What did you accomplish today?

I made quesadillas for supper, it wouldn't be worth mentioning since I been making them for about 28 years now. But my daughter was home a month ago and made some and hers were so so much better than mine . Today I tried to copy her technique, I'm not a shamed to say that her's are way better than mine, actually I'm quite proud. 7 years of college and she's learned how to make a mean quesadilla .
Sat/Sun Dec 9-10
It's time for our annual after harvest pot luck/ BBQ/pig roast. Bring a dish to share and enjoy the bounty with your fellow RIU members. Come one come all. Lake Camp Far West, 30min north of sacramento. See u there.:cool:


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Every time I see your hog I want to make the trip out there man. Looks so delicious. I’d bring my own meat and throw down with you guys. Of course it would have to be some brisket that I smoked Texas style! With lots of salt and pepper. And a nice bark that would be to die for. This pic is from last Easter, the flat and it’s till juicy af.
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Flat!!!!!!!!!!! so nooooooooooooooo it's the point! dayum.......