What do you believe is the fundamental problem with [American] government?

What do you believe is the fundamental problem with [American] government?

  • I don't believe a government should exist. That society would be better off without

  • Poor creation/execution of legislation

  • Incompetence/Inability/Ineptitude

  • Corruption

  • The authority of government: Executive orders v. Addressing Congress

  • The size of the government: Big v. Small

  • Efficiency of government

  • Racism/sexism/classism/other/etc.

  • Capitalism*

  • Other

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Some see an opportunity to take advantage by continuing to divide the left. Even those who consider themselves Democrats.

Yes, I'm talking about you, @UncleBuck
i see it on fb. i saw it during the election with bernie and hilary resentments . buck and conflict are not shining examples but i don't see them trying to divide the left. by preaching hate and violence, they turn off some that may join or stay but they turn on others so they aren't really the problem imo. i pick on them for their extreme push but i consider them at least on the same side of the board more or less.
ok, ignore the racism and sexism that got trump elected and then wonder why you have no appeal to the women and black people who make up the backbone of the democratic primary.
Nice try slick- but I didn't say anything about ignoring anything or anyone.

YOU'RE ignoring the single biggest issue in American governance; one that cuts across racial lines; class warfare. And strangely enough, it affects minorities and women even more than white people.

But you don't give a shit cuz you got yours, huh?
That's nice.

How about wealth and income inequality?

You didn't say a word to this.

China & Russia both know how to deal racism.

The Russian central bank opened its first overseas office in Beijing on March 14, marking a step forward in forging a Beijing-Moscow alliance to bypass the US dollar in the global monetary system, and to phase-in a gold-backed standard of trade.http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-...-us-dollar-global-markets-shift-gold-standard

Our man Koch is playin with the big boys now. ....he's gonna have to cut wages, or remove the competition.
Right now, the cause is to prevent Trump and the 1% from making things worse. If you can't see this then fine. We agree on a lot of things but not this.
We agree on that, but you still want to use the same losing strategy that gave us Trump, lost 1,000 seats in government during the Obama administration, and has no clear vision for the future beyond defending the ACA, instead of single payer

You have yet to outline why you wish to cling to this losing strategy instead of a populist progressive one that is virtually guaranteed to beat Trump in 2020 if he doesn't get impeached before then

Are you capable of answering that like an adult?
A fact doesn't have to be true for it to be believed either--their actions are just different enough to continue to allow the majority of the population to believe they have a choice between two very different parties but in reality both Ds and Rs are moving the country toward socialism, just at different speeds.

Yes even though by definition a fact MUST be true. If a statement is repeated enough times it becomes accepted as truth. I do not see examples of republican values moving the US to socialism, the demonrat left yes.They elected a communist socialist, b. sanders for crying out loud. Of course now he refers to himself as a "democratic socialist". He adopted the phrase made up by the intellectual giant demonrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, get it?
Yes even though by definition a fact MUST be true. If a statement is repeated enough times it becomes accepted as truth. I do not see examples of republican values moving the US to socialism, the demonrat left yes.They elected a communist socialist, b. sanders for crying out loud. Of course now he refers to himself as a "democratic socialist". He adopted the phrase made up by the intellectual giant demonrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, get it?
Bernie Sanders leads Donald Trump in polls, even when you remind people he’s a socialist
Socialism is unpopular, but America’s leading socialist isn’t
Yes even though by definition a fact MUST be true. If a statement is repeated enough times it becomes accepted as truth. I do not see examples of republican values moving the US to socialism, the demonrat left yes.They elected a communist socialist, b. sanders for crying out loud. Of course now he refers to himself as a "democratic socialist". He adopted the phrase made up by the intellectual giant demonrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, get it?
um... no they didn't, Sanders has never won a election as a democrat.
Yes even though by definition a fact MUST be true.
Not according to Trump supporters. See sig line below. Also read transcripts from the recent impeachment trial of Donald Trump. If Donald Trump says something is a fact and does so in the national interest, it is a fact. Because that's what the OJ defense lawyer said.

I'm surprised I had to explain that to you.
Yes even though by definition a fact MUST be true. If a statement is repeated enough times it becomes accepted as truth. I do not see examples of republican values moving the US to socialism, the demonrat left yes.They elected a communist socialist, b. sanders for crying out loud. Of course now he refers to himself as a "democratic socialist". He adopted the phrase made up by the intellectual giant demonrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, get it?
oh look

This white male is bitter fragile and insecure
A fact doesn't have to be true for it to be believed either--their actions are just different enough to continue to allow the majority of the population to believe they have a choice between two very different parties but in reality both Ds and Rs are moving the country toward socialism, just at different speeds.
The truth revealed... here's where I can agree... Trump promised to clean out the swamp then turned around and gave them trillions of dollars by not using his veto power.
I think the main issue is partisanship. There are far too many people in government who stick by an individual because of their party affiliation, no matter the wrong committed. This can also be extended to those who vote for these people. Great example: Donald Trump.
The truth revealed... here's where I can agree... Trump promised to clean out the swamp then turned around and gave them trillions of dollars by not using his veto power.

"A fact doesn't have to be true to be believed. "

My favorite logic-fail ever.

I love that example of religious thinking.

Wonderful. Sums up perfectly all that is wrong with zealous religious bigots. It also explains why it is not worth reasoning with them. We just have to beat them in the polls. Something that is happening more and more nowadays.

"A fact doesn't have to be true to be believed. "

My favorite logic-fail ever.

I love that example of religious thinking.

Wonderful. Sums up perfectly all that is wrong with zealous religious bigots. It also explains why it is not worth reasoning with them. We just have to beat them in the polls. Something that is happening more and more nowadays.
Would explain your train of thought I suppose

Enjoy your freedom when no one wants to work anymore because the gov just comes in and takes half your money... oh wait that's right now.