What do with this hermie?

I have two small plant, flowering for about 4-5 weeks. They are doing really well but i have been noticing some sacs that look like they could be seeds forming, if this is a hermie should i just harvest or let it finish, will it be less potent if i harvest now or will it be the same if i harvest two weeks or so from now? Pleasee help? much appreciation!


Well-Known Member
I mean will sifting throw seed bother you. If they dont then I would wait, plus if something goes wrong you have some seeds you the strain. Its really your call on that one


Well-Known Member
If your 5 weeks into flowering you might as well finish it. You've only got like 3 weeks left. Might as well. I would hate to wast the time. Just pull the pollin sacks as you see them. The bud will still be good even if you have some seeds in it. If you harvest now the bud will be weak and you'll be kicking yourself for harvesting now.


Active Member
I would definitely let them finish flowering. Have you considered pruning the suspected male "sacs". It might not be too late as long as your careful and don't allow any pollen to escape.
well i am still skeptical on how to handle this because i noticed these sacs but wasn't sure if a pistil would pop out, im guessing it did turn hermie, is there any sure way to tell between false seed pod and a hermie attack?


Active Member
You may let the flower finish, let the pollen impollinate the pistills of that plant (and it alone), and have feminized seeds PLUS weed of that strain!