What do you consider yourself?


Well-Known Member
A pothead, or functional smoker?

i consider myself functional.. i dont really get into pothead mode too much anymore.

can you work and smoke? or do u just chill?


Well-Known Member
i consider myself functional. but i cant get a real job cuz no one is really hiring. so i probably come across as just a pothead.


Well-Known Member
i consider myself functional. but i cant get a real job cuz no one is really hiring. so i probably come across as just a pothead.
ppl think im a pothead cuz all i do is grow and dont work. but what theydont realize is im working all thetime..

im funtional.. too an extent


Well-Known Member
Ok, this is the TRUTH.
If you are learning new thing, new jobs, unfamiliar classes.......you need your short term memory, to learn, initially.

But if you have the concept, or building on something that a light stoning is ok.

The main thing about smoking is people make too many mistakes. I would save it for home use, kinda like drinking on the job. Can't do it too much or it becomes a habbit and will screw you in the end. Plus it will make time go slower and work suck more. I say keep it at home as a genearl rule. Functional or not. Hell everyones functional to a degree. When i ain't ridin dirty, i am speeding.


Functional pothead. I smoke so damn much but I work a LOT and weed actually motivates me to better myself, believe it or not. I didn't do shit when I was sober.


Well-Known Member
Functional, as of now..Its easy to get caught up in it and smoke 24/7 then turn into a pot head. Its happend quite a few times this year


Well-Known Member
I'm functional. I get high all day. I wouldn't get shit done if I wasn't.


New Member
I think at some point there is a flip in the brain/body of what is normal. I feel normal when I'm high. I function both ways, but feel better when I'm smoking a spliff.
I don't work anymore since I don't have to, but when I was a working machine i would still toke all day. Never hurt my bottom line that I'm aware of.


Active Member
I used to be a functional when I lived in a small town, cause I was smarter than about 90% of the people there stoned, these days I only enjoy smoking in the evening once shits done.


New Member
How nice.....:evil:
Ahhh, but here's the rub for dudes like me. I quit working at 45, and we traveled....for two straight years. Now my wife and I had already been many many places, but I would literally get home from a vaca, find another and two weeks later, we'd be off again. We were done with that finally, and then i just kicked back for another year and just hung out reading and shooting pics.

That got old.....so then in the end I opened up a wholesale plant nursery on my back acreage and just putt putt around.

I missed working..... :mrgreen: Now I do it because I want to....


Well-Known Member
i honestly couldnt tell you i would like to call my self a functional but like others due to the economy my job went down the drain and right now even tho i am some what educated unemployment pays better than any job i can find right now... but when i am stoned i really like to invent shit lol my nickname is Mcgiver lol


Well-Known Member
Functional pothead. I smoke so damn much but I work a LOT and weed actually motivates me to better myself, believe it or not. I didn't do shit when I was sober.

i know what you mean. i had a bunch of people and things to take care of today. stuff like being on the phone with court houses, schools, and applying for jobs and shit.

i didnt wanna do any of it. then i popped a couple pills to catch a buzz and now im motivated. i dunno what it is. but having a buzz of any kind actually makes me wanna do stuff.

i think its cuz i get too overwhelmed when im sober and just decide to put it off. then when i get a buzz the euphoria from what im taking eases my mind and i just do things one at a time.

is that a bad thing that i need a buzz to function?