what do u do with money

amount is now 4000 3999 is the limit they are talking to lowing that to 1500
federal reporting limit now ........they are freaked about the T word

so u say make buddies with a strait lawyer and a good accountant ....then hire them
i got to get one for taxes this is the first time i have to file ever

he said give it to him

i said no if i was going to just give it to someone i would one of the 6 ppl i trust .......tell them they can keep 30-50k and the rest of the money set it up the way i need too
those 6 ppl i have no worries about them robbing me .......if they wanted too could of thousands of times before
(i had little over 62k in one of those little fire proofsafes all 6 knew i left house for 2 weeks i came back it was all there) .....i trust them

kind of what i had going here .....put we are not talking change money anymore

i look into it ......it just the federal rules with weed it is still narco 1 list so it is a seizure thing ......that and they are insure yah for like 120k

yes it is

but i have more then enough for the rest of my life .....the house is mine the land is mine
i am planning on renting the house out after we update it and fix everything .......1800 a month split the rent with my brother and 2 months rent use for land taxes and homeowners insurance
after that rent it untill get the money back put into it and sell it when the market is better
Wow that's pretty crappy if it's now $3999 and an automatic red flag. Pretty soon anyone using paper money will get looked at strange. Not sure where you heard that but I know for certain it's been $10,000 since 9/11. Also a good lawyer and an accountant will set you up properly. You might have to grease them a little but I guess it's worth it if you want clean money. You could do it by yourself but they know the ins and outs. Pretty much just setting up a LLC that's not suspicious for bringing in cash.
Wow that's pretty crappy if it's now $3999 and an automatic red flag. Pretty soon anyone using paper money will get looked at strange. Not sure where you heard that but I know for certain it's been $10,000 since 9/11. Also a good lawyer and an accountant will set you up properly. You might have to grease them a little but I guess it's worth it if you want clean money. You could do it by yourself but they know the ins and outs. Pretty much just setting up a LLC that's not suspicious for bringing in cash.

cleaning money is easy ........i been in this kind of trade since teens (picked up tricks)

silver bars/ rare coins .......pick them up and hold them sell off in 1000 batches
really simple u can get the silver almost anywhere just have to keep under that 3999 limt on the buys.....then u just need to hold on to it so u make the transaction fees back when the price goes up

then u can sell it anywhere aslong as it is 99.9999% silver bars/coin ........pawn shops coin stores jewerly stores the place u picked up the silver (they all give u market value for the amount of weight u have)

i been doing it on a small scale here as i only could prove 2k was legally money.....now i have something to show with all this coming to me i can do it in a larger scale

best part .....silver has no smell so not like hiding cash in the wall were a dog will hit on it........silver does not rust and cleans up easy so right land u can play pirate never keep all your eggs in one basket so to say
Im in a cash business to. Its getting harder as the govt tries to make us a cashless society. Getting harder and harder to avoid paying tax as people start to use less cash and more internet banking. Theres even a card reader you can link to your smart phone for taking payments...bad, bad, bad future for cash income.

Im in Australia and I dont get charged anything on my personal bank accounts but do get a $10 a month fee on my business one.

Here we can bank up to $9999 cash with no questions asked..$10k and you get asked the question. Won it on a horse, Keno, casino. is what most say. But you can only be so lucky..So best to spread it out.
cleaning money is easy ........i been in this kind of trade since teens (picked up tricks)

silver bars/ rare coins .......pick them up and hold them sell off in 1000 batches
really simple u can get the silver almost anywhere just have to keep under that 3999 limt on the buys.....then u just need to hold on to it so u make the transaction fees back when the price goes up

then u can sell it anywhere aslong as it is 99.9999% silver bars/coin ........pawn shops coin stores jewerly stores the place u picked up the silver (they all give u market value for the amount of weight u have)

i been doing it on a small scale here as i only could prove 2k was legally money.....now i have something to show with all this coming to me i can do it in a larger scale

best part .....silver has no smell so not like hiding cash in the wall were a dog will hit on it........silver does not rust and cleans up easy so right land u can play pirate never keep all your eggs in one basket so to say
I'm a big believer in hard assets especially gold and silver. I like gold a little better because it's easier to hide than all that silver. Anyways how can you prove that when you go to sell it and then deposit the cash that the money was legit to begin with?
and remember that there is no $$ limit amount for a financial institution to file a FinCEN Suspicious Activity Report (SAR) on you and your behavior.
I know it's ridiculous, just got to make friends at the bank with the teller, Or just use the atm. I have heard one of the biggest red flags is frequent and consistent money transactions.
I'm a big believer in hard assets especially gold and silver. I like gold a little better because it's easier to hide than all that silver. Anyways how can you prove that when you go to sell it and then deposit the cash that the money was legit to begin with?

