What do gays really want?

"Any male who is aware of his actions and chooses to have sex with another male is a homosexual."
Hey Rick,,If I were to Rape you in prison, to show my dominate nature on you,,,would you have the balls to tell me I'm Gay?

I doubt you would last 2 seconds against me. I paid my way through college working as a bouncer.
i think the answer to this thread is real easy...what do gays want... hmmm how bout but sex with other men who are wearing assless leather chaps, while bumping y.m.c.a!!!
Just curious:

How many people would let their 13 year old son go on a weekend camping trip with two gay men as their chaperons?

Of those who answer yes, would you also let your blossoming 13 year old daughter do likewise if the two men were straight? What if you found out they would be sharing tents?

I answer NO.

The whole field trip alone with two gays is too risky to allow. If you trusted the homosexuals alone in the woods with your son, and believed that they wouldn't be trying to hack his hiney hymen then perhaps you could feel safe about your son's ass-cherry remaining intact.

However, if the two homosexuals were a pairing, then they might get randy camper syndrome and start butt-blasting each other behind the bushes within earshot of your vulnerable child, or he may discover them 'wrestling' with each other in their sleeping bag. Or they may restrain themselves to mere petting or knowing looks and familiarity. Either way, the homos are demonstrating, in a personal environment and intimate setting, alone with your 13 year old impressionable child, that their gayness is ok.

Which it isn't.

Not in this situation. Maybe on TV, or witnessing them in public places, that is ok, people stare at odd things all the time...but alone in the woods with your 13 year old child? Your child is a walking erection looking for any reason to explode. You do not want him coming home and wacking off to imaginings about what the two homosexuals would have gotten up to if he weren't there with them, because he sure as hell knows as well as you and I that if they were alone they'd be going for gold. The whole situation is akin to acclimatisation, or preparation for acceptance, and an invite to hormonal curiosity. It's not worth the risk. By allowing your child to go off into the woods with two homos and all sleep in the same tent, you would be practically endorsing any inquisitiveness your son and his boner might have. He can decide later on in life if rimming a hairy biker's choccie starfish is what he wants to do for fun, he doesn't need any input at his age from people that already do.

If you want grandkids, alone in the woods in a tent with two homos for the weekend is not the way to do it.

Homosexuality is not normal. It is everywhere, everyday, but it is not normal. It is a reactionary behaviour to broken mental linkings damaged/influenced in people during formative years.

Homos may defend against this and imply that they are fine, normal citizens, but their rebuttal is entirely retrospective and a basic denial that anything is faulty with them. This defense lacks the insight to identify the collective or individual experiences which shaped their personality outcomes. Homos are the first to say their shit don't stink.
Did I mention the biggest homophobes tend to be the biggest closet homos? Yeah, really...

Think of the meaning of the word.

Homophobia - Literally an uncontrollable fear of homosexuals and of homosexuality.

the underlined shows what you linked to.
Dude, your words might hit home if they weren't riddled with phrases such as 'hack his hiney hymen' and 'rimming a hairy biker's choccie starfish'. That kind of language is a dead giveaway to your obvious homophobia.

Did I mention the biggest homophobes tend to be the biggest closet homos? Yeah, really... https://www.psychologytoday.com/files/u47/Henry_et_al.pdf

"That kind of language is a dead giveaway to your obvious homophobia." - This is where you imply/invent a negative characteristic and attribute it to me.

"Did I mention the biggest homophobes tend to be the biggest closet homos?"
- This is where, after attributing a negative characteristic (homophobia) to me, you suggest that my personal opinions/actions are not in line with my argument. This is a fairly weak tu quoque response that has nil effect on my original argument.

"Yeah, really... https://www.psychologytoday.com/files/u47/Henry_et_al.pdf"
- This is where you attempt to validate your argument with an appeal to authority, and by proxy attempt to validate your entire proposition.

All you have really done, is react emotionally to my post. You didn't openly disagree with what I posted (because you couldn't?), but you didn't like the way I said it, after all, the truth hurts the most, so you decided to attack me by the only means possible: Making Shit Up.

Had you asked me first if I was a homophobe, and had I responded affirmatively, then your reply would have been very effective. Unfortunately for you, your accusations fail at the first hurdle your entire witless riposte is based upon.

