What did you accomplish today?

We had a mix of rain and snow all day yesterday. Heavy slushy stuff. Too early for christmas decorations? It looks chrismassy out there.
I helped a friend put up lights on the front of his house this past weekend, and I'm actually thinking of doing mine too...I haven't the past several years, but I need to get up there and clean the gutters anyways, so might as well hang some gutter clips and string some lights....IF we get a day warmer than today, lol.

I just got back from Syracuse for my MRI...it was flurrying there. I took half a xanax for it, since I was driving...I should have taken a whole one and 30 minutes earlier...I wanted to have a meltdown in there but breathed my way through it. A mask, and no music didn't help. Got very stoned on the way home, lol. Now they want me to wait 2 weeks for the results...Pffft, I'll be calling for them next Monday!
My niece invited me to Thanksgiving dinner at her place, and it seems that my entire family is going. I let her know I've had the rona twice, which she did not know, and I asked if everyone would be wearing masks. She replied no, so I responded to her invitation in kind. She is understanding, she's great. It is weird, because she was THE most cautious person I knew at the start of the pandemic, but it seems she has succumb to poor reasoning and has shifted her stance. We agreed to Zoom with the family for about 30 minutes on TG. I will probably eat dinner alone, or maybe with another single friend at my place with social distancing/masks in place for the visit. I looked online for takeout TG dinner - most places prices are outrageous (average $150 for two), but I found a great German place that is doing curbside dinner pick-ups for $28 per person! I order two dinners, I love leftovers for the next couple of days. I had to order early, and yesterday was the deadline to reserve the dinners. I've often declined holidays with the family pre-pandemic, so it is not all that weird. My family is nuts (mostly theists and republicans), twice a year with them is one visit too many ;)
I helped a friend put up lights on the front of his house this past weekend, and I'm actually thinking of doing mine too...I haven't the past several years, but I need to get up there and clean the gutters anyways, so might as well hang some gutter clips and string some lights....IF we get a day warmer than today, lol.

I just got back from Syracuse for my MRI...it was flurrying there. I took half a xanax for it, since I was driving...I should have taken a whole one and 30 minutes earlier...I wanted to have a meltdown in there but breathed my way through it. A mask, and no music didn't help. Got very stoned on the way home, lol. Now they want me to wait 2 weeks for the results...Pffft, I'll be calling for them next Monday!

We're getting our tree next weekend... I would have done it earlier but I want it to live until the week after the new year.

Glad you got through the MRI those things suck!
My niece invited me to Thanksgiving dinner at her place, and it seems that my entire family is going. I let her know I've had the rona twice, which she did not know, and I asked if everyone would be wearing masks. She replied no, so I responded to her invitation in kind. She is understanding, she's great. It is weird, because she was THE most cautious person I knew at the start of the pandemic, but it seems she has succumb to poor reasoning and has shifted her stance. We agreed to Zoom with the family for about 30 minutes on TG. I will probably eat dinner alone, or maybe with another single friend at my place with social distancing/masks in place for the visit. I looked online for takeout TG dinner - most places prices are outrageous (average $150 for two), but I found a great German place that is doing curbside dinner pick-ups for $28 per person! I order two dinners, I love leftovers for the next couple of days. I had to order early, and yesterday was the deadline to reserve the dinners. I've often declined holidays with the family pre-pandemic, so it is not all that weird. My family is nuts (mostly theists and republicans), twice a year with them is one visit too many ;)

That's so depressing Tyler. Maybe a little turkey and :hump: with the hot chamber gf?


  • Tyler's hot chamber gf.jpg
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Along with gardening duties, I put a 3 pound chuck roast in the crockpot this a.m. with taters, carrots and onions...Should be done just in time for 60 Minutes, the show, , followed by 60 minutes of vaping...then a MRI in the morning! I hate them because I'm claustrophobic AF...Not sure why or how. I loved tight spaces as a kid. Probably trapped one time too many! Yeah for xanax!
Once as a teenager I got rocked hard in a "touch" football game and ended up in one, puked all over the place in it! :shock:
I helped a friend put up lights on the front of his house this past weekend, and I'm actually thinking of doing mine too...I haven't the past several years, but I need to get up there and clean the gutters anyways, so might as well hang some gutter clips and string some lights....IF we get a day warmer than today, lol.

I just got back from Syracuse for my MRI...it was flurrying there. I took half a xanax for it, since I was driving...I should have taken a whole one and 30 minutes earlier...I wanted to have a meltdown in there but breathed my way through it. A mask, and no music didn't help. Got very stoned on the way home, lol. Now they want me to wait 2 weeks for the results...Pffft, I'll be calling for them next Monday!
I'm glad you're ok. MRI's when you’re claustrophic really suck. Now let's hope for good news.
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That's so depressing Tyler.

Which part? I can't even tell anymore...

Maybe a little turkey and :hump: with the hot chamber gf?

Nah, she's gonna be with her family, I'm sure. We did have dinner outside a couple of weeks ago, that was SO nice! I really miss her through all this. Seeing me seems to have sparked her interest in our relationship again, we're in touch more regularly now and she says 'I love you' again. A little blood rushes into my penis every time she utters it, me like...