time to legally steal the portion of the income that should have gone to the workers and gave it to themselves and their companies shareholders. This is why 99% of the economic gains since 2010 have gone to 1% of the population and why the gap between the poor/middle class and the wealthy class has been steadily widening during that time.



The people in charge of running the opposition to increasing wages, namely republicans in government, sell people like you this idea of everyones just asking for free shit, they just want a handout, this gimme, gimme, gimme, mentality. Everybody's just lazy and stupid and doesn't want to work for it.. When the reality is the exact opposite, there are American workers working more than 2 jobs just to make ends meet, just to pay for medical costs or student debt. $7.25 is a slave wage, you can't live anywhere in America on your own working full time making minimum wage. Demanding higher wages, wages that the poor & middle class rightfully deserve is not crying or asking for a fucking handout.

The wealthy class that make up 1% of the population of our country have stolen all the wealth, given it to themselves and their shareholders and blamed the poor for utilizing social safety net programs they wouldn't have had to if they didn't steal all the fuckin' money for themselves.




Do a little research about this. The why's and how's are much more sinister than you might think.

I worked several jobs at the same time and even had roommates to live with and I didn't have shit left to spend either. I had debts, medical expenses, all that shit. That's life, dude, everyone goes through it. I just won't agree that people deserve anything- no one deserves shit.

Demanding higher wages is human, I agree with that. We should always demand more. Minimum wage should be somewhere closer to 9 or 10/ hr not $7.25. But assuming that people should be paid a livable wage is asinine and an insult to people all over who fought tooth and nail to get to a comfortable place in this world. It's no ones responsibility to make sure you can afford Dre's new beats headphones.
I worked several jobs at the same time and even had roommates to live with and I didn't have shit left to spend either. I had debts, medical expenses, all that shit. That's life, dude, everyone goes through it. I just won't agree that people deserve anything- no one deserves shit.

Demanding higher wages is human, I agree with that. We should always demand more. Minimum wage should be somewhere closer to 9 or 10/ hr not $7.25. But assuming that people should be paid a livable wage is asinine and an insult to people all over who fought tooth and nail to get to a comfortable place in this world. It's no ones responsibility to make sure you can afford Dre's new beats headphones.
You clearly don't know what a living wage is, so let me define it for you;

"the minimum income necessary for a worker to meet their needs that are considered to be basic."


That sound like Beat's to you?..

Why do you believe taxpayers should pay for the basic needs of Walmart or McDonalds employees instead of Walmart or McDonalds? They pay their workers the minimum wage, those workers can't afford their rent or food or whatever so they utilize food stamps at the tune of $74 billion a year, that's coming from me, you and all the other taxpayers, and not Walmart or McDonalds or any of these other businesses that pay their employees slave wages.

Can you explain that? Why you think I should make up the difference in higher taxes that provide the basic needs for minimum wage workers while corporations top executives and shareholders take home a bigger portion of the pie every year? Can you explain how a consumer economy can function properly when its citizens don't have the ability to buy goods or services?
You clearly don't know what a living wage is, so let me define it for you;

"the minimum income necessary for a worker to meet their needs that are considered to be basic."


That sound like Beat's to you?..

Why do you believe taxpayers should pay for the basic needs of Walmart or McDonalds employees instead of Walmart or McDonalds? They pay their workers the minimum wage, those workers can't afford their rent or food or whatever so they utilize food stamps at the tune of $74 billion a year, that's coming from me, you and all the other taxpayers, and not Walmart or McDonalds or any of these other businesses that pay their employees slave wages.

Can you explain that? Why you think I should make up the difference in higher taxes that provide the basic needs for minimum wage workers while corporations top executives and shareholders take home a bigger portion of the pie every year? Can you explain how a consumer economy can function properly when its citizens don't have the ability to buy goods or services?
So we should put you down in the "Let em starve, us taxpayers don't need no stinkin Walmart workers" column?
I agree with many of the assertions by Libertarians that less government intrusion is good thing, and I agree with lots of Ron Paul's economic principals, despite the fact that I am a Bernie Sanders supporting, Obama loving liberal.
I think that raising the minimum wage is a good thing for governments to do. That and to promote business fairness. Actually the only thing Obama did to really piss me off was that he never went after the banks for the 2008 fiasco. It's the job off the government to enable the SEC to keep a check on such matters for the benefit of the entire World's economy, because if the US dollar fails, and it just might if you listen to the logical arguments of people like former Texas Senator, Ron Paul, there will be a severe Worldwide depression. The whole thing is a house of cards and the governments may just keep all the central banks printing money and praying that inflation will stay low.
But I digress, I think it's a good thing to have government oversight on fair and safe business practices.
It seems like things are starting to change in the political establishment. I mean, I'd never think that Trump would be doing this well, but I think this a reflection of both parties being sick of the status quo.
These things are all cyclical in history. They broke up the monopolies in the beginning of the 20th century, and it seems as though there is a tidal movement in that direction again. Go Bernie!
Capitalism is GREAT! Seriously, it makes the world go around. I'm not being sarcastic.
BUT... most corporations only goal is to make profit. Frequently that bottom line has unknown expenses that the corporation will avoid and pawn off on the local population. I.e. Environmental degradation.
And there is a form of corporate Darwinism that means businesses will adapt and consolidate. Monopolies are almost as big a problem today as they were in 1890 and "Too Big to Fail" is BS.
Anyway, I thought I'd just throw that out there.
Ron Paul is completely full of shit and racist. His ideology is flawed and his rhetoric is designed to appeal to tea bagging mouth breathers.