Here is your argument:

1) You are a homophobe
2) Homophobes are secretly homos themselves
3) This official study proves it

What you haven't done, is prove any link between homophobia and me.

What you have done, is attempted to discredit me and my opinion by negative connotation- , by calling me a homo.

What you are saying , is that my argument is wrong because I am a secret homo.

Why do you see being a homo as a negative?

Why did you call me a homo, and intend it as an insult/negative attribute?
"Yeah, really...

Well, let's say hypothetically that you were hooked up to one of these boner measuring machines--I believe they are called penile plethysmographs. Let's say then, for example, you were exposed to a video of two hot guys engaging in torrid anal and oral sex. Furthermore, let’s say, for example, that you popped a giant erection and burst the cuff on the plethysmograph. . .

What would you do? And remember, you do not have American Express. :twisted:
At first I thought you were just a troll. But after your most recent post I can tell you actually believe this crazy shit, so here you go, a real reply like you asked for.

...lets get started...

I answer NO.

The whole field trip alone with two gays is too risky to allow. If you trusted the homosexuals alone in the woods with your son, and believed that they wouldn't be trying to hack his hiney hymen then perhaps you could feel safe about your son's ass-cherry remaining intact.

So you see homosexual people (most likely males specifically) as sex crazed lunatics only interested in fucking everything of the same sex that moves? ...could be me, but that's just the impression I'm getting from this opening paragraph...:confused:

Allow me to put it in perspective for you...;

The whole field trip alone with two black guys is too risky to allow. If you trusted the ni**ers alone in the woods with your son, and believed that they wouldn't be trying to steal his money/make him use drugs/play rock music then perhaps you could feel safe about your son's morality remaining intact.
:-| (douche)


However, if the two homosexuals were a pairing, then they might get randy camper syndrome and start butt-blasting each other behind the bushes within earshot of your vulnerable child, or he may discover them 'wrestling' with each other in their sleeping bag. Or they may restrain themselves to mere petting or knowing looks and familiarity. Either way, the homos are demonstrating, in a personal environment and intimate setting, alone with your 13 year old impressionable child, that their gayness is ok.

Which it isn't.

Perhaps their "gayness" isn't your business? - did you ever give that any thought...?

Perhaps people should explain to their kids what sexuality is, how it works, what it means... etc. so they don't feel so threatened by two people who love each other expressing their affection. I know, crazy right!

Not in this situation. Maybe on TV, or witnessing them in public places, that is ok, people stare at odd things all the time...but alone in the woods with your 13 year old child? Your child is a walking erection looking for any reason to explode. You do not want him coming home and wacking off to imaginings about what the two homosexuals would have gotten up to if he weren't there with them, because he sure as hell knows as well as you and I that if they were alone they'd be going for gold.

First, you do not decide what your sexual orientation is. Did you ever decide to be straight? Even if a kid wanted to come home and whack it while thinking about the raving homos in the woods (for whatever reason - because it makes zero sense at all..) he would most likely not be able to unless he was already gay to begin with. I could sit in a room with 100 gay guys for a year straight and I wouldn't turn gay - that's seriously just an absurd accusation. Vice versa with gay people. This concept is so simple and basic most kids understand it already. (it amazes me how a lot of adults miss it...)

Again with the accusation that homosexuals are raving sex addicts who are interested only in unprotected sex with many different partners... typical.

The whole situation is akin to acclimatisation, or preparation for acceptance, and an invite to hormonal curiosity. It's not worth the risk. By allowing your child to go off into the woods with two homos and all sleep in the same tent, you would be practically endorsing any inquisitiveness your son and his boner might have. He can decide later on in life if rimming a hairy biker's choccie starfish is what he wants to do for fun, he doesn't need any input at his age from people that already do.

Why are you so interested in what homosexuals do with themselves? Are you against freedom? Are you against equality? Are you against America? - because that's what America stands for.

If you want grandkids, alone in the woods in a tent with two homos for the weekend is not the way to do it.

Unfortunately for you, you're not responsible for having grandkids. You have no vested interest in it what so ever. What your kid decides to do is entirely up to him - be it fuck a thousand different chicks and give you the thousand grandkids you desire, or sleep with men because that's what he's more comfortable with. It's his life, and they're his choices to make.

