eye exaggerate
Well-Known Member
Got a remodel ready for kitchen install on Monday. It's hectic right now, quotes to do, and people to see - work to finish. I'm not complaining, just, bring on the fcking beers.
i get my hour of cardio, push up and sit ups 5 to 6 days a week.i jogged... ok i mostly walked, about 6 miles today
love working out, hate cardio
so i feel pretty good about that
In Calif, it's Home Depot or LowesWeird.Thought they were nation wide. We have all of those stores up here.
Edit: just looked and I guess they're in the midwest only. Lucky me.
About $125K over my personal limit for a vehicle
that's how far i had to drive to get to a menards when i needed by polybicarbonate twinwall greenhouse sheathing.Apparently there are 0 in my state. Stupid fucking state. Closest one is 63.4 miles away. In another state lol.
That's a nice looking machine my friend.
Who TF are you ?I got a new avatar!
lol that's a pic of chocolate rain with a little bit of white rain on himWho TF are you ?
Check out Kyocera phones. They come with a built-in case and they're impervious to everything. They're designed for outdoorsman and is the toughest phone I've ever had.Sorry Gary, just jerkin yer chain.
My accomplishment today was picking up a new 6S phone.
Weird electrical charging connections & "impervious to almost anything except water" Case I'm out the door @ almost $900.
Fuck !
I killed my old one by it's attachment to my chest waider pocket - which I went over by a LOT during a bear hunt.
My freakin nads were feeling the river water!