What do you guys do with all your trim?

Lol...says the dude who types a literal block of text to defend his shitty response...

If you’ve ever made bubble hash from over ten units of trim at once, you know how much time it takes.

Well worth giving up 30% in my eyes, especially when a lot of people “toss” their trim anyway...lol

I guess you don’t value your time the same way I value mine...

but by all means, keep being a prick. No skin off my back...lol
*Sneakily takes some back skin from Meta*

I gotta go get some lotion.
That looks fantastic! How do you make your tincture? Consuming straight decarbed flower in a little fatty yogurt provides an effect? This is really exciting for me man. I would love to make something like that.

I use the freezer method. 12-15gr. decarbed flower, double bagged in 250 micron rosin press bags , 8oz. Everclear, combine after 18hr. in freezer,
shake vigorously every couple of hours the next day, hang bag to drip dry, reduce to 4oz.-Done. I combine with the decarbed flower for the whole plant entourage effect and 6-8hrs. dreamless, restful sleep.


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Every time I think of solvent these days I think of BHO or distillate. I completely have forgotten about RSO. It's just a methanol wash and evaporation isn't it? Because of how easy it is to make that's a great suggestion. Good stuff there dude.
I haven't done it myself (might try next summer) but watched a few people do it and basically ya its just soaking it in gain alcohol or ethanol i think and slowly cooking it down.
I use the freezer method. 12-15gr. decarbed flower, double bagged in 250 micron rosin press bags , 8oz. Everclear, combine after 18hr. in freezer,
shake vigorously every couple of hours the next day, hang bag to drip dry, reduce to 4oz.-Done. I combine with the decarbed flower for the whole plant entourage effect and 6-8hrs. dreamless, restful sleep.
Grabbing a bottle of everclear tomorrow. Ordering the rosin bags. Thank you for the excellent pictures quirk and tutorial! I'm pretty excited to give this a whirl, and I rarely get excited about much these days. You might have just helped me get a better night's sleep :) I'll post a thread when I do my first batch reporting how it went for me.
Even a quick wash(3mins), freezer cold, with ethanol (everclear or the like) will make all the trim/popcorn into a golden goodie liquid.
Utilizing a silicon tray, and a countertop griddle, that liquid, reduces to excellent concentrate.
That concentrate is easily decarbed, and transferred into butter, coconut oil, or whatever.
I melt,1-1.5 grams of said concentrate, per stick of unsalted butter.
My old man, makes homemade butterscotch with that butter. He's become a local folk hero, among the retirees in our small U.P. of MI community.
Waste is waste regardless of resources. The way I see it is if I had to break my back to grow this shit I'm milking every single penny out of it I can. It has nothing to do with how much pot you have to smoke. It has to do with $650 monthly electric bills and subsidizing it through the grow. If I can pay for 3 months of electric encompassing an entire flower cycle with just my "trash" I think that's a worthy investment of my time. Throwing money away just doesn't seem like good business. Throwing good medicine away seems even sillier.

Most of us don't do it for $$$$$

So you do you and I'll do me
I made honey with my last batch. I’ve made everything from tea to honey bbq and honey siracha chicken wings. A fat glob of honey will taste better than a fat glob of butter lol.


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Most of us don't do it for $$$$$

So you do you and I'll do me
You aren't saving a significant amount of money by growing your own supply? Jeez man I smoke nearly an ounce every 2 weeks. Even with friend prices that would cost me $180/ounce on the open market. That's almost $400/month. That's half a mortgage payment. Whether or not you are selling it to your registered patients or need the home grown savings you are indeed making money by growing your own.

Moving on to wasting medicine. How's that a good idea? You spend 3 months to grow an indoor crop spending a good amount of money on electricity on top of your labor, and you just throw money and medicine away? To each their own. PM me. I'll give you an address to send that trim to :)