What did you accomplish today?

Light dep covers are finally installed and operational on the greenhouses. One of the crew covers each greenhouse at 4:00am and uncovering at 9:00am every morning. You can see the ends are now blacked out as well. The plants in the greenhouses are now about 10-12ft, covering for 6-8 weeks should do the trick...8-)
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How much longer will those outside plants go compared to the light dep plants?
I'm caught up with deadheading and spraying the roses at the moment. Finished the last one this morning. Store had some pork chops on sale so I grabbed a couple for dinner. Still hot today, but supposed to get cooler this week, down below average.
Thanks for reminding me to look up how to prune roses. The one my mother planted 20, or so, years ago was neglected for close to a decade, then I started weeding and feeding it a couple years ago and it's turned into a tangled mess. I just propped it up earlier, it's easily tripled in size since I've been taking care of it.
Thanks for reminding me to look up how to prune roses. The one my mother planted 20, or so, years ago was neglected for close to a decade, then I started weeding and feeding it a couple years ago and it's turned into a tangled mess. I just propped it up earlier, it's easily tripled in size since I've been taking care of it.
I use the Bayer fertilizer and systemic insect control on them also. Keeps the aphids down. My rose growing has helped me in topping and training my other plants. Some people hack them way back in the winter but I just trim out any dead wood and basically shape them in the fall.
ooo yea im sure it is different compared to Oahu. i only been to Maui but compared to the 2 Oahu is more populated and i would say more developed as far as like buildings and what not go and the race diversity i would assume is more asian. in Maui it's white people left and right hard to tell who is a tourist and who is a local XD i think they mostly go there cause they like the quieter lifestyle here it's more like your ghetto version of city living. i wouldn't consider it city lifestyle thus i say ghetto
Jandels, {con con hikes} is hiking the CDT this season. He ran into too much snow, so took a couple of weeks off and went to Hawaii waiting for it to melt. He showed graffiti in almost every park they camped in that said Hawaii is not part of America and never will be.

wonder who wrote that because technically it is part of America it's literally the 50th state XD but it could of been done by locals because a lot of people i guess are against us being part of the US especially how we were forced to be part of the states but thats all political shit i don't care to research about. all i know is they over threw our king and queen. same said with christopher columbis however you spell his name. not many people like him i would assume here and if i recall correctly there was a big battle with him and the Hawaiians and the Hawaiians killing him. not sure what island that was on or what went down but shit is interesting.
this is a good example of what i was saying on how we typically use the word Haole and associate it versus what it actually means.

it's mostly used towards white people and as a racial slur when you hear someone say it to you it's basically them disrespecting you. not saying you guys are wrong cause your correct it's just the ignorant way people tend to use it or classify others. pretty sure the guy yelling is a haole too XD
wonder who wrote that because technically it is part of America it's literally the 50th state XD but it could of been done by locals because a lot of people i guess are against us being part of the US especially how we were forced to be part of the states but thats all political shit i don't care to research about. all i know is they over threw our king and queen. same said with christopher columbis however you spell his name. not many people like him i would assume here and if i recall correctly there was a big battle with him and the Hawaiians and the Hawaiians killing him. not sure what island that was on or what went down but shit is interesting.
That might have been Cook.
wonder who wrote that because technically it is part of America it's literally the 50th state XD but it could of been done by locals because a lot of people i guess are against us being part of the US especially how we were forced to be part of the states but thats all political shit i don't care to research about. all i know is they over threw our king and queen. same said with christopher columbis however you spell his name. not many people like him i would assume here and if i recall correctly there was a big battle with him and the Hawaiians and the Hawaiians killing him. not sure what island that was on or what went down but shit is interesting.
Think Captain Cook, not Columbus.
I'm caught up with deadheading and spraying the roses at the moment. Finished the last one this morning. Store had some pork chops on sale so I grabbed a couple for dinner. Still hot today, but supposed to get cooler this week, down below average.
What do you spray on your roses to keep the rose slugs off?
That might have been Cook.
shit maybe i was thinking of columbis cause i was watching this commercial on why people hate him and how they don't celebrate the holiday because of what he did to there people. but yea i think you right and it was cook. i think Oahu has part to due with that war at the Pali look out some shit about how they threw people over the edge. thats a far ass drop too nice view and breezy af there though but don't ever go there late at night all the hoodlums like to hang out there and i think few people got robbed/mugged there
Jandels, {con con hikes} is hiking the CDT this season. He ran into too much snow, so took a couple of weeks off and went to Hawaii waiting for it to melt. He showed graffiti in almost every park they camped in that said Hawaii is not part of America and never will be.
Still gonna be a minute before it is clear. We put our trip off three weeks, hoping that was enough.
@Aeroknow this cake is for you.

A redless velvet cake or @ANC 's chocolate buttermilk. Some adjustment to be made.
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this week is kinda gonna suck cause friend has funeral on thursday so i have no ride to work or from my dad can take me to work but likely would have to call an uber to go home. also means more work for us. friday same issue but other coworker has doctors appointment so she aint coming in. friday won't be as bad because they intentionally give us less work on fridays and mondays i think it cause everyone hates mondays and looking forward to the weekend so they understand.

asked my ex coworker if he was selling his car that i want sadly he isn't said he is working on it now. i was expecting him to say no anyways thats his only ride and he got that car in good condition and fucking cheap too. getting pressed more for a car though for cases like this where my coworker is sick plus i do feel bad especially since she don't want to take my money for gas but imma give it to her no matter what. slowly but surely im getting there after every week.