What do you consider yourself?

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Ahhh, but here's the rub for dudes like me. I quit working at 45, and we traveled....for two straight years. Now my wife and I had already been many many places, but I would literally get home from a vaca, find another and two weeks later, we'd be off again. We were done with that finally, and then i just kicked back for another year and just hung out reading and shooting pics.

That got old.....so then in the end I opened up a wholesale plant nursery on my back acreage and just putt putt around.

I missed working..... :mrgreen: Now I do it because I want to....

Ok, since it's a nursery, I guess you're off the hook...heheheh


New Member
I've made my base money from plants for 25 years. I was a pretty big player in wetland mitigation and am responsible for literally tens of thousands of acres of new wetlands up and down the eastern seaboard. It was fun and I have been in some of the wildest places left in this part of the country. Great beauty and great tragedy hand in hand.

I was an UBER naturalist. :lol: I've done my part for the planet...more than most.

With age comes wisdom....if you don't get killed first... :lol: Being young is EASY! Life only gets harder.... :wink:

Iron Lion Zion

Well-Known Member
I smoke a lot... but I am also taking classes, studying to go to grad school, work out a lot and smoke a lot (yes I already said that, just wanted to emphasize it more).
I consider myself very functional.


Well-Known Member
im def a functional habitual stoner when i get a new job, i go in sober the first day or 2 and after that my co workers never see me straight again. really i cant deal with the stress of a manager up my ass or stupid workplace drama unless i can get high before durring and after work. and even tho i am stoned all the time it def dosnt make me slow or stupid, just relaxed, happy, chill and hungry