What do you guys do with all your trim?

I made honey with my last batch. I’ve made everything from tea to honey bbq and honey siracha chicken wings. A fat glob of honey will taste better than a fat glob of butter lol.
Good god man. I'm crashing the next dinner party! That looks incredible :) I wish I had done this thread years ago. You guys do some very cool stuff with your extracts. I feel like a tater tot looking at those pictures ;)
You aren't saving a significant amount of money by growing your own supply? Jeez man I smoke nearly an ounce every 2 weeks. Even with friend prices that would cost me $180/ounce on the open market. That's almost $400/month. That's half a mortgage payment. Whether or not you are selling it to your registered patients or need the home grown savings you are indeed making money by growing your own.

Moving on to wasting medicine. How's that a good idea? You spend 3 months to grow an indoor crop spending a good amount of money on electricity on top of your labor, and you just throw money and medicine away? To each their own. PM me. I'll give you an address to send that trim to :)

I think throwing it away in the trash was just one of those comments lol.. 100-120 flowering days for my sativas I have binders of leaves I save in sheet protectors. The cool looking ones go in frames. Never made hash with them but I love tobacco and hash. would love to have someone try
I think throwing it away in the trash was just one of those comments lol.. 100-120 flowering days for my sativas I have binders of leaves I save in sheet protectors. The cool looking ones go in frames. Never made hash with them but I love tobacco and hash. would love to have someone try
That is actually a pretty cool thing you do preserving the leaves. Some strains make the most beautiful leaves. Particularly sativas. My wife is much older than myself and from a different generation. Her father use to roll tobacco, weed, and hash cigarettes. She says he smoked them around town allover. The tobacco covered up the pot smell. I find it pretty amusing because my pops was the opposite of hers. Hefound some pot seeds in a baggie when I was 15 on my dresser while I was sleeping in bed. Mofo took them to the local police department while I was still sleeping in an attempt to "teach me a lesson." They politely advised my dad that seeds aren't illegal, and they sent him on his way. Only pissed him off more. Woke me up screaming about how the "useless fucking cops won't do anything." I was just glad he didn't find my roaches :)
That is actually a pretty cool thing you do preserving the leaves. Some strains make the most beautiful leaves. Particularly sativas. My wife is much older than myself and from a different generation. Her father use to roll tobacco, weed, and hash cigarettes. She says he smoked them around town allover. The tobacco covered up the pot smell. I find it pretty amusing because my pops was the opposite of hers. Hefound some pot seeds in a baggie when I was 15 on my dresser while I was sleeping in bed. Mofo took them to the local police department while I was still sleeping in an attempt to "teach me a lesson." They politely advised my dad that seeds aren't illegal, and they sent him on his way. Only pissed him off more. Woke me up screaming about how the "useless fucking cops won't do anything." I was just glad he didn't find my roaches :)

Thanks man! Some people think it's lame. I enjoy it a lot. I also save all of my sticks after harvest. They dry pretty nicely and some of them make really cool frames. This is the last one I dried out to frame.


YO! That's crazy lol! I started hash and tobacco to mask the smell around college. I didn't really even like tobacco - And for some reason hash doesn't smell the same to people as flowers. Respect!

And clearly, you learned your lesson about keeping beans on your dresser! :bigjoint:
Good god man. I'm crashing the next dinner party! That looks incredible :) I wish I had done this thread years ago. You guys do some very cool stuff with your extracts. I feel like a tater tot looking at those pictures ;)
Yeah man the wings are out of this world! I really love the honey because it’s really good for you too. Also I add a little bit of coconut oil to aid with digestion. In my case I added canna coconut oil I had left over lol my infusion had infusions lol I’m making oyster crackers for soup next
Yeah man the wings are out of this world! I really love the honey because it’s really good for you too. Also I add a little bit of coconut oil to aid with digestion. In my case I added canna coconut oil I had left over lol my infusion had infusions lol I’m making oyster crackers for soup next

You making the crackers, or just seasoning them?
I'm producing a lot of high value trim now, and in the past I've made butter with it. Very strong butter. But butter is very heavy on the gut and downing 3 tablespoons of it before bed each night leaves me with a nauseating feeling for about an hour. It's just too much dam butter. I then made bubble hash which wasn't bad at all. I decarbed it and infused it into coconut oil for about 2 hours @ 220 degrees F. While I slept like a baby (wife says I snored all night) I feel like it took an immense amount of hash to produce the effect I prefer which was 1-2 grams in each dose. Whereas when I make butter I use maybe 4 ounces of trim to a pound of butter. It turns out incredibly strong. My sister in law came up to visit and ate the same amount I did which was about 3 tbsp. She slept until noon the next day and spent the first 2 hours of her day puking in a trash can, because the room kept spinning :) The butter lasts me damn near 2 weeks, and I can probably make 10 batches of butter with each flower cycle of trim material. I'm interested in doing a different kind of extract though, because the butter makes me feel sick after consuming for nearly an hour and it's a fucked up amount of calories to stuff in your gut every single night. I just don't know what would be best. Tincture is what I'm most interested in, but I have no concept of how to make the stuff. If it will be potent enough for my needs is another concern. What do you guys and girls do with all your sticky trim? I'm shooting blanks here :)
If you have to eat too much of the budder then just cut down on the amount of butter/coconut oil/etc that you are using... I normally use 4 ounces of flower or a quarter ounce of distillate per jar of coconut oil. Use 8 ounces per lb, or use 4 ounces per half lb, whatever you gotta do.
Yikes, throw trim out? I'd rather make a bunch of these out of it, and TBH I turn most of my bud into these too now. It's very versatile, more than you might think. I can smoke it out of my hash pipe outdoors while canoeing or mountain biking the trails, or squish it in my press for a nice rosin that goes well with watching home theater indoors. It makes for a powerful base for edibles as well. Mostly though I just use it as is, because I love the concentrated terpenes. 5 nice tokes of this in my bong, and I'm done for the evening so it's a bit better than smoking whole joints for my health too (maybe).

Yikes, throw trim out? I'd rather make a bunch of these out of it, and TBH I turn most of my bud into these too now. It's very versatile, more than you might think. I can smoke it out of my hash pipe outdoors while canoeing or mountain biking the trails, or squish it in my press for a nice rosin that goes well with watching home theater indoors. It makes for a powerful base for edibles as well. Mostly though I just use it as is, because I love the concentrated terpenes. 5 nice tokes of this in my bong, and I'm done for the evening so it's a bit better than smoking whole joints for my health too (maybe).

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What's that
Does anyone just dry sift with screens? I recall using three screens to do it many years ago, and I'd like to do that again. Any screen recommendations? I don't have access to dry ice....or even a freezer at the moment LOL, otherwise I'd look into the bubble hash bags.
What's that

Here we call it hash. But more specifically Frenchy Cannoli "temple balls". Basically you harvest the trichomes via bubble hash, then break all the trichome heads by rolling on cellophane sheets rolling it with a bottle filled with hot water - like making pie crust, but over and over again until all trichomes are broken, there is no air inside, and it's completely even in consistency. Then we age it (for up to a decade!) in a cool dark spot.

Frenchy was active awhile back here on this forum and has a very long thread here somewhere.
Does anyone just dry sift with screens? I recall using three screens to do it many years ago, and I'd like to do that again. Any screen recommendations? I don't have access to dry ice....or even a freezer at the moment LOL, otherwise I'd look into the bubble hash bags.
Cold helps a lot with making the trichome necks brittle.
You may be in a high-effort, low-yield coffin corner trying to do this warm.

Which leads me to curiosity as to where you are in terms of climate.