that is for them to prove it was illegal money .......the orginal money i used on it was b-day x-mas holiday money i got for gift

u buy the first batch .......then u sit on it untill the price turns upwards and u make some cash on it u sell it for increased profit and use that to buy more when it dips back down

for awhile it was 24 a oz then it dropped t 15 a oz now it back in the 19 buck range

the money keeps making money for u then u add in the illegal money and u build the amount of silver up no one knows u have what u have the ppl u deal with see that same 1000 u using to buy more
they do not keep reacords about coins/metal not unles u get to the reporting limit

u pay in cash with in 30 days the hard drives are recorded over and reused

then when u need to cash out u spread it around ......pawn shops coin stores jewelery outlets the place u get the metals from (i am in bumfuck no where i have 3 shops in my cloeset city 2 coin shops 1 silver gold exchange and as for pawn shops i can think of 4.....and jewerly shops countless chain stores and privatly owned ones )

once u convert it u keep the paperwork they give u proven it from the sale of silver .......dirty money into clean money (they do not know how much silver u really have there is no reacord of that as u got it in cash )

gold silver and coins are the only thing i know that is not reported irs of taxes (stocks and bonds need a tax id to buy and they are all digital now no more paper .....use to go into the bank and get a usa saving bond with cash )

just so u know owning gold as a private usa citizen was illegal from 1933 to 1974
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that is for them to prove it was illegal money .......the orginal money i used on it was b-day x-mas holiday money i got for gift

u buy the first batch .......then u sit on it untill the price turns upwards and u make some cash on it u sell it for increased profit and use that to buy more when it dips back down

for awhile it was 24 a oz then it dropped t 15 a oz now it back in the 19 buck range

the money keeps making money for u then u add in the illegal money and u build the amount of silver up no one knows u have what u have the ppl u deal with see that same 1000 u using to buy more
they do not keep reacords about coins/metal not unles u get to the reporting limit

u pay in cash with in 30 days the hard drives are recorded over and reused

then when u need to cash out u spread it around ......pawn shops coin stores jewelery outlets the place u get the metals from (i am in bumfuck no where i have 3 shops in my cloeset city 2 coin shops 1 silver gold exchange and as for pawn shops i can think of 4.....and jewerly shops countless chain stores and privatly owned ones )

once u convert it u keep the paperwork they give u proven it from the sale of silver .......dirty money into clean money (they do not know how much silver u really have there is no reacord of that as u got it in cash )

gold silver and coins are the only thing i know that is not reported irs of taxes (stocks and bonds need a tax id to buy and they are all digital now no more paper .....use to go into the bank and get a usa saving bond with cash )

just so u know owning gold as a private usa citizen was illegal from 1933 to 1974
I love gold and silver and to be honest I believe silver will be the best to profit off. The only problem is the amount needed. It's harder to hide thousands of dollars worth of silver when you compare it to thousands of dollars worth of gold. I've owned bot for a while and have always wanted to just hold it forever. It's starting to make more sense to buy more now but it always hard to determine when to buy.
I was a little bias about going into stocks because I entered the market post 2008. I wouldn't invest in it now though. I feel like gold and silver is manipulated just like diamonds are by the Debeers or whoever that family is. I do believe gold should still back our currency up and a fiat system ALWAYS FAILS. That's nuts that owning gold was banned during those times. FDR requested that all citizens turn in their gold for paper money and most people followed. If I'm not mistaking it was Nixon who totally removed gold from our currency and went to a full fiat.
I love gold and silver and to be honest I believe silver will be the best to profit off. The only problem is the amount needed. It's harder to hide thousands of dollars worth of silver when you compare it to thousands of dollars worth of gold. I've owned bot for a while and have always wanted to just hold it forever. It's starting to make more sense to buy more now but it always hard to determine when to buy.
I was a little bias about going into stocks because I entered the market post 2008. I wouldn't invest in it now though. I feel like gold and silver is manipulated just like diamonds are by the Debeers or whoever that family is. I do believe gold should still back our currency up and a fiat system ALWAYS FAILS. That's nuts that owning gold was banned during those times. FDR requested that all citizens turn in their gold for paper money and most people followed. If I'm not mistaking it was Nixon who totally removed gold from our currency and went to a full fiat.

