What did you accomplish today?

Thanks Sir Dix a lot, its a good thing no one gives a fuck what you think ;)

where do you live? Because i spent most my life on the penis-thin border between Dixico and cockifornia, and those hombres played hella stand up fretless bass.

not that any of it matters, i've just never really liked you and have always wondered what it is you have to contribute?


I respect your artistic ability, but that's about as far as it goes
Ok so now I'll never find one!Telling all these reprobates! Damn

I've never seen the non stick TBH......I usually clean sharpen and reuse all of mine ....but I did the sin of all sins yesterday ....pretty sure it's number two of the big 10 ......thou shalt not cut garden wire with thy fiskers......I didn't feel like walking the 12 feet to get the tin snips ....so I fucked up my favorite pair and decided to just buy more ....they're definitely worth it though IMO ....I'm sure you can order them or find em somewhere ....if not, il get you a 2 pack.... cause I love you long time.....
@Indacouch wanted to let you know I never stopped working out during that week of work and I still felt great. Glad I did because now I'll have more time again.

Also I'd like to say thanks again for helping me out with a better routine, I'm really starting to notice the gains now.
LOL we'd like to notice those gains for you! Miss you in TC hope to see you there soon.
I've never seen the non stick TBH......I usually clean sharpen and reuse all of mine ....but I did the sin of all sins yesterday ....pretty sure it's number two of the big 10 ......thou shalt not cut garden wire with thy fiskers......I didn't feel like walking the 12 feet to get the tin snips ....so I fucked up my favorite pair and decided to just buy more ....they're definitely worth it though IMO ....I'm sure you can order them or find em somewhere ....if not, il get you a 2 pack.... cause I love you long time.....
The local Walmart had them of all things. I just wasn't sure the non stick made a difference. I'll get some, thanks.