What do you think about rocks/crystals effect on consciousness?


Well-Known Member

The first time that I ever dabbled with rocks effects of consciousness was at a peyote ceremony about a year ago. We had to go around the circle and explain what our intention in taking the peyote was. Whether we said it or not, it didn't matter. The reasoning was to contemplate it. But I remember saying that I was curious about chakras because I knew nothing about them(i had a few other intentions. I voiced them and why not? Even though they were personal. Not like I'd see them again. Well I did but not all of them.)
Anyways so in the middle of being the highest I ever have been on peyote honestly, this kid comes up to me and he lived there. He says, "so you wanted to know about chakras? Well here take it with a grain of salt but I want you to meditate with this rock. Its celestite. Feel it vibrate and tingle your skin and it will go to your heart. Its a heart chakra stone."
So I held it. It was a rock. Mainly made of rock honestly. But there was a green Crystal sticking out of it in only one part of the stone.
I meditated with it and it tingled my skin and went straight to my heart.

Now peyote is weird. You see whatever you imagine. Complete control. Never negative unless there's something 'wrong' with you.
So I figured, "well he gave me this and told me what to feel so of course I can feel it. I see music coming off of the speaker and everyone else says they do too. My imagination is so powerful and it combines with theirs so I've been so what hypnotized."
So I meditated anyways with it because it was a cool revelation and experience.

Anyways, so later on I gave up on it getting intrigued by conversatoon and the fact that if I laid on the mattress, flowers would bloom everywhere and that a tree I was staring at was bursting cherubs out of it playing trumpets..
Regardless, so I lose track of the stone and it is sitting on my thigh although I am unaware of it being there. All the sudden I feel this tingle go from my thigh up to my chest and into my heart swirling around. And I looked down because I was confused, the rock was on my thigh but the Crystal part was touching my leg where it started tingling.
Subconscious memory perhaps? I don't know. But I've learned that belief is power.

Anyways. I believe in the powers of crystals from meditating with them. And belief is power. Seriously.
If you dont believe them then you won't understand. But if you do, you'll be surprised if you meditate with a stone that you don't know of its qualities. Then it shows you something and you look it up, and it being the same.

Its bizarre stuff.
I carry a stone in my pocket every day and I feel it has an effect. Not as direct as a drug. But it is so.

I don't know. I'm crazy. Who else has any experience with this?
"those who do not believe in magic will not find it."

homie, if none of Us were crazy, that'd make Us all insane. (;

crystals ARE the healing, catalyst continuers of consciousness.
no matter what. Now, I have NEVER heard of or have had such a profound story like Yours in such magnitude. That is a very powerful experience to really show One how genuine and real crystals truly are.

"Manifest destiny, Your' life's awake.
Awakened vibes, no one shall fake."

"energy flows where intention goes."
Mmmm. Shrooms. Just moved into a new place, definitely gonna start some truffles up!

As far as the rocks, heatless, you got it right! Magic surely isn't there without belief. That's what it's all about.
Got a lapuz in me pocket. I'm about to take a bite out of it the peyotes got me we todd ed
Mmmm. Shrooms. Just moved into a new place, definitely gonna start some truffles up!

As far as the rocks, heatless, you got it right! Magic surely isn't there without belief. That's what it's all about.
Got a lapuz in me pocket. I'm about to take a bite out of it the peyotes got me we todd ed
sounds laike you got a supply. or something.
nice duder.

always got selenite, black tourmaline, smokey quartz, and blue kyanite
I smell doughnuts and boogers. I guess I always smell boogers. Their smell is hardly recognizable anymore.
Not even sure what kyanite is, neato(: quartz is an awesome stone! Same with tourmaline I don't even own any tourmaline though for some reason haha I should get a green one since I lost my celestite that I had awhile back.

The peyote is like a monthly, bi-monthly ceremony in this remote town a couple hours from my house. It's legal too, oklevueha native American church. It's pretty cool, the main two people that run it there are very good people. I haven't gone in awhile because it's basically impossible to know when I'm off work anymore. Plus it's starting to get cold again and jesus, last winter it was cold as shit and going there wasn't as enjoyable
Highligih , Crystals are nature`s sculpture . They form under very specific conditions , some have a single different ingredient and its a completely different type of crystal . I never was too good in science or math too much . I wish I had been into crystals when I was 12 . I could have done better in geometry .

One last trippy thing ... crystals are earth`s treasures , millions - billions years old . I don`t know if there is a GOD , but with all the beauty in the world ... clouds , sunsets , full moons ... would such things of beauty exist without a benevolent power ? Besides the sleigh stacks from Land of the Lost had crystals . Posterart
have you gotten to growing mushrooms yet???
i HIGHly recommend it (;

I'm a specialist and I'm happy, competent and confident in my niche. I'll leave things like growing 'shrooms and making BHO to other professionals. I do enjoy the fruits of their efforts, just as I happen to know they enjoy mine- cuz they tell me so!
I'm a specialist and I'm happy, competent and confident in my niche. I'll leave things like growing 'shrooms and making BHO to other professionals. I do enjoy the fruits of their efforts, just as I happen to know they enjoy mine- cuz they tell me so!

I figured you for the shroom boomin' type of grower. My bad.
Later homie.
I have a date with some nice home grown booms tomorrow.
At least 5 grams. Maybe an eighth dry and 20 grams wet. Or all dry. Who knows. I'll see how I feel.
WILLing to write US a trip report? :)

how WILL YOUR set and setting be arranged???
do YOU plan on tripping by YOURSELF or with some FRIENDS?
also got any ganjo for the occasion? a few joints will getcha to a nice PLACE (;
WILLing to write US a trip report? :)

how WILL YOUR set and setting be arranged???
do YOU plan on tripping by YOURSELF or with some FRIENDS?
also got any ganjo for the occasion? a few joints will getcha to a nice PLACE (;

I will be going on this trip alone sir. I love being alone with booms. Unless I have a good girl at the time. I would smoke tha' ganja. But, I have to start looking for a new job soon. Sooooo...
As far as trip report.
Only if I don't get too busy. I always mean to write one. Last week was F+ cubes. Great body drunken base euphoric high. I felt like I had actually taken a physical trip to somewhere nice and comfortable. Low to mid-level visuals. Switching colors. I was cool enough to watch that movie Pixels. But not cool enough to concentrate on writing too much.
Today is Treasure Coast. With a few Transkei, Argentina pins and a wet 10 gram F+ to bring the actual weight up over 6 grams.
Unfortunately. My plans got altered for today. Mondays and tuesdays are my off days. Neighbors woke me two hours early. Sooooo. Im gonna do chores. Study for a test. Drink. Pass out for acoupla hours. Wake up. Eat.
Then shroom!
(pre-trip report)