Homosexuality is not normal. It is everywhere, everyday, but it is not normal. It is a reactionary behaviour to broken mental linkings damaged/influenced in people during formative years.

Blatant lie. You don't know what you're talking about. Homosexuality is no more "wrong" or "incorrect" than heterosexuality. The point should be made though, even if it was entirely wrong - it's irrelevant, because you don't get to dictate what other citizens do in a free society based on what you feel might be yucky like a little bitch 6 year old girl. Grow a pair. :cry: Run the logical train on that one and see how far you get...

Homos may defend against this and imply that they are fine, normal citizens, but their rebuttal is entirely retrospective and a basic denial that anything is faulty with them. This defense lacks the insight to identify the collective or individual experiences which shaped their personality outcomes. Homos are the first to say their shit don't stink.

"Heteros may defend against this and imply that they are fine, normal citizens, but their rebuttal is entirely retrospective and a basic denial that anything is faulty with them. This defense lacks the insight to identify the collective or individual experiences which shaped their personality outcomes. Heteros are the first to say their shit don't stink."

...again, clearly retarded.

This entire post is chalk full of fail. Thanks for playing.
What you have done, is attempted to discredit me and my opinion by negative connotation- , by calling me a homo.

What you are saying , is that my argument is wrong because I am a secret homo.

Why do you see being a homo as a negative?

Why did you call me a homo, and intend it as an insult/negative attribute?

Good spot on that! I am impressed by your intelligence, somewhat.

In a moment of laziness, too stoned to articulate intelligent thought along the lines of what PadawanBater assembled, I found it easier to make a smart ass wisecrack.

Call me sentimental, but I find it hard to resist the temptation to point out the irony that those that rail so strongly against homosexuals, like yourself, are most often the ones who secretly harbor those same tendencies.

I'll try to stay off the low road, but no promises with you. You make it too easy
At first I thought you were just a troll. So nice of you to start your reasoned and rational response with intelligent and well thought out insults.But after your most recent post I can tell you actually believe this crazy shit, so here you go, a real reply like you asked for.

...lets get started...

So you see homosexual people (most likely males specifically) as sex crazed lunatics only interested in fucking everything of the same sex that moves? ...could be me, but that's just the impression I'm getting from this opening paragraph...:confused: Once again another poor attempt at demonisation. If you're going to throw stones, man up and don't include your meek disclaimers. Please be more original :roll:

Allow me to put it in perspective for you...;

The whole field trip alone with two black guys is too risky to allow. If you trusted the ni**ers alone in the woods with your son, and believed that they wouldn't be trying to steal his money/make him use drugs/play rock music then perhaps you could feel safe about your son's morality remaining intact.
:-| (douche) An even poorer attempt to follow the first fail. Again, be original, please attack the issue at hand, not invent trite scenarios to discredit your opponents.


And congrats to you too, you managed to play the race card in a debate about gay men in the forest with your teenage son.
Perhaps their "gayness" isn't your business? - did you ever give that any thought...? Anything involving a (hypothetical) 13 year old son of mine is utterly my business. None of your business, but all mine. What a bizarre statement you make.

Perhaps people should explain to their kids what sexuality is, how it works, what it means... etc. so they don't feel so threatened by two people who love each other expressing their affection. I know, crazy right! Perhaps people shouldn't indirectly condone abnormal behaviour.
Perhaps people should call a spade a spade. You also assume people are threatened by gay public affection, but you omit other reactions like disgust, horror, humor, confusion, and curiosity.

First, you do not decide what your sexual orientation is.No, of course not, all the mincing about, flamboyancy and gay accent just 'happened', -must have been in you since birth eh? Did you ever decide to be straight? No, my entire human genetic makeup is structured for the purpose of reproduction, no decision needed, it's in your blood and bones, you're born with it. Even if a kid wanted to come home and whack it while thinking about the raving homos in the woods (for whatever reason - because it makes zero sense at all..) he would most likely not be able to unless he was already gay to begin with. Here you actually get the jist of it but completely miss the point. You incorrectly assume people are born gay. Gayness is an effect of environment. I could sit in a room with 100 gay guys for a year straight and I wouldn't turn gay - that's seriously just an absurd accusation. Vice versa with gay people. Yes, that is an absurd accusation. I wonder who said that? Wasn't me who said that, I've just checked every post I made in this thread, and yep, 100% positive I didn't say that. If you could quote me on that, you know, a direct cut'n'paste, then maybe you'll make sense. Perhaps, and only perhaps, you misunderstood me and then reacted without first seeking clarification? This concept is so simple and basic most kids understand it already. (it amazes me how a lot of adults miss it...) Also amazing is adults lack of comprehension and slowness of understanding, contrasting their amazingly fast reactive and judgemental abilities that come into play once they think they hold the high ground.

