What did you accomplish today?

I got $20 for the winner........and a free pair of scissors :-)

When it comes to trimming there are no winners.

lol she'd probably lose her mind if she knew I put her pic up for a couple minutes. I could just imagine her response if I posted a pic of her trimming weed.

Finished the hoop net. I didn’t actually look up the size regulations before making it, and of course I didn’t measure it before putting it together.

Largest legal size for the top hoop is 36 inches...mine is 35! Phew!!!!!!

View attachment 4410944

What is that for?
ahhh good space tomato and cold aloe..........takes the edge off this sun burn....sheesh....

everyone had fun....even took the grandkid...first time he's ever woken up at the beach....little bum slept all the way back....
Kinda funny I live in Florida and don’t really care for the beach. I’ll go but it would never be my choice. Not enough shade for me. Lol

Sounds like ya had a good time, minus the sunburn of course.