Superiority complex in everyday usage means having very high opinion of oneself. In psychology it refers to the same attitude, however in psychology it is considered that the attitude is actually a way to hide or compensate for feeling of inferiority. It was a term introduced by psychologist Alfred Adler in series of his books like "Understanding Human Nature", "Social Interest" etc.
Some people brought up in a background where one has to fulfill high expectations and have been able to do so may feel superior towards others. To some, it is part of their nature.
Those exhibiting the superiority complex commonly project their feelings of inferiority onto others they perceive as beneath them, possibly for the same reasons they themselves may have been ostracized, i.e. viewing most, possibly all others as "ugly" or "stupid", and beneath oneself. Accusations of arrogance are often made by others when referring to the individual exhibiting the superiority complex.
Behaviors related to this mechanism may include an exaggeratedly positive opinion of ones worth and abilities, unrealistically high expectations in goals and achievements for oneself and others, the persistent attempt to correct others regardless of whether they are factually correct or not, vanity, extravagant style in dressing (with intent of drawing attention), excessive need for competition, pride, sentimentalism and affected exaltation, snobbishness, a tendency to discredit others opinions, forcefulness aimed at dominating those considered as weaker or less important, credulity, and others.
Social aloofness, daydreaming and isolation could also be associated with the Superiority Complex, as a way for one to evade the fear of failure related to the feelings of inadequacy to face the real world.
Superiority and inferiority complex are often found together as the different expressions of the same pathology and the two complexes can exist within the same individual. Superiority can also be caused by PTSD
when I was reading about this & gorgive me for sharing this article with you - its long-.
DO NOT FEED thier Ego...
Be very confident & self-assured around them & do not be the victim, as you will FEED their disorder, if you do.
Just try as much as to avoid if you can- confronting them and even make your communication as slight channeled as you can.
God help you
. I know someone like this, its a nightmare.
tried posting it again moderator!,I cant really understand what i did wrong and why it was deleted ! could you just edit it this time if i have broken the rules!