What do you believe is the fundamental problem with [American] government?

What do you believe is the fundamental problem with [American] government?

  • I don't believe a government should exist. That society would be better off without

  • Poor creation/execution of legislation

  • Incompetence/Inability/Ineptitude

  • Corruption

  • The authority of government: Executive orders v. Addressing Congress

  • The size of the government: Big v. Small

  • Efficiency of government

  • Racism/sexism/classism/other/etc.

  • Capitalism*

  • Other

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you are aware of the debt this nation is in currently, right? our national debt at the end of 2016 was $20Trillion with the present value of unfunded obligations (SS & Medicaid) at $70Trillion. so where do you think more money should come from? SS is a ponzi scheme and that program along with the VA, Medicaid, etc., shows that the government cannot manage the money of The People. the fact that the Fed has started monetizing the debt means this country is in serious trouble.

anyway, none of you are debating. i am not "stupid" because i don't want socialism in my country. useful idiots want socialism. i'm done - none of you know now to discuss hard topics with someone you disagree with - you only know how to call someone stupid.
i'm debating. the debt grows yet we continue economic growth. hmmm. the income and class gap grows, yet we have economic growth. people get sick from eating crap and pollution and the gdp rises. are you seeing a pattern?
i do not support the Republican Party. i'd like to see the Fed gutted and the corruption stopped. i think corruption has ruined the SEC more than anything
LMAO! The SEC wasn't corrupt, the people who voted to cut its funding were!

The Federal Reserve is not the problem and pointing at it is at best a distraction; low to no taxes on major corporations and ultra wealthy individuals is the problem. Funny how the mainstream media isn't talking about THAT.

We've already covered this.

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you are aware of the debt this nation is in currently, right? our national debt at the end of 2016 was $20Trillion with the present value of unfunded obligations (SS & Medicaid) at $70Trillion. so where do you think more money should come from? SS is a ponzi scheme and that program along with the VA, Medicaid, etc., shows that the government cannot manage the money of The People. the fact that the Fed has started monetizing the debt means this country is in serious trouble.

anyway, none of you are debating. i am not "stupid" because i don't want socialism in my country. useful idiots want socialism. i'm done - none of you know now to discuss hard topics with someone you disagree with - you only know how to call someone stupid.

That's where the money is, our funding and budget went to shit when we stopped taxing major corporations and the rich!

It's not socialism to tax the rich. The Founding Fathers did it. Were they all a bunch of bleeding heart socialists?
why don't you cut the morality high horse you are on and give me a solution? each person is responsible for the choices they make in life. if you don't get good grades in middle school to build a good foundation for high school and be able to go to college, then you've made poor choices that are affecting how you're able to live today. you keep assuming what i think without necessarily knowing just based off of a few comments that i've made -- mostly that the fundamental problem with the government is corruption. you seem to be on a rant to show that socialism is the way to go and since i don't believe that, i must be ignorant or less than you... i don't want to argue with you. i just don't want the government to get bigger, i don't want to pay more taxes, etc., i don't want people to live in poverty. i would love to see people being able to get jobs that can pay enough that they can live on but we need to keep a capitalist approach for this nation to survive. having the government tell us they can fix all these problems for all these past presidents is getting kind of old, isn't it?
if we gut the fed. who prints the money? government grows.. people to live in poverty, people that got good grades.. not everyone can get good grades, should the learning disabled and those who where bored in school be held back in life because of it? i am not calling you dumb. on the contrary, i want to debate you and challenge some things i think are wrong with your current politics. if it changes nothing, i will strengthen my positions; maybe you can convince me otherwise.
there is a lack of left unity because of all the hating. debate is healthy but some just hate or inject debate during an election when the candidates are all set.
Some see an opportunity to take advantage by continuing to divide the left. Even those who consider themselves Democrats.

Yes, I'm talking about you, @UncleBuck
Some see an opportunity to take advantage by continuing to divide the left. Even those who consider themselves Democrats.

Yes, I'm talking about you, @UncleBuck


a guy whose savior is an independent (not a democrat) who is doing a national "shit on the democrats" tour in order to sell his little book is accusing me of trying to divide the left. this is rich.

a guy whose savior is an independent (not a democrat) who is doing a national "shit on the democrats" tour in order to sell his little book is accusing me of trying to divide the left. this is rich.
My savior? You ASS-ume far too much.

I like him for his policies, not his personality.

It is those policies that have any hope of averting the coming Great Crash and resulting economic depression.

Shillary and the establishment Democrats are part of the problem, due to their willingness to keep on taking up the debt until it becomes unsustainable.

Your Savior will destroy the economy in order to save it, all while taking corporate handouts hand over fist.

a guy whose savior is an independent (not a democrat) who is doing a national "shit on the democrats" tour in order to sell his little book is accusing me of trying to divide the left. this is rich.
The Democrats look like shit because of what they've been doing. Nothing else explains the ascendancy of Herr Chumpster Fuhrer. They surely don't need Bernie's help!
That's nice.

How about wealth and income inequality?


ok, ignore the racism and sexism that got trump elected and then wonder why you have no appeal to the women and black people who make up the backbone of the democratic primary.