What do you think about rocks/crystals effect on consciousness?

I will be going on this trip alone sir. I love being alone with booms. Unless I have a good girl at the time. I would smoke tha' ganja. But, I have to start looking for a new job soon. Sooooo...
As far as trip report.
Only if I don't get too busy. I always mean to write one. Last week was F+ cubes. Great body drunken base euphoric high. I felt like I had actually taken a physical trip to somewhere nice and comfortable. Low to mid-level visuals. Switching colors. I was cool enough to watch that movie Pixels. But not cool enough to concentrate on writing too much.
Today is Treasure Coast. With a few Transkei, Argentina pins and a wet 10 gram F+ to bring the actual weight up over 6 grams.
Unfortunately. My plans got altered for today. Mondays and tuesdays are my off days. Neighbors woke me two hours early. Sooooo. Im gonna do chores. Study for a test. Drink. Pass out for acoupla hours. Wake up. Eat.
Then shroom!
(pre-trip report)
that is great so far. very glad You took the time to write all of that.
sounds like a hefty dose. Would really enjoy furthur hearing YOUR experience tomorrow. so much love, mate. I hope all goes well. and then some. (;

love+light homie <3
Magic isn't real, so I'm pretty comfy with reality. But I do have some shiny stones for sale

I believe if you don't believe in Santa or the tooth fairy you miss their magic, too
I'm still trying to figure out why 'earthing' or 'grounding' appears to feel so therapeutic, something as simple as walking around outdoors in your bare feet.
Magic isn't real, so I'm pretty comfy with reality. But I do have some shiny stones for sale

I believe if you don't believe in Santa or the tooth fairy you miss their magic, too
those lies actually power the REAL magic in THIS reality.
You can only hear it if YOU silent listen