What do you think about rocks/crystals effect on consciousness?

Where I live ... I know a beach where I collect Carnelian . Its amorphous quartz or Silica with inclusions of iron , which make sit shades of red and orange . Rrog , if you believe in anything about the Buddha , then you know about chakras and humans are both an blood and electric beings . I used to be a way bigger crystal person ( White Crystal Wizard , Yellow Shift Mayan Birthday ) and I used to go to Tuscon for the Gem Conventions for years . I got 3 20 lb bags of tumbled Carnelian from Brazil and in later years put an individual stone on top of my rockwool , touching the stem . Red or Orange is Heart chakra , and I believe my plants are alive and love that I take such good care of them . Symbiotic relation . You speak of science but the buddha`s reaching enlightenment , that`s pure faith , surrender . Damn this weed is good . " Imagination is far more important than knowledge " ( A.Emc2 )
Rrog , So science can prove how Buddha reached nirvana imperically ( scientifically ) . Can 100 % prove what happened under the bodhi tree ??? How the universe , opened the veiled window and allowed him to not be part of the eternal life and death cycle ( reincarnation ) . Science is disproved all the time . We are just slightly smarter monkeys ... with fancy shoes .
Rrog , So science can prove how Buddha reached nirvana imperically ( scientifically ) . Can 100 % prove what happened under the bodhi tree ??? How the universe , opened the veiled window and allowed him to not be part of the eternal life and death cycle ( reincarnation ) . Science is disproved all the time . We are just slightly smarter monkeys ... with fancy shoes .
when You say reincarnation, are you speaking of an individual being incarnated into the same plane twice+ OR are you speaking of an individual shedding its body and being incarnated into another plane of existence as that same individual??? because if WE are HERE to exist....then why would WE be erased into a fountain that claims no identity to OUR egos?? We are sinners. No matter what YOU believe. Fuck religion. Fuck control and power. There is a fountain but I believe it does not erase the ego or identity to the superego.

YOU are important. YOU are an original. No matter what choices YOU make.
WE want YOU to go the right direction and to realize that NO ONE is perfect because WE ARE PERFECT. It is UP to US.

"Those who lead must follow...but if You fall, You fall alone.
If You should stand...then Whose to guide You??
If I knew the way... I would take You home."





Lemurain Seed Quartz




Herkimer Diamonds (double terminated quartz)


Indicolite Tourmaline


Black Tourmaline