With that being said, I used to like him, until about 5 years ago.
Ron Paul is completely full of shit and racist. His ideology is flawed and his rhetoric is designed to appeal to tea bagging mouth breathers.

With that being said, I used to like him, until about 5 years ago.

Yeah, I agree. I am by no way endorsing Ron Paul or any Libertarian agenda for that matter. I was attempting to paint myself as a thoughtful liberal that tries to look at problems from all points of view.
However, that type of perspective tends to create a duality in principals that tend to oppose each other. For instance, I am against Capital Punishment legislated through the courts, but I feel that it's justified for someone to kill a child molester if caught in the act. Not reactionary vigilantism, but on the spot busted. I would totally side with that type of justice.
Wow! Sorry. I'm totally baked and rambling.
I admitted my own odd duality of principal, yet somehow missed the irony of the people who are posting republican, fox news banter on a MJ grow forum.
I wonder if those right wing nuts who post on RIU see the duality in themselves?
It's comical when you think about it.
I agree with many of the assertions by Libertarians that less government intrusion is good thing, and I agree with lots of Ron Paul's economic principals, despite the fact that I am a Bernie Sanders supporting, Obama loving liberal.
I think that raising the minimum wage is a good thing for governments to do. That and to promote business fairness. Actually the only thing Obama did to really piss me off was that he never went after the banks for the 2008 fiasco. It's the job off the government to enable the SEC to keep a check on such matters for the benefit of the entire World's economy, because if the US dollar fails, and it just might if you listen to the logical arguments of people like former Texas Senator, Ron Paul, there will be a severe Worldwide depression. The whole thing is a house of cards and the governments may just keep all the central banks printing money and praying that inflation will stay low.
But I digress, I think it's a good thing to have government oversight on fair and safe business practices.
It seems like things are starting to change in the political establishment. I mean, I'd never think that Trump would be doing this well, but I think this a reflection of both parties being sick of the status quo.
These things are all cyclical in history. They broke up the monopolies in the beginning of the 20th century, and it seems as though there is a tidal movement in that direction again. Go Bernie!
Capitalism is GREAT! Seriously, it makes the world go around. I'm not being sarcastic.
BUT... most corporations only goal is to make profit. Frequently that bottom line has unknown expenses that the corporation will avoid and pawn off on the local population. I.e. Environmental degradation.
And there is a form of corporate Darwinism that means businesses will adapt and consolidate. Monopolies are almost as big a problem today as they were in 1890 and "Too Big to Fail" is BS.
Anyway, I thought I'd just throw that out there.
Ron Paul has probably lost half his wealth in the last 6 months. If the dollar was pinned to the price of gold the spikes and falls in the price would devastate the economy

The SEC can only enforce laws as they are written. What happened to those laws between 1998 and 2008?
I'm right. Good fucking guess
Here's what has happened:
  • Newmont Mining Company: –37.29%
  • Goldcorp Holdings: –34.64%
  • Barrick Gold: –48.17%
  • Agnico Eagle Mines : –35.78%
  • Allied Nevada Gold Corp: –68.48%
  • Alumina Common: +6.32%
  • Anglo Gold Ashanti Ltd. –44.13%
  • BrigusGold Corp. Com MPV: –39.18%
  • Claude Resources Inc: –56.39%
  • Coeur D'Alene Mines Corp: –47.21%
  • Hecla Mining Co: –47.74%
  • El Dorado Gold Corp: Not Listed
  • IAM Gold Corp: –65.40%
  • Kinross: – 44.11%
  • Lexam Explorations Inc: – 57.57%
  • Mag Silver Corp: –-40.50%
  • Metalline Mining Co: Not Listed
  • Pan American Silver: –35.97%
  • Silver Wheaton Corp: –37.50%
  • Virginia Mines Inc: —16.48%
  • Vista Gold Corp. –53.9%
  • Viterra Inc +0.81%
  • Wesdome Gold Mines Ltd: –43.29%
All told, the average loss was -40.3% over the past six months
Given that The Wall Street Journal reported that Paul's portfolio was worth between $2.44 million and $5.46 million — and that 64 percent of his assets were in these precious metal stocks — a very loose estimate is that Ron Paul has lost between $624,640 and $1,397,760 over the past six months, based on the average loss of his mining holdings. This assumes a 40.3% loss on 64% of his holdings.
A lot of that pain has come in the past two days alone. Here's what has happened to the portfolio since last Thursday:
  • Newmont Mining Company: -12.51%
  • Goldcorp Holdings: -11.38%
  • Barrick Gold: -18.03%
  • Agnico Eagle Mines : -15.59%
  • Allied Nevada Gold Corp: –16.23%
  • Alumina Common: -10.47%
  • Anglo Gold Ashanti Ltd. –16.41%
  • BrigusGold Corp. Com MPV: –16.19%
  • Claude Resources Inc: –19.32%
  • Coeur D'Alene Mines Corp: –14.74%
  • Hecla Mining Co: –13.27%
  • El Dorado Gold Corp: Not Listed
  • IAM Gold Corp: –16.67%
  • Kinross: – 21.19%
  • Lexam Explorations Inc: – 17.78%
  • Mag Silver Corp: –-21.50%
  • Metalline Mining Co: Not Listed
  • Pan American Silver: –14.41%
  • Silver Wheaton Corp: –14.30%
  • Virginia Mines Inc: —11.36%
  • Vista Gold Corp. –13.58%
  • Viterra Inc +0.0%
  • Wesdome Gold Mines Ltd: –1.79%
Pretty bleak.

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/ron-paul-investment-gold-2013-4#ixzz3hK68A7nt

THis is ron pauls portfolio