What happens when I apply skepticism to my own skepticism? I'd probably come back to reality and accept that aliens probably exist lol. Same thing would happen if you applied skepticism to your skepticism, you'd find it silly to be skeptical of your skepticism. Im only guessing the majority of the world believes in aliens. The majority of North America does, thats for sure, especially the U.S. Only met a couple kids from my generation who dont believe in aliens.
You stated it as a fact, that is deceptive. Since you've only met a few people who don't believe in aliens (when we say believe in aliens, we mean ET life visiting our planet, just to be clear), that means the majority of North America does? Your thinking process is a joke...
So now you're saying lack of evidence is evidence, that doesnt seem logical at all.
I'm starting to suspect that you are not as nearly as bright as I once thought. You asked me to show you evidence against the conspiracy, and I pointed out that it's the
lack of evidence
for the conspiracy that makes its claims specious. Don't hurt yourself over this one...
Many things could be provided that most people would find very fishy and even pictures of apparent unnatural structures on the moon can be brought up but you wouldnt want to take the time to check out my sources. I remember one skeptic here was curious and watched a documentary that had him considering the idea of aliens, I cant remember his name. He was quite active when I first found this forum.
Cool indeed, and what evidence would there be, tyler? Oh, there I go again with more typical crazy conspiracy stuff lol.
Heres the link about the free energy stuff. I posted it before but it got no attention. It shows the names of the scientists and physicists that made huge breakthroughs in free energy. Im sure you can look those names up and find a try-hard pseudo-skeptic ranting about how they're a bunch of quacks and charlatans lol.
It took me less than one minute to find out the ideas, and the movie Thrive itself, are total crap -
http://thrivedebunked.wordpress.com/ A key member of the film, John Robbins, repudiated the movie publicly in this letter -
Again you demonstrate that you are not concerned with accuracy, facts, logic, reality or critical thinking. All you seem to care about is how cool something seems , and if you believe really, really hard, and ignore all facts and logic and empirical evidence against the cool idea, it might become true. This isn't a Disney movie, I suggest you grow up. Serious question, do you fully support yourself financially? It's hard to believe someone that has a job and takes care of all their responsibilities could get away with attempting to live in such a fairy tale and still function effectively...
Well if they are covering up our own advanced technology, it seems they have been doing it almost as long as the idea of modern aliens have existed, weird... And why is the advanced technology from 30 years ago not being exposed to the world now?
Did you watch the movie your link referred to? Isn't it all about the corporate and gov't conspiracy to suppress advanced free energy technology? Why are you arguing with the line of reasoning that your own link endorses? And lastly, how the fuck do you dress yourself? Or is that begging the question?
What I mean by impossible is that its impossible by our standards. Theres no combustion or exhaust from these things, they are completely silent and can turn on a dime at break neck speeds then blast off into hyperspace. At the very least, I think its safe to assume that what ever is doing these things is artificial.
I know. You think it's safe to assume anything and everything you want to be true...
Really? I seem like Im more interested in the winning part about these arguments? I've come to terms with MP on these forums and I used to find him to be the most aggressive skeptic whos looking to seek conflict with lesser minds, but I was wrong. I respect him more now. Though it seems like the younger, more rambunctious skeptics like you, Pad, and Z, its more of a competition of whos dick is bigger and which should get more attention from the audience...
I don't know what comes to terms means. I would think that you amuse MP and that he thinks some of your ideas are cool. They are certainly more entertaining than the normal scripture-dump we usually see around here. I doubt he takes you or what you have to say seriously, but I cannot speak for him...
You dont know what I did to confirm my experiences to myself, saying they were sloppy attempts is just an assumption.
You went into great detail (way too much detail) on how you tested your friend's telepathic abilities. Those were sloppy attempts with no controls. I only know what you decide to post. Honestly Chief, imo you are a joke: your thinking process, your dishonesty, your deception, your pretense, it's all so immature and self-indulgent masturbation. I think anyone can see this from your exchanges, and through them they know that if they are interested in discovering anything about reality they can safely ignore your posts...
P.S. Get back to me on that support question, if you'd be so kind...