What did you Today to Reduce your Carbon FootPrint?

What I want to know is, why are fuel pumps marked: 'cleaner gas June 1 - Sept. 15' around here? Is that everywhere?
Shouldn't you have cleaner gas the year around. I've been using premium Sept 15 - May 30. I'm told it burns cleaner and it definitely gets a couple miles to the gallon better gas mileage. A race driver friend of mine suggested it. He knows his fuels.

Careful there. Often the pumps with the less use have the shittiest gas, usually the premiums. Race fuels are high octane because it helps pinging with high compression.

@doublejj I hated how competitive the electric bike was at the straight rhythm this year

Don't worry My trucks will always rock 350s and punched out big blocks, and I'll always ride 450s on the track... Someone's gotta make up for all the teslas I'm trying my hardest

I remember thinking the same thing watching Doug Henry riding the 400. Was a strange sound indeed lol.

those electric bikes are pretty crazy. the ktm dealer near me has one.. it looks so goofy, but i bet its serious on a track. its just gas and go. no clutch or anything. and its built real solid too. but id rather keep my two stroke 250 for a track, they are better for the environment :D id rather just fill a tank when i run out and keep going right away instead of losing time when its charging

I want to test ride one. I bet not having any engine gyro is fucking weird.

You are exactly right.
and hell yea, especially the DFI cars, those engines are gonna blow up soon.. mark my words, longevity is a thing of the past..
wait till all the ecoboost fords explode (yea tow with a small v6 under huge boost, sure that'll last)
the AUDI/VWs are having TONS of problems with he fuel pumps eating and chewing up the end of the camshaft
not too bad, juuuuust gotta replace the cam and fuel pump
in fact VW has the camshafts and fuel pumps in STOCK, sitting on the shelf because they grenade so often
i'm NOT a fan of DFI at all
and almost all the new cars are DFI
shit all the newer bmws are dfi and turbo'd
talk about problems in the near future
the whole problem is all the "horsepower wars"
each manufacture is trying to squeeze alllll the hp out of small displacement engines as they can, and there is NO way to do that reliably.
and this is coming from a turbo-loving madman

I got a solution. Screaming eagle 44mm carb on a Suzuki Samurai!

My distaste for nuclear power has everything to do with contamination of Earth's biosphere for future generations; off planet energy is very likely to be nuclear in many cases- fine with me!

Dude you know all the Nuclear plants around the SouthEast are all throwbacks from the war and Fukishima was older than old, in fact I think it was the oldest literally. Actually held up pretty well to that quake really considering that. You're worried about uranium waste, that's the big one. They're developing reactors to burn all this waste right now. Problem solved for a century.

Oh yeah, reduced my footprint pulling power wheelies on my Gixxer today and setting her down oh so gently.
But the trout and salmon ;)
It's been said that Americans sorting trash (in homes) and businesses putting in trash sorter bins doesn't offset in any real way the amount of resources they (we) use. We can make ourselves feel proactive about hauling our reusable bags to Whole Foods and separating our plastic, but we still make not just a footprint but a huge, gaping shithole compared to the rest of the planet. The deficit between what we consume and what we recycle is just too huge to make any great strides in saving the planet.
It's been said that Americans sorting trash (in homes) and businesses putting in trash sorter bins doesn't offset in any real way the amount of resources they (we) use. We can make ourselves feel proactive about hauling our reusable bags to Whole Foods and separating our plastic, but we still make not just a footprint but a huge, gaping shithole compared to the rest of the planet. The deficit between what we consume and what we recycle is just too huge to make any great strides in saving the planet.
Recycling is bull shit. It does nothing for the environment.
Think about all the fossil fuels used to collect and sort that stuff then transport it again then the power to melt and reuse it.

If recycling plastic and paper was really worth it then we would make money off it like taking metal to the scrap yard.

It does make you feel good but does nothing really.

I take all food scraps to a worm or compost bin. I compost all paper products I can. I reuse anything I can. I try but saving your plastic up is really pointless from the whole carbon footprint view.
Recycling is bull shit. It does nothing for the environment.
Think about all the fossil fuels used to collect and sort that stuff then transport it again then the power to melt and reuse it.

