What did you accomplish today?

They reminded me I needed to do that the next morning at breakfast.
Non-stop music and plant shit for the last 4 days. Each night I have harvested another tray of 22 sog plants, staked and pruned the next 22, put 33 clones from the cloner into my black solo cups with vermiculite. Tonight I have to pot 22 large clones to fill another tray, and tomorrow I need to cut the moms to fill up the 36 site aerocloner. Then I'll be done with major plant shit for another week, SO looking forward to the break. Over the same time period I had a studio session with my DJ/producer to make some new beats (while getting drunk and very stoned), next day my pianist buddy stopped by to run through some Dvorak sonatas (also got drunk and stoned), and yesterday my sexy married violinist gf came over to read through some cool violin duets. I really missed her as she was in Mexico for a couple of weeks, and came back tan, relaxed and extra hot. Been selling a lot of weed over the last week, too, about half a pound. Also been booking a lot of new gigs. Super busy, but I managed to almost catch up on the usual TNT threads. That's difficult to do, you fuckers post a LOT ;) Missed you guys...
You should have added roasted asparagus topped with parm to all that, to guarantee the best shot at multiple odors from both ends.
Sounds delicious, but I could barely stand myself today and if it wasn’t for the Mac and cheese ( the glue that binds ) I probably would have soiled myself.... okay to be honest I haven’t checked to see how clean the fruit of the looms are yet.
Your running to far.

Look into Periodization. Slowly build up over a 10 weeks period

If you've been running 20 miles a week, take a week off, and start running again at 50% effort, and start with 50% distance of what you have been running. Don't add more than 10% per week, and increase intensity 5% per week. Never increase more than 10% distance per week.
Non-stop music and plant shit for the last 4 days. Each night I have harvested another tray of 22 sog plants, staked and pruned the next 22, put 33 clones from the cloner into my black solo cups with vermiculite. Tonight I have to pot 22 large clones to fill another tray, and tomorrow I need to cut the moms to fill up the 36 site aerocloner. Then I'll be done with major plant shit for another week, SO looking forward to the break. Over the same time period I had a studio session with my DJ/producer to make some new beats (while getting drunk and very stoned), next day my pianist buddy stopped by to run through some Dvorak sonatas (also got drunk and stoned), and yesterday my sexy married violinist gf came over to read through some cool violin duets. I really missed her as she was in Mexico for a couple of weeks, and came back tan, relaxed and extra hot. Been selling a lot of weed over the last week, too, about half a pound. Also been booking a lot of new gigs. Super busy, but I managed to almost catch up on the usual TNT threads. That's difficult to do, you fuckers post a LOT ;) Missed you guys...

Is your back all healed up now?