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Were you from? Id love to go turkey hunting. Does wild turkey have a gamey taste to it?
Appalachian mountains.

Wild turkey does have a game taste to it. Some people don't like game taste. I do. If a person doesn't like it a bit of beer when cooking will help.

I like wild turkey more than store bought.

We raise chickens free range and they even have a game taste.

People would think turkey hunting is easy. It kind of is but its kind of not. They have really good eyes and even with camo the slightest movement will spook them. If they had a sense of smell like a deer they would be damn near impossible to kill.
Appalachian mountains.

Wild turkey does have a game taste to it. Some people don't like game taste. I do. If a person doesn't like it a bit of beer when cooking will help.

I like wild turkey more than store bought.

We raise chickens free range and they even have a game taste.

People would think turkey hunting is easy. It kind of is but its kind of not. They have really good eyes and even with camo the slightest movement will spook them. If they had a sense of smell like a deer they would be damn near impossible to kill.

I'm not far from where the first thanksgiving was and its clear why Turkey was on the menu they are everywhere.. People had some kinda kindred pride in them and wouldn't kill them it became a huge issue they even had a lot of issues with them attacking postal service trucks one of my buddies is a post master and said it happens all the time he thought it was from the logo I think its just because the USPS trucks stop near the woodline either way he's had 30 something incidences in his district in the past two years
Appalachian mountains.

Wild turkey does have a game taste to it. Some people don't like game taste. I do. If a person doesn't like it a bit of beer when cooking will help.

I like wild turkey more than store bought.

We raise chickens free range and they even have a game taste.

People would think turkey hunting is easy. It kind of is but its kind of not. They have really good eyes and even with camo the slightest movement will spook them. If they had a sense of smell like a deer they would be damn near impossible to kill.
My brother in law is an avid outdoors man.
He would rather be hunting or fishing than breathe .

By his own admission he has the beard of every gobbler he has ever killed. And I believe him. They are all over his basement. Some are mounted on the wall with the shell casing he used in the kill. There are boxes and drawers full every where.

Sometimes I think the Smithsonian Institute must rely on him for some of their displays.
It's not only beards, he has many different taxidermied species of animals, in various positions, as trophies of his prowess.

My sister does not allow animal carcases upstairs. If it were not for my sister putting her foot down I bet he would have some mounts in the bedroom too.:roll:

I'm not far from where the first thanksgiving was and its clear why Turkey was on the menu they are everywhere.. People had some kinda kindred pride in them and wouldn't kill them it became a huge issue they even had a lot of issues with them attacking postal service trucks one of my buddies is a post master and said it happens all the time he thought it was from the logo I think its just because the USPS trucks stop near the woodline either way he's had 30 something incidences in his district in the past two years
The turkey are becoming a nuisance here. They were almost extinct at one time here.

I shot a large 30 pound gobbler one year. I thought it was dead and picked it up by the feet. That damn thing came alive and kicked my ass. I got spurred several times.

This is the tail off my last one. Its not really a trophy to me. I consider it more of a tribute to an animal that gave its life for me to eat.
My brother in law is an avid outdoors man.
He would rather be hunting or fishing than breathe .

By his own admission he has the beard of every gobbler he has ever killed. And I believe him. They are all over his basement. Some are mounted on the wall with the shell casing he used in the kill. There are boxes and drawers full every where.

Sometimes I think the Smithsonian Institute must rely on him for some of their displays.
It's not only beards, he has many different taxidermied species of animals, in various positions, as trophies of his prowess.