If recycling plastic and paper was really worth it then we would make money off it like taking metal to the scrap yard.

It does make you feel good but does nothing really.

I take all food scraps to a worm or compost bin. I compost all paper products I can. I reuse anything I can. I try but saving your plastic up is really pointless from the whole carbon footprint view.
Totally agree. Not to mention al the agencies that have to be created to manage the recycling program...our tax $ at work. It just makes people feel better. This is the very thinking that drives me nuts.

@whitebb2727 how's the knee today?
Totally agree. Not to mention al the agencies that have to be created to manage the recycling program...our tax $ at work. It just makes people feel better. This is the very thinking that drives me nuts.

@whitebb2727 how's the knee today?
I did some contract work for a plastic injection molding company. They use very little recycled plastic. Only for certain things. It was explained to me that recycled is inferior.
I did some contract work for a plastic injection molding company. They use very little recycled plastic. Only for certain things. It was explained to me that recycled is inferior.
It can be, yes. AND YOUR KNEE??? (LoL, it was your knee and you were in the deer stand right?) Im beginning to mistrust my memory. Though I read that yesterday
It can be, yes. AND YOUR KNEE??? (LoL, it was your knee and you were in the deer stand right?) Im beginning to mistrust my memory. Though I read that yesterday
Yes, my knee. I have bad knees and have had arthroscopy on both knees. I have several stands but they are in hollows that are steep. Very steep and rocky. Hard on my knees.
It's been said that Americans sorting trash (in homes) and businesses putting in trash sorter bins doesn't offset in any real way the amount of resources they (we) use. We can make ourselves feel proactive about hauling our reusable bags to Whole Foods and separating our plastic, but we still make not just a footprint but a huge, gaping shithole compared to the rest of the planet. The deficit between what we consume and what we recycle is just too huge to make any great strides in saving the planet.

Yet recycling is so easy if the system just gets a few tweaks. My city requires all trash companies to offer free recycling with paid service. My recycling bin fills much faster than my trash can. That gets more material into the recycling stream, allowing for far greater reuse of such materials.

Another simple idea is the standardization of packaging. Since that's most of the waste stream to begin with, requiring the use of recyclable packaging choices would mean that the trash bin could actually be smaller. Shit, most packaging already is recyclable; the steps needed to finish the conversion are small.
I did some contract work for a plastic injection molding company. They use very little recycled plastic. Only for certain things. It was explained to me that recycled is inferior.

Quite true, also this way for paper products.

Down cycling is the answer here; high grade white office paper can be recycled into newspaper, which can then be recycled into cardboard boxes, which can then be recycled into egg cartons and corrugated material for sound deadening, etc.

Plastic recycling works the same way. The advantage is that virgin materials only get used where they're needed.

Other things like steel and aluminum do not degrade appreciably when recycled, so pop cans can indeed become jetliners.
Yet recycling is so easy if the system just gets a few tweaks. My city requires all trash companies to offer free recycling with paid service. My recycling bin fills much faster than my trash can. That gets more material into the recycling stream, allowing for far greater reuse of such materials.

Another simple idea is the standardization of packaging. Since that's most of the waste stream to begin with, requiring the use of recyclable packaging choices would mean that the trash bin could actually be smaller. Shit, most packaging already is recyclable; the steps needed to finish the conversion are small.

I vote for better packaging. And even if recycling is free, it's not going to make a dent. I read a study a couple years back and the take away was that everything was a loose except metal (I think) It actually took more energy/resources to recycle everything else than to make it new from raw materials. I'll see if I can find it.
I vote for better packaging. And even if recycling is free, it's not going to make a dent. I read a study a couple years back and the take away was that everything was a loose except metal (I think) It actually took more energy/resources to recycle everything else than to make it new from raw materials. I'll see if I can find it.

A loose what? ;) Penn and Teller did an episode of Bullshit! that had the same sentiment with a lot of backup data, pretty interesting. Sorry that I could only find this small screened video -

A loose what? ;) Penn and Teller did an episode of Bullshit! that had the same sentiment with a lot of backup data, pretty interesting. Sorry that I could only find this small screened video -

Yeah, I remember that, and I think P and T's piece is what spurned me to look into it further. (and I meant "loss") It just amuses me when people are lemmings.