What did you accomplish today?

I think I might have my Impala sold, fingers crossed it's not another flake. Had a long talk with the with the guy on the phone and he didn't seem like the normal airheads that call. I have a feeling he's a buyer for someone else by the way he was talking. He says he's been looking for awhile, ready to buy it, just based off the pictures, with cash in hand. He's hoping to come late today or tomorrow. I'd love to move that car, it'd free up the cash I need for some legal work and other, hopeful money making, projects.

I started fixing my buddies chainsaw, finally. A shipping quote of 6-8 days turned into almost a month.:roll: I don't think companies should be allowed to sell a product they don't have on hand, or have an assurance it's ready to ship. Too many times I've ordered things to have to wait for thier supplier to get it in and ship it out. Of course, there's always the small print disclaimer about not being liable for delays:finger: I have the crankshaft in the freezer chilling so the bearings go on a little easier, figured its a good time for a lunch/smoke break.

I also dug out one of the 6, hand me down, push lawnmowers I have for a friend that just rented a house and doused it with penetrating oil to loosen it all up. Once I get the chainsaw case back together, I'll get on this.
They race those in my series they fucking nuts..ill try to post a video of it

Gotta follow this link sry..I'm in the beginning saying 'I'm going to bomb this video's ha


They are a blast dude badass purchase for a true badass hope all is well and you're still cutting deep

Hell yea! That's sick. Ha, yea, your footage captured it all... they are literally that much fun.

I'm still in my break in period with this thing, less than 200 miles still. I got her up to 65 a couple times on some desert trails..

I am still cutting deep. Real deep. -- Aaaaand, I may be heading back to the Boston area, my startup is picking up steam and we are getting good funding, so I may have to head back to actually get work done. -- I may end up moving to the North Shore again, up towards Newburyport. But its all up in the air..

hope all is well on your end..
Hell yea! That's sick. Ha, yea, your footage captured it all... they are literally that much fun.

I'm still in my break in period with this thing, less than 200 miles still. I got her up to 65 a couple times on some desert trails..

I am still cutting deep. Real deep. -- Aaaaand, I may be heading back to the Boston area, my startup is picking up steam and we are getting good funding, so I may have to head back to actually get work done. -- I may end up moving to the North Shore again, up towards Newburyport. But its all up in the air..

hope all is well on your end..
Good luck with the business. I hope you don't mind trailering that thing an hour+ to use it if you come back to Mass. It's not real ORV friendly east of Worcester.
Chainsaws together, lawnmowers running and I got the garage, relatively, cleaned. Grabbing some grub and a smoke , then I'm gonna go set up an axle and hopefully get the spring seats at least tack welded in place. It's only been getting moved around my garage for over a year, I think it's time to get it done and out of there.
I have to ask why is the pump/coupling moving enough to wear through the sump?
We're talking quite a bit of metal here & it should not ever happen if everything is square & tight.

Its rather interesting, the pump is some sort of centrifugical design that sits right on the main shaft, so the one that goes straight through from tranny on out the back... the back half of the case is magnesium, so crazy light but crazy soft... the pump has some tabs on it that fit in pockets to hold the outside of pump from spinning... it was known in design it wasnt affixed in the pockets like a press in job theres a bit of play. They put a really flimsey clip to cover the main pocket maybe two of the pockets i forget at moment, to buffer the bit of woble in those tabs so they didnt impact the magnesium. Well the tabs are inadequate over time and sometimes pop right off inside case... then that aluminum tab on the pump can impact the aluminum as it has play in that pocet against the side of that pocket in the magnesium half and slowly slices a slit in the magnesium. If it gets through its square hole from outside as its a cutting motion...

Hope that makes more sense...
I went out to get some primer and ended up getting into an shouting match with a couple dozen motorcyclists. These fucking assholes think they can block intersections when there's more than a few of them. I rode for 10+years, it pissed me off then and I wouldn't do it when I rode in a group. So I shoved my car right through them when my light went green and they took offense to it, a couple made sure to flash thier patches and threaten me. I don't give a fuck about your colors, go fuck yourselves. :finger: Called them a bunch of Fags, i don't think they got it, and peeled out through them. I love riding, but 95% of people that ride are fucking morons or assholes into it for the group bromances.
I think I have anger issues. :cuss:
Damn I haven't had breakfast. He looks like exactly 1 breakfast portion for me! RIGHT NOW
Fish for breakfast? I dont think i’ve ever tried. All the meat gets smoked by my buddy though.
Yesterday we kept our 1 fish each. All three we kept were bucks. The bucks usually have better meat compared to a hen right now but I want roe :-( to catch more fishies. For kings and for the steelies too.
I went out to get some primer and ended up getting into an shouting match with a couple dozen motorcyclists. These fucking assholes think they can block intersections when there's more than a few of them. I rode for 10+years, it pissed me off then and I wouldn't do it when I rode in a group. So I shoved my car right through them when my light went green and they took offense to it, a couple made sure to flash thier patches and threaten me. I don't give a fuck about your colors, go fuck yourselves. :finger: Called them a bunch of Fags, i don't think they got it, and peeled out through them. I love riding, but 95% of people that ride are fucking morons or assholes into it for the group bromances.
I think I have anger issues. :cuss:

Don't take your anger about your mom out on errant assholes who can swat back. Your mom and your situation is the issue hun focus and find a way. I'd see a behavioral counselor and work on way to deal with mom's outrageous horse shit so you can get beyond it. I'd also look into EMDR for processing the emotional trauma her assholery has caused you, MUCH HUGS!
Fish for breakfast? I dont think i’ve ever tried. All the meat gets smoked by my buddy though.
Yesterday we kept our 1 fish each. All three we kept were bucks. The bucks usually have better meat compared to a hen right now but I want roe :-( to catch more fishies. For kings and for the steelies too.

I just want breakfast and that salmon looked like he wanted ME to eat him, just sayin'.

Edited to add: we gotta get together and go fishing. We would have so much fun.