What do you believe is the fundamental problem with [American] government?

What do you believe is the fundamental problem with [American] government?

  • I don't believe a government should exist. That society would be better off without

  • Poor creation/execution of legislation

  • Incompetence/Inability/Ineptitude

  • Corruption

  • The authority of government: Executive orders v. Addressing Congress

  • The size of the government: Big v. Small

  • Efficiency of government

  • Racism/sexism/classism/other/etc.

  • Capitalism*

  • Other

Results are only viewable after voting.
Only for something like elective cosmetic surgery.

Other than that people in Canada have better health care at a lower cost.

Pull your head out of your ass. Just go to the Canada patient section and ask them if they like their health care.

"Sicko" is a good documentary to watch.

The US ranks highest in cost but way down the list for access, quality and efficiency.
Not according to a friend of mine who lives there and has cancer.but yeah keep telling yourself how smart you are and how shitty this country is.what ever happened to all those Hollywood morons that said they were moving to canada if trump got elected? Oh thats right,they all stayed because its better here.bunch a lyin ass snowflakes.
why is it that you think your position is so moral? what is so moral about the government becoming involved in healthcare? a person who has individual health care getting hit with extraordinary increases is due to corruption and the many people who do not pay for services. you seem to be under the impression that i do not care about sick people but i do. the hospitals are legally obligated to provide medical care to people in emergency situations. if someone gets a cold that's on them. if someone gets cancer and they cannot afford services, i want to live in a society where we take care of our fellow man. but i want charities and local churches and peoples via their local government to take care of those peoples' needs. what is immoral about that line of thinking? nothing, it is just immoral to you because i do not agree with your opinion.

i am not anti-American. so you're saying that we should "remove the middleman" and put the government in his place? i'd rather see health care not in the government's hands.

The morality? How bout Reality.
The number of new cancer cases will rise to 22 million wage earners within the next two decades. (if detected) even then the hardship on the country will be surreal, not to mention the now forced care givers to a dying nation.

Quick read this before it drop off of the gov. website.

Although statistical trends are usually not directly applicable to individual patients, they are essential for governments, policy makers, health professionals, and researchers to understand the impact of cancer on the population and to develop strategies to address the challenges that cancer poses to the society at large. Statistical trends are also important for measuring the success of efforts to control and manage cancer.

...then there are accidents, other illnesses but they are just in the way of my cause. Another day perhaps.
Only for something like elective cosmetic surgery.

Other than that people in Canada have better health care at a lower cost.

Pull your head out of your ass. Just go to the Canada patient section and ask them if they like their health care.

"Sicko" is a good documentary to watch.

The US ranks highest in cost but way down the list for access, quality and efficiency.

But i might watch that documentary if ya link it.im open minded most the time.
To play devil's advocate for a moment, what do you think of the current progressive wave rolling over the country in response to the Trump regime's actions? People are mobilizing everywhere, even in deep red states and some of the reddest districts in the country. I just watched a lecture by Richard Wolff about legitimate criticisms of capitalism. He said he'd given a lecture the night before in a room filled with 600-700 people who all paid money to understand this situation better and that would have been virtually unimaginable just 5 years ago. Progressive pockets of citizens are popping up everywhere and even life long Republicans who self-identify as conservative support some of the most progressive policies put forth like universal healthcare and college.

So were they onto something? Where would we be right now if Hillary Clinton were the president instead of Donald Trump? The results of the Obama administration were good in many respects, but in an economic sense, pretty terrible. Would a hypothetical Clinton administration have been a continuation of that?

i did not vote for Trump. i think he is a cartoon character and a joke upon the People. the progressive wave that is rolling over the country is a divisiveness that i would prefer not to see.
The problem is not with ANY of the things I saw mentioned in the poll, or answers on the first page.

The problem is that the federal government has escaped the boundaries of the Constitution and the States not holding on to the power that they have. If the government had stayed within the Constitutional boundaries, and the States had ruthlessly held on to THEIR power/authority, we would be alright.

Instead, the federal government has grown out of control, and the States have relinquished control unnecessarily.

I want my Liberty back!!
No, you made a blanket statement that socialism is immoral and appear to be advocating going back to the pre-ACA status quo. We are where we are today because of greed. Period. All of your "corruption" flows from there.

socialism is immoral. it would appear that we are in agreement that we are where we are today because of corruption.
socialism is immoral. it would appear that we are in agreement that we are where we are today because of corruption.
Where dose Globalism lay?

please clarify your question

@dagwood45431 the kind of rudeness that is generally shown by people like you with other people who do not agree with their liberal socialist views is exactly why this country is on the road it is on. instead of having a civilized conversation, people are just rude and angry.
please clarify your question

@dagwood45431 the kind of rudeness that is generally shown by people like you with other people who do not agree with their liberal socialist views is exactly why this country is on the road it is on. instead of having a civilized conversation, people are just rude and angry.
Sounds like you're having the vapors, snowflake.
What are you no longer free to do? Be specific.

Where do I start? The first,second,4th,-10th amendments?Other Constitutional violations? We could write a book covering the losses of liberty. So MANY Constitutional violations. Just go to YouTube and watch the video by John Stossel called," illegal everything ".
Where do I start? The first,second,4th,-10th amendments?Other Constitutional violations? We could write a book covering the losses of liberty. So MANY Constitutional violations. Just go to YouTube and watch the video by John Stossel called," illegal everything ".
A lot of words. Question not answered. Try again?
A lot of words. Question not answered. Try again?
How is it not answered? Or are you trying to be deliberately obtuse?

If almost every one of the Bill of Rights is being violated by the federal government on a daily basis, THAT IS the answer.
First amendment- covers 5 of our rights... speech, religion, press, assembly, redress of grievances. We have areas where free speech is not allowed like around the White House. Assembly, in most places you MUST first obtain a permit. SCOTUS opined that if a permit/license is required, then that is not a Right, rather it is a privilege.