What did you consumer fucks buy today?

I haven't bought anything for the wife lately but just ordered 3 - 32GB SD cards for the new Mini 3 Pro drone I picked up last week at Costco for a cool grand last week. Oh and 1 - 512GB one for the new Samsung phone I had to get as the app for the drone wouldn't install on the old one running Android 7.0.

Ordered some pontoons for the drone too so I can land it on water if I have to while making fishing videos.

Having a ball in my golden years!

I liked my Hawaiian shirts from this company last summer, so I got a long sleeve one for other seasons.

I purchased a turn of the century, mineralogy pic/hammer , for 7 bucks at an auction. I've been hand sanding the handle all f'ing day ( it rained all day). I'll rub it
down with tung oil when I'm finished sanding. I think it's cool , a piece of art .it's
About 3ft long .


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