What did you Today to Reduce your Carbon FootPrint?

I'm trying my best to remember if I know this person and maybe they figured out who I am in real life.
Probably dude wants you to do his dirty work for him ....maybe he figured calling you a pussy would upset you so bad that you would call this tillet guy and reem him a new one .......sounds like a 12 year old has a bully or a grudge that he can't deal with himself so he's trying to get you to .............I'm sure he laughed like a little girl in his ninja turtle Jammie's when he posted that to you thinking he had an awesome plan .

What he doesn't understand is calling people a pussy on here is usually a compliment compared to the normal adult things we sometimes call eachother

Give him another 12 years or so and he might be funny at the age of I'd say 20 or so .........as of now he just wasted your time with his -rep adolescent BS

Another missed opportunity at birth control
It is someone's real name and info. I looked it up and found a listed landline that matches the posted info.

I kind of think its his real info. Look at the name. tkm953. Mike Tillet. . The tkm is his initials backwards.
I guess possibly old friend .....or stalker that plans to molest you ....either way that's crazy he didn't PM you that info ......keep us posted and if you disappear will all know where to look
So ,did you walk somewhere rather than drive?Did you turn off the lights?How about do the laundry,take a shower,wash the dishes,at any time other than peak times?Did you attend a no drilling in my back yard protest in anything other than your gas guzzling Trucks,Tahoes ,Mini Coopers.If you didn't do any of those things,then Shut The Fuck Up about mine.Growing under lights uses massive amounts of electricity as well as water.So again,if You Did nothing to Reduce YOUR foot print,than Shut The Fuck Up About Mine.
I reduced my carbon footprint all the way down. It is now a methane footprint. This may explain why my friends won't take me anywhere except ag shows.
oh I think he was breast fed....by his father.
I can tell you why...(it's not that it's cleaner for your car, it's simply because it's volatility rate is lessened in the hot months, keeping VOCs down a lil)
I can explain a lil more...
if you reaaaally want to screech to a halt this thread.
your racing friend erroneously informed you by the way
premium gas burns NO different in regards to cleanliness, nor does it get you better gas mileage
simply resists predetonation from high combustion ratios. (performance engines)
past that it does not help your engine, in fact in some engines it can damage exhaust valves

Modern cars with knock sensors can advance timing further on premium fuel, improving mileage.