What did you accomplish today?

I can relate. Try raising one from a baby to an adult then shoot and butcher it.

I have a goat , but I could never butcher a pet. And I have several friends with cows, but I think they sell the calves idk . My neighborh ( not a friend ) raises calves to sell at auction, about 18 months I think. Anyway his calves will usually come and hang out at the fence when I'm at the shop and I'll go over and feed them and talk to'em and its always sad when they quit showing up cause I know ..... well you know.
I have a goat , but I could never butcher a pet. And I have several friends with cows, but I think they sell the calves idk . My neighborh ( not a friend ) raises calves to sell at auction, about 18 months I think. Anyway his calves will usually come and hang out at the fence when I'm at the shop and I'll go over and feed them and talk to'em and its always sad when they quit showing up cause I know ..... well you know.
Yes but steak.

Yes but steak.


Yeah I like steak , however I have no problem eating a yard bird. Naturally we eat wild game and fresh fish , but raising a cow or goat takes to long I get attached. I think it's the connection when you look into their eyes and they look back trusting you to take care of them. It's almost the same with the wife except I'm been known to eat her a few times ....... Ohh wait I've said to much.
Yeah I like steak , however I have no problem eating a yard bird. Naturally we eat wild game and fresh fish , but raising a cow or goat takes to long I get attached. I think it's the connection when you look into their eyes and they look back trusting you to take care of them. It's almost the same with the wife except I'm been known to eat her a few times ....... Ohh wait I've said to much.
lol ... spit 'er OUT

The field by my back yard holds Our Lady of Dooooom, so called because that is her ONE word. She puts this amazing heart-bending desperation into her monosyllabic proclamations. It is as though she is trying to warn us stupid rapacious gods that something is seriously and imminently wrong.

Sometimes her Cassandrine laments are joined by the braying of the local ass, who sounds like a bagpipe with terminal narcissism. "Woe ME, woe ME, woe ME" until, like the bagpipe suddeenly encountered a dissenting crossbow, he simply quits.

I swear Our Lady gets a bit more emphatic when she either smells Boy, who is sleek and healthy on a diet of mostly meat ... or me as I fire up the Temple of Moloch i.e. the Char-Broil.

Sorry Our Lady. You may be right in the end, but the steaks are too high.

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Yeah I like steak , however I have no problem eating a yard bird. Naturally we eat wild game and fresh fish , but raising a cow or goat takes to long I get attached. I think it's the connection when you look into their eyes and they look back trusting you to take care of them. It's almost the same with the wife except I'm been known to eat her a few times ....... Ohh wait I've said to much.
I can't kill big animals. I'm just not into it, not knocking people who do. I got lots of guns, but am a pussy when it comes to that shit.

Gonna kill some mother fuckin trout though the next few days :hump: maybe even some landlocked kings. C&R the browns.

All packed up prob won't sleep tonight. I'm hella excited. I scored a campsite right by the fishing grounds right near the beach boooyyyyy! Im able to moor the boat right by my tent. Stoked.
I laid out the old porch and side walk behind the shed. Burn barrel area, but I don't burn much. Used to launch little fireworks there, don't do much of that anymore either.

But I wasn't disposing of those old concrete pavers, they are fine right fucking here.

Was weeding the landscaping, this rhododendron caught my attention.

A closer look:

A preemptive strike is scheduled for 10PM. The rhododendron is at the 3' to 4' high section of driveway wall. So that bowling ball sized nest is kinda high up. Angry fucking hornets, they buzz around like socks on RIU.

Until 10PM tonight. Get your affairs in order, hornets.
I laid out the old porch and side walk behind the shed. Burn barrel area, but I don't burn much. Used to launch little fireworks there, don't do much of that anymore either.

But I wasn't disposing of those old concrete pavers, they are fine right fucking here.
View attachment 3992013

Was weeding the landscaping, this rhododendron caught my attention.
View attachment 3992015

A closer look:
View attachment 3992016

A preemptive strike is scheduled for 10PM. The rhododendron is at the 3' to 4' high section of driveway wall. So that bowling ball sized nest is kinda high up. Angry fucking hornets, they buzz around like socks on RIU.

Until 10PM tonight. Get your affairs in order, hornets.
I recommend proceeding with extreme prejudice. I pre-mourn the rhododendron as a collateral casualty of this campaign of national survival.

I replaced our main house trap and vent at work today. Got paid to be in a hole at work for 8 hrs. It was shitty. Literally. The hvac company next door let us borrow their excavator last night to dig the hole as ours was digging a pool. Their boss doesn't know but it's cool. Everything was Old old shit. Terracotta sealed with cement old. We broke into the old septic tank too that we didn't even know was there. That worked out pretty good as it gave me a easy place to push the dirt though actually. All in all it was a good learning experience.
my airless nail gun was sitting right on the passenger seat. thing is worth a couple hundred bucks at a pawn shop easy.

these were pretty nice thieves. maybe they were just big car audio aficionados.

A few years ago, I got into my car to start it up and I noticed all of the things from my glove box were neatly laid out on the passenger's seat. The only thing missing was the iPod that I left in the window mount, which was stupid of me. They somehow broke in without damaging my car, went through everything in a calm and organized fashion, then laid out what they didn't want in the same manner. I felt both violated and appreciative at the same time…
A closer look:
View attachment 3992016

A preemptive strike is scheduled for 10PM. The rhododendron is at the 3' to 4' high section of driveway wall. So that bowling ball sized nest is kinda high up. Angry fucking hornets, they buzz around like socks on RIU.

Until 10PM tonight. Get your affairs in order, hornets.

Is 10 pm the best best time to ambush Hornets. I know I was out like a light. It's 2 am and no ER report. I guess I was expecting night vision goggles and IR video with commentary. :)
My 10PM attack was a miserable failure.
I shot an entire can of Black Flag on the nest, soaked it down well in the dark. Muhammad Ali told me in commercials years ago that Black Flag works. I think it laid on the ropes.

Got up at 6 to go look.
Lots of them down, some dead, some still moving around.

But the nest lives on with lots of activity.

So I bought 1 can of every brand they had to hit it again tonight @ 9:30PM (I know they'll expect another 10 PM attack).
The nest is up high, don't want to go nuclear with fire unless the 2nd wave doesn't work. Don't want to be ducking falling fire balls in the dark.

These things don't die easy. Another chemical attack later, and then retreat to the west wing to evaluate.

I'll remember to shake the can this time. I wonder if that's why it didn't work?