My sister does not allow animal carcases upstairs. If it were not for my sister putting her foot down I bet he would have some mounts in the bedroom too.:roll:

I'm not overboard. I keep the antlers off my deer. I've yet to mount one. I do have various beards and tail feathers around. I have a few snake skins around on the wall. I even have a huge hornets nest in my basement.
We were skipping school one day, driving around getting high when all of a sudden a huge flock of turkeys appeared in the road. My buddy fucked with them, revving his engine and reverse brake checking them. The one turkey started attacking his tire. So my buddy got out and threw a tire iron at it. He missed. That turkey fucked his day up. It was quite traumatic lol. I've been leery of turkeys ever since.
We were skipping school one day, driving around getting high when all of a sudden a huge flock of turkeys appeared in the road. My buddy fucked with them, revving his engine and reverse brake checking them. The one turkey started attacking his tire. So my buddy got out and threw a tire iron at it. He missed. That turkey fucked his day up. It was quite traumatic lol. I've been leery of turkeys ever since.
We have a rooster that we've had since a chick and he's an asshole. I can only imagine what kind of attitude a turkey might have.
Working in garage at the other place when I noticed a fine misty rain that actually looked like dust.

Went out to raise truck window and...
View attachment 4032306
Incredibly vivid double rainbow. Pic doesn't do it justice.

I found your rainbow from last week.
You should keep better track of your nice things ;-).

Glad to share the beauty. Enjoy, my friend ;)

Edit - that rainbow seems to be dependent on power lines...
We were skipping school one day, driving around getting high when all of a sudden a huge flock of turkeys appeared in the road. My buddy fucked with them, revving his engine and reverse brake checking them. The one turkey started attacking his tire. So my buddy got out and threw a tire iron at it. He missed. That turkey fucked his day up. It was quite traumatic lol. I've been leery of turkeys ever since.

Found this on YT while I was actually searching for a local article I couldn't find from a few years ago.

What happened was a turkey flew into an open window of a moving truck, couldn't figure out how to get out and fucked up the driver something fierce. Had to be taken away by ambulance.

Found this on YT while I was actually searching for a local article I couldn't find from a few years ago.

What happened was a turkey flew into an open window of a moving truck, couldn't figure out how to get out and fucked up the driver something fierce. Had to be taken away by ambulance.
We watched a car hit one on the interstate in front of us. The guy driving did a great job. Kept it under control and got on the shoulder without causing a wreck. I stopped behind him. I waited until the police showed up. After the report was done had the guy follow me off the exit to a shop that would replace it.

Scary for sure. I was a little kid about four or five and was in the front seat of a car when a blizzard was hit. Damn big, stinky bird flapping and screaming in your lap is scary for sure.

Found this on YT while I was actually searching for a local article I couldn't find from a few years ago.

What happened was a turkey flew into an open window of a moving truck, couldn't figure out how to get out and fucked up the driver something fierce. Had to be taken away by ambulance.

"A woman in the passenger seat". Lol, a hooker was blowing him and took a turkey to the face.
We were skipping school one day, driving around getting high when all of a sudden a huge flock of turkeys appeared in the road. My buddy fucked with them, revving his engine and reverse brake checking them. The one turkey started attacking his tire. So my buddy got out and threw a tire iron at it. He missed. That turkey fucked his day up. It was quite traumatic lol. I've been leery of turkeys ever since.

Found this on YT while I was actually searching for a local article I couldn't find from a few years ago.

What happened was a turkey flew into an open window of a moving truck, couldn't figure out how to get out and fucked up the driver something fierce. Had to be taken away by ambulance.
We watched a car hit one on the interstate in front of us on the interstate. The guy driving did a great job. Kept it under control and got on the shoulder without causing a wreck. I stopped behind him. I waited until the police showed up. After the report was done had the guy follow me off the exit to a shop that would replace it.

Scary for sure. I was a little kid about four or five and was in the front seat of a car when a blizzard was hit. Damn big, stinky bird flapping and screaming in your lap is scary for sure.

There's a hollow behind my house, turkey hang in my yard. But only on rainy days for whatever reason.

They will fly to the edge of my property and then walk in. If I spook them, they run like hell back to the edge of the property and fly away from there. Once in a while at sunset, one will fly into one of my oak trees.

They're kinda comical to watch.