Again with the accusation that homosexuals are raving sex addicts who are interested only in unprotected sex with many different partners... typical.
Again with the 'insult and attack' method. It's getting boring now. Just for larks I'll list the bits you imagined in your fury.

1) Raving Sex addicts

2)Unprotected Sex

3)Many Different Partners

Where oh where did you read any of this in my post? Please cut n paste so we may see you are not delusional. It seems like you added in your own pre-conceived notions of homosexual stereotyping merely to accuse me of such and bolster your argument.

Why are you so interested in what homosexuals do with themselves? <- This is where you posit a loaded supposition. Are you against freedom?<- This is where you again imply a negative. Are you against equality? And again. Are you against America? And again - *yaaawwn* - because that's what America stands for.
<- The most blatant appeal to patriotism, and again *sigh* implying in situ that I am unpatriotic.

Unfortunately for you, you're not responsible for having grandkids. You have no vested interest in it what so ever. WTF? What your kid decides to do is entirely up to him - be it fuck a thousand different chicks and give you the thousand grandkids you desire, or sleep with men because that's what he's more comfortable with. It's his life, and they're his choices to make. Yeah, like I said in my post, his choices later ( about anything ) will be based on earlier experiences, adding or editing who and what influences your childs development is normal, and indeed mandatory for appropriate parenting.

Blatant lie. You don't know what you're talking about. Homosexuality is no more "wrong" or "incorrect" than heterosexuality. Although it is abnormal. Commonplace, but still an abnormality. I know exactly what I am talking about, you just might not understand it with a mind clouded by political correctness, emotional and flawed reasoning, and worst of all the erroneous pomposity of an overly altruistic yet thoroughly misguided zealot. Your opinions are shaped by those who you defend. You are only repeating what you think makes you appear as a fair and equitable non biased juror. You feel your accomodating stance and impartiality towards homosexuality makes you a better person somehow. Your weak opinion is based on nothing more than what you think will make you look good. The point should be made though, even if it was entirely wrong - it's irrelevant, because you don't get to dictate what other citizens do in a free society based on what you feel might be yucky like a little bitch 6 year old girl. Grow a pair. :cry: Run the logical train on that one and see how far you get... Another bizarre statement, another weird retort to your own imaginings. I suggest a reading comprehension course. Then, when you are capable you might be able to stand on your own two feet and argue on your merits rather than lash out with groundless inflammatory rhetoric.

I understand you are upset, but really, your reply was nothing but air. If you could attack my points without pandering to the audience and with anything even slightly more substantial than personal attacks, you may be taken seriously.

I also understand that you didn't like what I had to say, thus your little tanty. I'm glad you got to vent and voice your opposition to those who think for themselves.

Now that you've expressed yourself, perhaps you'll come back with something to say of value, about the subject matter in hand, not the author.

"Heteros may defend against this and imply that they are fine, normal citizens, but their rebuttal is entirely retrospective and a basic denial that anything is faulty with them. This defense lacks the insight to identify the collective or individual experiences which shaped their personality outcomes. Heteros are the first to say their shit don't stink."

...again, clearly retarded. Is everything above your comprehension 'retarded'? Again you react without first fully understanding what was said. You have no idea what that last sentence was about, do you? You just dismissed and insulted without consideration.

I'm sorry but until you actually understand what you are replying to you cannot be taken the least bit seriously. You just aren't in the same class.

This entire post is chalk full of fail. Yes. Your failure to understand basic english. Thanks for playing.

Your points were all valid, pity they were all based on your own misinterpretations and of no consequence. You have great vigour though, oh great gay defender.