What do you believe is the fundamental problem with [American] government?

What do you believe is the fundamental problem with [American] government?

  • I don't believe a government should exist. That society would be better off without

  • Poor creation/execution of legislation

  • Incompetence/Inability/Ineptitude

  • Corruption

  • The authority of government: Executive orders v. Addressing Congress

  • The size of the government: Big v. Small

  • Efficiency of government

  • Racism/sexism/classism/other/etc.

  • Capitalism*

  • Other

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@dagwood45431 you're amusing that you think you're so smart - my point since you missed it was i took care of myself because i had made decisions in my life to be prepared for an event such as that and was still screwed by the system with health insurance and still had to pay thousands of dollars for that care. you don't think i am not aware that the system if broken??
Let me get this straight. You were screwed by the status quo healthcare system yet you support it? If not, what's your solution?
Yeah, well we could have continued Hoover's policies and let people suffer in poverty, support big business and fuck unionism, and not grow the middle class and the enormus tax base that produced. Who the hell buys goods and services and lets companies proper?

You're going to love single payer. You hear any bitching where it's in place? Fuck no, just here.

I have Canadian relatives. They don't come down here for treatment.

tell me - how does Baltimore, Detroit, Chicago look? wanna move there? that kind of system doesn't work. there are some Canadians that do seek healthcare here.
Ah so you equate corruption with socialism.

I got news for you; capitalism is far more corrupt than socialism ever dreamed of being. Don't believe me? Then explain how under our capitalist system mega corporations get kickbacks and subsidies and tax breaks galore- and bailouts too- in the largest economy on Earth, yet HALF the American population Earth's less than double the poverty line?

Your idea isn't capitalism; it's FASCISM. And you're a sucker who supports it in spite of it being detrimental to your own well-being.

You've been shagged.

no, you're confusing that corruption and capitalism are one and the same thing but they are not.
Let me get this straight. You were screwed by the status quo healthcare system yet you support it? If not, what's your solution?

here's what i would like to see since you've asked:

insurance companies that are following a capitalist approach that can sell over state lines, etc., (i could go on but for brevity, just keep the federal government out of it). i don't think insurance should be tied to your job so that should be fixed. i'd like to see hospitals be competitive with each other - when i had my recent surgery, it wasn't like i could shop around for the cheapest price. i went to the main hospital system here and got it done. and got charged a lot! i would like there to be a system that the local states enact that takes care of their citizens. you know, i don't have all the answers and my husband is telling me to get going...but i do not want to see our country head down a path toward more socialism. you all think a little is good, but i just think that is what people a generation ago thought too...
No, dumdum. Some socialistic policies are beneficial under any form of government. Why must you conservative freaks see everything in dumbed-down black-and-white terms? Lack of critical thinking skills? Inability to think abstractly? Anger and bitterness trumping (pardon) logic? Sucking too long at the nips of Tits Limbaugh and never weened? What?

First, I am neither republican,democrat, socialist, communist, or any other party.

Second, when people resort to personal attacks, that means that they feel that they are losing the debate, and like someone drowning, grab hold forcefully to whatever is at hand. I have not called you any name, simply asked if you were being obtuse. I believe that you are, and continue to do so, even though I have given you a very specific answer, as you requested. I just used 1 example, the first amendment. Apparently that is not sufficient. I don't know what else to say to you in this regard.

I speak English quite well, thank you. That is another personal attack on your part.

As for the generous donations mentioned by someone else (I don't seem to have the ability to multi-quote on my phone) , Good job! (I am really serious and not being facetious)

For those who believe that Socialism works, I really don't know what to say, other than that most often it doesn't work. Look at the countries that have practiced this and you will see that it is hit and miss. Usually because of corruption, it fails abysmally. True of any form of government, but socialism seems to be plagued with it more than any other form of government. The USSR is a prime example.

Honestly I don't like any Party. I just want the American government to follow the Constitution. Following the Constitution is the only way that we can be free. My rights are mine. Not yours, not the governments, MINE. I plan on keeping them all and passing them on to my children.... if we can get them back, as the CONSTITUTION guaranteed.
I speak English quite well, thank you. That is another personal attack on your part.
It is? Where? Here's what you replied to:
No, dumdum. Some socialistic policies are beneficial under any form of government. Why must you conservative freaks see everything in dumbed-down black-and-white terms? Lack of critical thinking skills? Inability to think abstractly? Anger and bitterness trumping (pardon) logic? Sucking too long at the nips of Tits Limbaugh and never weened? What?
Where's the "personal attack" on your English?

Please, try to make sense.

First, I am neither republican,democrat, socialist, communist, or any other party.

Second, when people resort to personal attacks, that means that they feel that they are losing the debate, and like someone drowning, grab hold forcefully to whatever is at hand. I have not called you any name, simply asked if you were being obtuse. I believe that you are, and continue to do so, even though I have given you a very specific answer, as you requested. I just used 1 example, the first amendment. Apparently that is not sufficient. I don't know what else to say to you in this regard.

I speak English quite well, thank you. That is another personal attack on your part.

As for the generous donations mentioned by someone else (I don't seem to have the ability to multi-quote on my phone) , Good job! (I am really serious and not being facetious)

For those who believe that Socialism works, I really don't know what to say, other than that most often it doesn't work. Look at the countries that have practiced this and you will see that it is hit and miss. Usually because of corruption, it fails abysmally. True of any form of government, but socialism seems to be plagued with it more than any other form of government. The USSR is a prime example.

Honestly I don't like any Party. I just want the American government to follow the Constitution. Following the Constitution is the only way that we can be free. My rights are mine. Not yours, not the governments, MINE. I plan on keeping them all and passing them on to my children.... if we can get them back, as the CONSTITUTION guaranteed.

Get a hold of @Rob Roy and start a cult.

what's the age of consent, he'll probably want to know.
No, dumdum. Some socialistic policies are beneficial under any form of government. Why must you conservative freaks see everything in dumbed-down black-and-white terms? Lack of critical thinking skills? Inability to think abstractly? Anger and bitterness trumping (pardon) logic? Sucking too long at the nips of Tits Limbaugh and never weened? What?
Pretty much this.