What did you accomplish today?

omg picanha omg holiest cow
So i was x videoing it today and I typed in, "girl gets ass fucked and farts,. I started reading the comments or whatever and by the time I got threw 3 I was convinced. I need a woman to fart on my penis while it's inside of her. I bet it feels weird in a good way, especially if you're about to cum. The woman part is negotiable.
@Aeroknow that's where I was playing when I hit the elderly lady with the disc.....I threw it like you would have thrown a ninja star....I was mostly goofing off at that point....it went super high did a high speed curve and headed back to earth.....I just can't believe the perfect timing....me and my buddy were saying OH SHIT!! For a good three seconds as we watch the now missile of a frisbee disc....on a certain collision course with the old women power walking/jogging.....of course my luck ((BAM))....torqued her ass good...rite in the forehead/face region....those golf discs are a lot harder than the average frisbee.....funny now, but I thought I killed her ass TBH.

Yes she survived.

I hate to repeat myself, but it seems that shitty troll thread was an epic fail.....I trust the polar bear had something to do with it's disappearance.....what a shit thread.
@Aeroknow that's where I was playing when I hit the elderly lady with the disc.....I threw it like you would have thrown a ninja star....I was mostly goofing off at that point....it went super high did a high speed curve and headed back to earth.....I just can't believe the perfect timing....me and my buddy were saying OH SHIT!! For a good three seconds as we watch the now missile of a frisbee disc....on a certain collision course with the old women power walking/jogging.....of course my luck ((BAM))....torqued her ass good...rite in the forehead/face region....those golf discs are a lot harder than the average frisbee.....funny now, but I thought I killed her ass TBH.

Yes she survived.

I hate to repeat myself, but it seems that shitty troll thread was an epic fail.....I trust the polar bear had something to do with it's disappearance.....what a shit thread.
What? I missed a shit thread? :o

Ah man... :(
@Aeroknow that's where I was playing when I hit the elderly lady with the disc.....I threw it like you would have thrown a ninja star....I was mostly goofing off at that point....it went super high did a high speed curve and headed back to earth.....I just can't believe the perfect timing....me and my buddy were saying OH SHIT!! For a good three seconds as we watch the now missile of a frisbee disc....on a certain collision course with the old women power walking/jogging.....of course my luck ((BAM))....torqued her ass good...rite in the forehead/face region....those golf discs are a lot harder than the average frisbee.....funny now, but I thought I killed her ass TBH.

Yes she survived.

I hate to repeat myself, but it seems that shitty troll thread was an epic fail.....I trust the polar bear had something to do with it's disappearance.....what a shit thread.
That story died in the shit thread. Bro, let it go.