usa is not backed by gold ......it was taken off the gold standard years ago 1933
that is when it became illegal for us citizen to own gold /gold coins 1933-1974

the usa dollar is backed by nothing .......nothing at all but the word it is worth what they say it is

if u look at the amount of money floating around there is not enough gold silver jewels in the world to justifiy it ........what i know about gold is there is enought to fill up a football feild to 6 feet high that is it that is all the gold in the world combined into 1 place

as for buying silver ........anything under 20 bucks u jump on when it gets to 21 u sell it
if u do not want to do the silver .....go coins u can pay 2000k for 1 rare coin and it will be worth that plus more with in a year

anything but paper money u are safe to hide in the walls and seal it up .......dogs will not hit on it (they hit on cash becuase of the ppl rolling it up every bill in america has trace amounts of coke herion meth....when it gets into a large supply of it that trace amount is enough to tip off the dogs)
usa is not backed by gold ......it was taken off the gold standard years ago 1933
that is when it became illegal for us citizen to own gold /gold coins 1933-1974

the usa dollar is backed by nothing .......nothing at all but the word it is worth what they say it is

if u look at the amount of money floating around there is not enough gold silver jewels in the world to justifiy it ........what i know about gold is there is enought to fill up a football feild to 6 feet high that is it that is all the gold in the world combined into 1 place

as for buying silver ........anything under 20 bucks u jump on when it gets to 21 u sell it
if u do not want to do the silver .....go coins u can pay 2000k for 1 rare coin and it will be worth that plus more with in a year

anything but paper money u are safe to hide in the walls and seal it up .......dogs will not hit on it (they hit on cash becuase of the ppl rolling it up every bill in america has trace amounts of coke herion meth....when it gets into a large supply of it that trace amount is enough to tip off the dogs)
I'm pretty aware that gold is not backing the dollar anymore, if you read my last post you would see that. That is crazy though about the cash and how it has traces of drugs on it. Have you heard of people burying cash? Seems crazy but smart at the same time hahah. Not sure how people can keep water and dirt from ruining it though.
I'm pretty aware that gold is not backing the dollar anymore, if you read my last post you would see that. That is crazy though about the cash and how it has traces of drugs on it. Have you heard of people burying cash? Seems crazy but smart at the same time hahah. Not sure how people can keep water and dirt from ruining it though.

sorry i tend to ramble ....still getting my head on strait from life gut punch

as for burying it ........yes i know several ppl that do this
mountains or desert public land is the best as u always have access and normally protected wild areas so development is unlikely
(something might go wrong and the land is not yours u need in a place that can be accessed anytime by anyone ....that is the key to hiding it and getting it)

now most ppl think wrapping in plastic and using a synthetic fabric bag is the best idea ........it works great but for long term u want a metal or one of the newer plastic cases
they make this hide a ammo cash thing
this also makes a great go bag stash can .........if u are in a area something might cause u need to get out of it quick and easy bury one put the gear inside seal cover ........when u need it grab it go everything else is left for later

the avg of the metal is if over time some has shifted or your mind has lost the details or the paper got messed up a general area and a grid system with metal detector can find it ....if u do the plastic u will need ground radar (unless u bury it with a supply of metal to cause it to register enough under 2/3 feet 18 inches is freeze and animal lvl u need to go deeper and i like mothballs around it in the ground so it keeps borrowing animals away even if dissolved the soil will get chemicals )

after that it is just matter of geo tagging the area with a gps and then encoding that info into something u have access from any where anytime in the world and only u know the key to break it and the code it was written ........figure u are with in 6 feet of the right spot with the tag 3 left or 3 right 6 feet circle
I'm pretty aware that gold is not backing the dollar anymore, if you read my last post you would see that. That is crazy though about the cash and how it has traces of drugs on it. Have you heard of people burying cash? Seems crazy but smart at the same time hahah. Not sure how people can keep water and dirt from ruining it though.
My dad used to bury cash (our cash is plastic not paper).
Trouble was he died and we dug and dug and dug and could not find any of it. None.
Moral of the story..leave a map or something with your will.